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Task 1

Talk about at least one advantage and disadvantage of not being active on social website and social media.


Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is acceptable that someone use other's influence to get a job.


Task 3

阅读标题: combine students & faculty dining

原因1:Students need more space. It is too crowded.

原因2:Encourage positive social interaction with professor.


原因1:professors are not often coming to dining hall. They have more options: eat at home, local restaurant or office. So students could have more space.

原因2:the student is concerned about the “interaction”. She thinks students might bother professor when they just want to deal with their colleagues or eat quietly. But it still worth a try.


Task 4

阅读标题:High-effort products

定义: People who have difficulties to achieve goals would like to choose this kind of products.

听力例子: The professor did a test: there are two kinds of shoes, one is made in advanced technology, and the slogan is “work less, jump higher”; the other is using muscles, the slogan is “work harder, jump higher”.

Then he asked two basketball teams to choose. The poorly performed team would like to choose the later, while the winning team would prefer the first shoes.


Task 5

问题:Sue wrote a paper about people’s health, yet she saw a new study she could add in it. But she has no time because she has a band rehearsal in the afternoon.

解决方案1: no adding.

优点1: her paper is cool already , she put much effort on it.

缺点1: the new study could better her paper.

解决方案2: skip the band rehearsal

优点2: she could rewrite the paper and add in the new study.

缺点2: It is the last rehearsal before music festival.


Task 6

话题: How dam could have negative impacts on animals

要点1: block the passage for species have to migrate.

例子1: Salmons have to migrate to upper side of the river to mate and reproduce. Their population decreases because of the dam.

要点2: change of geography will ruin the habituate for some species

例子2: A kind of birds live at tall grass near the river. But when dam established, there is no growing of tall grass any more. And the birds just vanished.





社交网站和社交媒体是同学们比较熟悉的话题,这道题要求说出不活跃使用社交工具的优缺点,回答时分两方面分别展开作答。优点可考虑的有increase our networks, form communities and interact easily。缺点诸如decreases face-to-face communication skills或者是leak privacy information等, 之后举例可以结合大家熟悉常用的中外社交网络。






Task 4商业类话题,Task 6 生物类话题。在回答时按照结构回答,注意笔记做好,记录到教授举具体的例子,整体上不会有太大问题。




