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  新西兰一种鸟类owl parrots的保护能否实现。


  Do you agree or disagree:people should follow ambitious goals rather than realistic goals.




  1. 理由一:该鸟类生育成功率很低productivity is very low,所以不能有效的维持数量扽稳步增长。

  2. 理由二:该鸟类有较高的幼崽死亡率high young birds’death rate。

  3. 理由三:该鸟类的捕食者会游泳,能有效提高捕食成功率。

  听力: 这三个反对的理由都不成立,该策略还是有说服力的。

  1. 只要提供足够的食物enough food,鸟类的数量population increase 就能够稳步增长,问题可以得到解决。

  2. 只要运用保温措施keep warm,在该鸟类孵化before hatching之前,就能有效降低死亡率。




  choose: ambitious goals


  话题: 生活类

  1.For individuals, the higher the goal is, the better the result will be. 更高的目标会给人更多的刺激,往往会得到更好的结果。It is because there is always a gap between a reality and a dream. Higher goals can galvanize people to push to the limit and achieve more. Instead, aiming at realistic goals, people are more likely to produce results less than they expect. 自身在高中受到父亲鼓励的例子。For example, when I was in high school, my father usually encouraged me to set the target score for a test obviously beyond my ability, so that I would force myself to work harder every time to get closer to the mission impossible. Thanks to my father, my test score was always far ahead of others. (112 words)

  2.For all mankind, ambitious goals allow human beings to boldly go where no one has gone before. 能够激发一个人的创造力,达到一些前人从未做到的目标,刷新历史。Without audacious dreams, the world would not have been what it is today. It is those “unrealistic” dreams that drive human beings to break new ground and make new breakthroughs all the time.名人马云的个人事例作为论证素材。 Jack Ma, probably the most famous Chinese person, once proposed that he wanted to build an e-commerce platform for all merchants to do business, but at that time he was just considered nothing but a guy talking idiotic nonsense. If Jack Ma had not set such a goal, there would not have been Alibaba, a great company changing the lives of millions. (112 words)

  3.让步段:现实的脚踏实地的目标也有一定的好处,例如:更加容易实现,压力更加小。Admittedly, I am not denying the importance of realistic goals. Compared to ambitious ones, realistic goals are more attainable so that people are willing to make them happen. 切记:一定要削弱该观点,会使人们变得视角和局限。However, realistic goals may well make people short-sighted, reducing their possibility to think out of the box and get what is out of their reach. In this sense, people with ambitious goals are inclined to have more successful life. (67)


  1. 此次考试题目比较侧重生物类(综合写作),是考试重点话题,难度稍为有点高,尤其是对于细节的把握稍有难度,并且细节比较密集,要更加注意对于精听的训练,打好听力硬实力!独立写作比较侧重工作生活中的抉择,是属于近期最常考的话题话题,也是考试旧题,依旧延续了今年重复原题的趋势,不是特别难,所以想取得较高的分数需要有一些亮点,无论在语言思路还是素材。

  2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Young people should try several different job before they decide their long-term job or career.

  3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People who cannot accept the criticism from others will not be successful when working in a group.
