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we often face some creative work in our daily life. If you have never done this kind of work before, you will choose work alone or work in team?





1. 理由一:这个蝴蝶数量根本没有减少,在科学家进行蝴蝶数量普查的时候它们可能飞到别的地方去了。

2. 理由二:milkweed不止生长在农场,蝴蝶也可以去别的地方吃。

3. 理由三: 以前就有过先例,人们一谈到这个蝴蝶就会过于扯上情感因素,不是很理智。

听力: 这三个反对的理由都不成立,该政策还是有说服力的。

1. 冬季在墨西哥刚做的蝴蝶数量普查说明总体数量真的下降了。

2. 主要的土地都被用于耕种了,蝴蝶很难找到wild milkweed去进食,主要还是只能依赖农场。

3. 不能因为一次失误就说明这次也是假的,可以先ban the law一阵子试试看,在看真实的影响。




choose: work alone



1. First, working alone enables people to save a lot more time than they would when working with others.(省时间) When people are together in an office, much time can get wasted. In this way, when they face some creative and challenging work, they can have more time to finish the work. For example, my father always complains about the unproductive meetings he has to attend at his company. He notes that people do not usually talk much about anything important. Those meeting are just big wastes of time. If he worked alone, he could eliminate all of these unnecessary meetings, thereby saving himself more time to do more productive things.

2. Working alone gives people complete control over their work and enables them to enact their own ideas. Many people love to be able to express their own views at work and they can get more creative and practical ideas. For instance, many graphic designers and computer programmers seek the employment which allows them as much latitude as possible in their work. They want to control what they do and how they do it. If they had to work with others, they would not have so much freedom to choose how they do their jobs. By working alone, they can guarantee that they become more creative and their thoughts and ideas are implemented.

3. Finally, working alone can often guarantee the quality of the finished work. In fact, working with others diminishes the quality of the work too often. There is a saying that reads, “Too many cooks spoil the broth”. If too many people have input on a project, the end result will be negative because everybody has different thoughts, and, in many cases, nobody wants to take responsibility for the work done. However, if someone does everything by himself, he can be sure that his work will at least meet his own personal standards.




2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Young people should try several different job before they decide their long-term job or career.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People who cannot accept the criticism from others will not be successful when working in a group.

