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湿地植物cypress trees的根有一部分露在地表,被称为knees,讨论其作用。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for a teacher to help students to interested in a subject is to explain that subject will help them outside school.(旧题,重复2014年12月6日B卷)




阅读:湿地植物cypress trees的根有一部分露在地表,被称为knees。阅读提出有关knees功能(function) 三种可能的理论:

  1. 吸收氧气oxygen absorb;
  2. 保持树的稳定,使树不被风或水等破坏;
  3. 排出甲烷release methane。


1.科学家做了实验test,发现把knees放在装满氧气的容器(container)里经过一段时间后,氧气含量(content of oxygen)并没有变化,说明knees根本不是用来吸收氧气的;

2.用来保持树的稳定支撑的根使垂直(vertical)的根,而knees是生长在水平(horizontal)的根上的,所以不具备保持稳定的功能(additional stability);

3.甲烷(methane)对植物虽然没有好处但并没有坏处,所以树没必要进化出一种结构专门去释放这种没影响的气体;其次,树根上有许多微生物(tiny organisms)也可以排出甲烷,并不需要knees排出。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for a teacher to help students to interested in a subject is to explain that subject will help them outside school.





开头段:Being a teacher is not an easy job nowadays as being knowledgeable is not enough for someone to be qualified to impart knowledge and skills to younger generations(如今,老师这个工作并不容易,仅仅是自己具备知识还不足以让一个人能够有能力去传授知识和技能). Making students interested in a subject can be a real challenge(让学生真正对一个科目感兴趣并不容易). Despite the opinion among certain people that explaining the practical applications of a subject can cause interest among students(尽管有些人会认为老师解释一门课的课外实际运用能使学生产生学习兴趣), I believe that in more cases, other contributing methods better stimulate(但我认为在更多情况下,其它方法才能更好的促进学生).


First,有趣的学习过程至关重要。(First, a learning process full of fun is critical.)实际上,并不是所有科目的内容都具备实际使用功能,甚至有些属于纯理论(purely theoretical)型的,有些老师也明白这一点。所以这样的科目,使课堂氛围(an interesting atmosphere in class)更加有趣才是能真正提高学生系兴趣的方式。第一,可以使用多种素材和资源(sing multiple resources),比如videos, music, slide shows or even bringing a special guest for a talk。此外,老师还可以设计游戏和比赛,学生的求胜欲肯定会促进他们对课堂的参与以及提高兴趣(if more games and competitions are created in class, students’ wish to win can definitely accelerate their participation and consequent increasing interest)。举例说明。


Second, 改变上课地点也可以很大程度上提高学生学习兴趣(changing the physical location or environment greatly improves students’ interest in learning)。 长期每天从早到晚坐在教室里,对于任何人都是一种煎熬,尤其是对于精力旺盛的学生们(Sitting in a classroom for a whole day, a whole term, is hardly anyone’s ideal day, especially students are young and full of energy)。设置一些实地调研或参观学习(field work or site visit),把学生带出教室,毫无疑问可以使学生焕然一新(refreshed),并且对学习的内容更感兴趣。举例说明。


让步段:确实,强调所学内容的实际用于确实能够让学生理解该科目的重要性,因此提升兴趣(Admittedly, stressing the practical usage of class content would to some extent make students understand the importance of that subject, thus increasing their interest)。 但是,这并没有长期作用(long-term effect)。一门课的实际应用性可能早期能吸引学生,但如果没有丰富有趣的教学内容和模式,学生的兴趣很快就会急剧降低(drop sharply),何况前文说到并不是所有课程都具备实用性。此外,好的老师绝不是简单的告诉学生自己教的内容很有用(qualified teachers is by no means the ones that simply giving some words to students that “this subject is quite practical, which can benefit your life”)。 而是应该仔细地设计课程,考虑更合适、更有创意、更有趣的方法、步骤和细节,让学生真正感兴趣并吸收他们想要给予的东西(They should design classes carefully by thinking about more appropriate, creative and interesting approaches, steps and details to let students really interested in and absorb what they are trying to give)。




  1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Rather than help their children do school work, parents should encourage their children to do work independently.
  2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend more money on art museums and music performance centers than on recreational facilities(like playgrounds, public swimming pool).
