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综合写作:关于鲸鱼搁浅(whales beached)的原因探讨


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises







2. 军舰声纳干扰(naval sonar interference)。

3. 地震前的地球磁场(magnetic field)变化。


1.对鲸鱼尸体的尸检显示鲸鱼是健康的(animal autopsy)。

2. 军舰和鲸鱼本身发出的声纳的频率(frequency)是不一样的。

3. 有些鲸鱼搁浅的地方并没有发生地震。





For many years, research has shown that doing exercises helps to alleviate a number of health complications, leading to a healthy body, soul and mind(背景介绍). However, some people use all excuses to justify reasons as to why they lead a sedentary life(别人的观点).This essay seeks to look at benefits of physical activities as opposed to reading a book or watching television(表明立场). My reasons and examples are given below.


Doing exercises offers many benefits to one's physiological processes.As opposed to watching television or reading a book where energy expenditure is low,physical exercises aid in efficient blood flow and cardiovascular fitness. On the other contrary,lack of exercises often leads to a number of health problems such as high blood pressure,heart diseases and obesity. To be able to truly relax one must possess a healthy body,and this has to be achieved by healthier activities like jogging,fitness training,or mountain climbing,rather sitting in a chair all day long.(对比论证)


Moreover, exercises help people utilize their leisure time more constructively and substantially. People gain motor skills and other relevant traits like strength, flexibility and coordination. On the other hand, some books and programs on television end up with nothing, and even have negative influence on their viewers. For example, I have an eight-year-old nephew, whose name is Aaron. He does not any physical exercises at all. When he has some spare time, he is always sitting in front of TV and watching some fantasy films. After long periods watching this meaningless movies, he claims that everything has magic and can not walk out of it. As a result, he has wasted his valuable leisure time and learned nothing educational from the movies.(举例论证)


Finally, some forms of exercises encourage socialization and team building, which is a much greater way to relax than being alone. Examples of these exercises include many of the collective sports people often do such as soccer and basketball. In these sports, people meet and play as a team, share their happiness and excitement with each other and as a result achieve much higher levels of enjoyment and satisfaction. By contrast, watching TV or reading a book is often solitary experience, involving little interaction with others, which is boring.(综合举例论证和对比论证。)


In a nutshell, doing exercises is much more beneficial than watching television or reading a book. Our bodies require regular exercises to make us remain active and healthy. A fit person is more productive in the workplace since he/she can effectively accomplish responsibilities, and can also be more relaxed after work because he/she is more actively involved with the nature or other people around him/her.





