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Task 1

The museum in your city is going to start an new exhibition, which one do you like the most:1. robot technology;2.deep sea animals;3.solar system. Please include specific reasons and details to support your response.


Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people should always be

honest to their close friends.Please include specific reasons and details to support your response.



Task 3

阅读:The university is encouraging students to exercise being instructors, this can brings students some extra income, moreover, students can participate more in classes.

观点:The man believes this is not a good idea.

原因1:Students got no experience for this kind of work, so they will have to spend some money to have classified classes before they can become a qualified instructor, so this can not help students earn much money.

原因2:Students are all very busy, few students are able to sacrifice that much time on such things.


Task 4

阅读:概念:Global marketing

听力:The professor uses a company that sells soft drinks as an example, the TV commercial of that company is various from place to place, depending on the favorite sport of the local people, for example,the advertisement in cities where people like skiing are stared by famous skier.


Task 5

听力:问题:The woman is invited to a birthday party,and she just arrived a couple of hours earlier, so she is struggling about what to do.

解决方案1:take a nap in her car.

优点:she is very tired recently, so this can help her refresh herself so she can enjoy the party.

缺点:She might oversleep.

解决方案2:Stay in the restaurant for a while

优点:She can eat something and there is Wi-Fi in the restaurant.

缺点:She would feel exhausted during the party.



Task 6

标题:Two reasons for plants’ movement.

例子1:defense mechanism: The leaves of the Mimosa close quickly when touched.

例子2:help growth: Grapevine stretch its vine in order to grow bigger.







