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Task 1

Which of the following project do you think the government should spend the money on: 1.health care 2.education 3.outer space exploration..Please include specific reasons and details to support your response.


Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Parents should prevent their children from choosing a career like professional sports or entertainment .Please include specific reasons and details to support your response.


Task 3

阅读:The student in the letter suggests that the university should offer art exhibitions on campus during weekends.

观点:The woman disagrees with this proposal.

原因1:Most students are not remain on campus during weekends, so this is meaningless if there isn’t enough people appreciate them.

原因2: A lot of artworks created by students are just too big, it’s not easy to move those from the classroom to the campus, so this will cause a big trouble for those students who got huge masterpieces.


Task 4

阅读:概念:Insects leave signals to their species

听力:When the a fire ant find a big piece of fruit,on the way it is moving some smaller piece of it back to its colony, it will leave a certain chemical trail for all the other companions around their colony,so that when the other ants find this, they will all find the fruit piece then move it back to their colony bit by bit.


Task 5

听力:问题:The woman is facing a scheduling problem that her sister is going to South Africa so she is looking forward being home to spend some time with her, however, her history paper is due tomorrow.

解决方案1:drive to home this afternoon

优点:She can have a lot of fun with her families, and many of her sisters friends would be there,too.

缺点:It’s Friday today, so she might end up being caught in a traffic jam

解决方案2:Ask her sister to come around

优点:She would have more time to finish her paper.

缺点:Her sister needs to pack up all her stuff.


Task 6

标题:Two disadvantages of profit maximization

1:If a company put all the budget into the development of a single popular product, if other companies come up with a brand new product which can be more appealing to your potential customers, the company will suddenly come to the edge of bankrupt if there isn’t any back up plan.

2:Having negative impact on the employees’ loyalty, not like the co-founders who got sense of belongings, common employees are not wiling to share any risks with the company.







