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 1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Universities should require the first-year students to take courses on study habits.


Reason1: To help them prepare for school life, as a result, they will adjust themselves to university study more efficiently. 因为大学的课程设置和作息时间和之前中学或者小学的有明显的不同,有很多学科不管是在难度上还是在课时上都有所增加。开设与学习习惯相关的课程,不仅可以帮助大一新生快速适应大学的课程安排,还能够帮助他们有效地利用时间。+具体论证。

Reason 2: Taking courses about study habits can benefit students lifelong.学习习惯不仅仅局限于课本上的知识方面,更和学生以后的人生息息相关。让学生掌握好善于学习的好习惯,可以让他们终生受益。+具体论证。



2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Primary school should spend more time on teaching young students (5-11 years old) technology (like computer) than on teaching music and art.


以下是笔者给出参考:不支持该论点,认为还是应该spend more time on teaching music and art。


首先,学习艺术和音乐可以激发创造力和想象力,这对低龄学生来说是更重要的素质能力,对他们的一生都有好处。On the one hand, learning art and music stimulates creativity and imagination, which are more essential qualities for young students and would benefit them for whole life. 比如,孩子可以通过绘画去构建自己的想象世界,可以通过有意或无意的哼唱歌曲去进行简单创作Children can construct their own imaginary world through painting, and they can create simple works by humming songs intentionally or unintentionally。在儿童时期,鼓励儿童去接触艺术更能给他们带来一种创造性的成就感Encouraging children to be more exposed to art can bring them a sense of creative achievement。儿童绘画和音乐是可以较快完成的,从而让孩子能够有成就感,不像计算机知识,不容易让这个年纪的学生真正做出什么有趣的成果,且创造性的培养不如绘画。而且,据研究表明,儿童时期是培养创造和想象力的关键时期,过了这个时期,这方面的能力发展就不明显了According to related research, childhood at this age is the key period to develop creativity and imagination, after which the development of this ability is not obvious.。所以更应该抓紧时间多学习艺术与音乐。而与计算机有关的知识和操作的学习,是可以以后在做的。


另一方面,给低龄学生更多的机会使用电脑可能会使他们上瘾On the Other hand, giving early-age students more chances to use computer might cause their addiction。 这个年纪的学生自律性很差Students at this age usually have poor self-discipline. 如果他们有更多的机会使用电脑,他们更有可能沉迷于游戏、应用程序和网络上的分散学生注意力的内容they are more likely to get addicted to games, applications, and other distractions on the Internet, if they got more chances to use computer。举例论证。


让步段:有的人可能会说,学习计算机课程,可以让孩子跟上科技的步伐,尽早掌握科技知识和使用Some people may say that learning things about computer can help children keep up with the pace of science and technology and master the knowledge and usage of this technology as early as possible。但是,对于这个年龄段的孩子,单纯的计算机知识或功能性操作相对而言比较枯燥,他们不容易感兴趣,且不容易掌握For students at this age, pure computer knowledge or functional operations are relatively boring, in which they show less interest, and are too difficult to learn。何况,即便现在学会了一部分操作技巧,实际上,他们也并没有什么实践机会,不运用,很快会遗忘,也就没有学习计算机的意义了Besides, even if they have learned some operating skills now, in fact, they do not have many practice opportunities. If they do not use, they will soon forget, which makes more time put on computer learning meaningless。


3. Taking more time to make an important decision is always seemed as a bad quality, but, in fact, it is a good quality for people to have.  



1. The first aspect to point out is that what provokes people to make quick decisions is showing their analytical ability. As a matter of fact, one of the rigors of modern hectic life is that people’s lives have a lot of ups and downs and people face with complicated situations that they need to cope with these problems as soon as possible. (快速做决定能够反映分析问题的能力,这在当今变化莫测的生活中是必要的能力。)

2. The further subtle point is that seizing precious opportunities can be considered another remarkable advantage of making immediate decisions. It is absolutely undeniable, in the competitive world of today, people should grasp opportunities in order to make promising future for themselves. In this way, they need to be health-conscious because opportunities may vanish in a blink of an eye. (快速做决定也能帮助人们抓住机会,而机会转瞬即逝,所以快速决定的品质尤为重要。)

3. 让步段: Granted, taking more time to make a decision may help leave others a reliable impression. (这是一个让步段,简单说明尽管花更多时间做决定可以让别人觉得你可靠,但是决定本身可靠与否并不取决于做决定的时间。)


4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Experts suggest parents should limit the time children under 13 spend on electronic devices, such as computers, cell phones except for homework.



