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朗阁海外考试研究中心 康丹丹



1. 图表的要求

要注意到图表题目中的summarize, main features, comparison等词,不是所有的数据都要进行描述,不是图表中的任意趋势都要进行描述,不是图表中的任意信息都要进行对比。

2. 图表的内容





1. 开头段一定不能照抄题目。要针对词汇和句型做一部分修改。

2. 段与段之间要有有效的连接成分。

3. 要有鲜明的重点对比,不要面面俱到,变为流水账。


1. 图表词汇一定不要出现单词拼写错误。

2. 图表词汇的搭配使用一定要准确无误。

3. 图表描述使用的时态和语态一定要准确。

4. 图表描述使用的句型一定不要出现错误。

5. 多样化的句子结构(简单句、复合句、状语成分)。

6. 句子之间的表达要连贯。

7. 句子之间的逻辑关系要合理(并列、转折、递进)。

8. 不要发表任何主观的意见。


Pie Chart

1. 明确占量多少

2. Pie和pie之间的比较

3. Pie与总量的比较

Line Graph

1. 一定有趋势

2. 按照趋势变化进行描述

3. 趋势融合数据

4. 起点、中点、重点、终点

Bar Chart

1. 柱与柱之间数值差异性

2. 数据较多,只抓重点数据(高、低、差额大、差额小)

3. 有趋势,趋势融合数据


1. 数据较多,选择重点(高、低值)

2. 注意考题要求的比较对象,来进行横比或纵比

3. 将表格事物进行分类并找出异同点

Flow Chart/Map

1. 注意图表描述顺序(自上而下,自左向右)

2. 图表中的细节无一错过

3. 明确图中信息,不能臆造

4. 注意使用被动语态

5. 注意Map中方位词的使用


1. 变化状态幅度词(要依据描述的情况决定)

轻微-----slightly, slowly(速度), steadily(平缓)


显著-----significantly, markedly

急剧-----rapidly, dramatically, abruptly,sharply


2. 变量幅度词语

增加-----increase, jump ,go up ,rise, climb , ascend , level up ,surge

减少-----decrease, drop ,go down ,fall,descend, level down

最高-----reach a highest point/the top/the summit/the peak, the most, peak in

最低-----reach a lowest point/the bottom/, hit a trough, bottom out

交叉-----correspond with in XXX year, crossing the line for

水平-----keep/stay/remain/maintain stable,steady,be similar to,there is little/hardly any/no change


1. The biggest difference between 2 groups (A+B) is in …,where A makes up 5% while B constitutes 67%, the highest percentage of A, which was approximately 12%.

2. The percentage of A in …..is more than twice that of B, the ratio is 67% to 45%.

3. In…,while a greater percentage of A than B are found in…(the former is …and the latter is …)

4. There are more A in……,reaching …,compared with …of B.

5. A, which used to be the……..,has become less important, which declined(increased) sharply from … in 1978 to only … in 1998.

6. There was变化趋势in the number of A from 1986-1990(over next…..yeas),which was followed by变化趋势and then变化趋势until 1998 when there was变化趋势for the next ….years.

7. From 1990 onwards, there was变化趋势in the number of A which then变化趋势 at… in 1994.

8. In 1990,the number reached (was) …,but 30 years later there was变化趋势.

9. After变化趋势from…to …,A begin变化趋势over the next….years.

10. The number of …increased rapidly from 1988 to 1990 during the five-year period.

11. A has almost/nearly/about/over a quarter/half/twice/one third/as many studentsas/as much money as /B; A has about/approximately/exactly/precisely the same number/proportion/amount of students/money as…..

12. It has reached something of a plateau,X percent/an average of X percent in the past few years in 1998.

13. In the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998...the percentage of...is slightly larger/smaller than that of...the graphs show a threefold increase in the number of...decreased year by year while...increased steadily...here is an upward trend in the number of…(year)witnessed/saw a sharp rise in...

14. A has something in common with B/ the difference between A and B lies in…


1. Low income consumed more hamburgers than other group (=more than other group on hamburgers), spending more than twice/ as much as hamburgers than FC and Pizza(both about 40%).

2. High income favored pizza, spending .., followed by FC at …, then….

3. High income appears to less than other group on hamburgers, pizza remains their most popular fast-food, followed by FC.

4. In 1975, among 3 of the world’s largest cities, San Paulo had the highest population (about 0.5 billion), and ……is the second highest(about …..)……had the lowest population (about ….).

As a result in 1990, the number of ….appears the largest population, closely followed by …, then…….at……

5. The table below shows the figures for imprisonment in 3 countries between 1930-1960 in Great Britain, the numbers in prison has increased from…in 1930 to …in 1940, apart from in 1950 when the numbers in prison fell by…

6. On the other hand, New Zealand and Australia are the only two countries in which the numbers in prison remain steady from 1930-1960, although there have been slightly fluctuations in this trend.

7. In the period 1975to 1990,all cities showed a growth, Tokyo and New York had by far the largest increase (about…..).San Paulo had the smallest growth (about…)

8. There were no figures given for male part-time workers. In unemployed group, men enjoyed more leisure time---over 80%,compared with 40% for women, markedly more than women in retired group.
