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Task 1

One of your friends is always late for events, what suggestion will you give to him so that he will not be late next time?

Task 2

Some teachers think students should sit on regular seats. Other teachers think that students should choose seats freely and may change their seat. Which one will you choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Task 3

【学生来信】The student writes a letter to propose that university should make the textbook list available after the course registration, so that students can have time to buy less expensive one. What’s more, the student can read book earlier before the course begins.

【学生意见】The man in the conversation thinks it’s a good idea.

1) First of all, he thinks that brand new books are expensive, students can look around to find books online which will save money.

2) Second, students get busy when semester begins, they can read books in advance to keep up with the teacher and do preparations.

Task 4

【名词解释】The term is the procedural memory, which refers that memories can promote people to act a task automatically if the task has been frequently practiced before.

【讲座例子】The professor uses himself as an example to illustrate this term. At first, when he was a boy, he started to learn guitar and practiced a lot about where to put fingers on strings. After he gave up practicing guitar for years, he found that once he pick up guitar, he still remember how to play.

Task 5

【学生困难】The woman has a problem that the Online Russian language course she registered is canceled. But she needs a language course to graduate.

【解决方案】1) Take course on campus but it will miss the chance to meet her sister who will come back from China in summer.

2) Take online Spanish course but she is not interest in Spanish.

Task 6

【讲课要点】The lecture talks about disadvantages of living in a group for animal.

1) The first disadvantage is visible to predator and easy to capture. For example, a group of small fish is easier to be observed by whales, so they are vulnerable to be captured.

2) The second disadvantage is hard to find own baby, cannot take care. For example, millions of bats live in caves, mothers end up feeding another mother’s kids.


作为新题,Task 1和2的内容比较陌生,学生的临场语言组织能力就成了口语制胜的决定性因素。学生需在平时多积累素材,并进行造句练习,才能提高遇到新题后的语言质量。


830的考题是新题,这是自12年4月14日以来的首次。当我们都习惯于大陆考旧题拼盘的时候,ETS突然来了套新题,让人措手不及。既然已经发生了,我 们当然需要警惕。现在的问题是会不会今后在大陆一直使用新题?如果是这样,那么显然机经就完全无法发挥预测的作用了。然而830不仅中国有考试,北美也有 考试。回想到3年前,大陆和北美同日都有考试的时候,大陆和北美几乎每次都是考同一套新题。所以,也许830并不是中国大陆启用新题的前奏,也许只是一次 类似于3年前的”大陆北美同日考试,同出一套新题“的规律的偶然性回归。