分论点1:花太多的时间在电子设备上会对孩子的身体健康有害(be detrimental to their physical fitness)

分论点2:花太多时间在电子设备上,尤其是用于作业,会限制孩子的想象力和创造力(limit and stifle their imagination and creativity)

让步:确实,电子设备会对孩子在学习上有一定的帮助,比如:有很多有意思的视频会引起孩子学习的兴趣 (stimulate children’s study enthusiasm);网上的一些信息可以给孩子提供好的解决问题的方法。但是,这些有意思的视频会让孩子沉迷网络(indulge themselves in the Internet),脱离现实 (be detached from reality),影响他们的人际交往和身体健康(negatively affect their social interaction and physical condition);此外,孩子会更依赖网上的信息来解决问题,从而失去了思辨能力(fail to think critically),这对孩子的长期发展是不好的 (be harmful to children’s long-term development)。


5. Do you agree or disagree that the most important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves.



题目中含有绝对词“most”,理论上不同意更好写。笔者的观点是educate themselves不是最重要的目的,因为不同的教育阶段教育的目的各不相同, 然后采用拆分法将education拆分成 小学教育,大学教育说出他们分别的目标,最后让步。

理由一:小学阶段是为了树立正确的价值观和传授基本的识字算数能力。(Firstly, the primary purpose of elementary education is to build correct values and impart basic knowledge like calculating and writing.(+具体事例) )

理由二:大学阶段最重要的目的是教授学生专业知识,锻炼能力,从而找到理想工作。(Secondly, the major goal of higher education is teaching professional knowledge and practicing skills. As we all know, college education is such a transitional period from students to employees.)

让步段:诚然,培养人们自我教育能力确实也是一个重要的目标,因为在学校学到的知识总是有限的,所以遇到新的情况只能通过自学来解决。(Admittedly, the ability of educating oneself is something we need to get from school education, in that what we can acquire in schools is limited. However, when compared with these explanations and details I just provided to support my position, this statement looks particularly lackluster. Consequently, I am still convinced that teaching people how to educate themselves is not the most important goal, for we have different requirement in different study periods.)


6. Doing which activity do you think can help you strengthen the friendship between you and your friend?

- having a good time together with your friend

- solving your friend’s problem with him or her


以下是笔者给出参考:支持having a good time together with your friend


首先,和朋友一起玩是发现和进一步发展共同兴趣的好方法(having fun with friends is an excellent way to find and further common interest)。解释句:In a relaxing atmosphere, people are more likely to communicate and interact freely, which is a great opportunity to extend topic to their interest. Once finding similar interest, friends would hang out more frequently. 举例论证。

另一方面,与朋友共度时光,有时,可以帮助加强默契的合作enjoying time with friends, sometimes, can help strengthen cooperation and tacit understanding。解释句:When having fun together, people often play some games or matches. In some cases, friends need to collaborate and discuss strategies. 举例论证。


让步段:确实,帮助朋友解决困难也能升华友谊,因为朋友会感激你为他所做的事情Admittedly, helping a friend out of a difficult situation can improve friendship, because he/she will appreciate what you have done。但是在日常生活中,朋友遇到小麻烦,往往可以自己解决,并不需要我们帮助Yet, in daily life, friends who encounter small troubles can figure out on their own and do not need any help。而遇到大麻烦,我们的能力是有限的,往往不一定能能给处于困境中的朋友提供及时有效的帮助If in big a trouble, we may not be able to provide timely and effective help to our friends as our ability is limited。何况大麻烦是小概率事件,而have fun with friends是非常普遍的。所谓朋友,一定是在一起开心放松的人The so-called friend must be someone makes you happy and relaxed staying with each other。


