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Some people prefer to buy technological devices as soon as they are available to the public. Others prefer to wait until many people have used them. Which do you prefer?





① 防止被冻死。

② 防止真菌孢子感染。

③ 防止夜间光源(月光)紊乱花期。


① 植物没有多少内热,不会散失多少热量。

② 叶子无法完全闭合,孢子用一点水就可以渗透进叶子。

③ 有的大森林遮住了月光,但是底层的植物也闭合了叶子,另有原因。



waiting until many people have used them

With the progress of science and technology, various technological devices keep emerging one after another, and meanwhile, the same type of product evolves with faster speed of iteration. This trend divides people into two kinds: the first kind is apt to purchase what comes out immediately whereas the other kind waits till the product is widely used. Personally speaking, I belong to the latter kind of people who are conservative when purchasing things. There are a couple of reasons and examples that support my viewpoint.

Firstly, it is wise to buy a device later when its deficiencies get fixed. It is because when a new technological device is available to the public for the first time, there may be several unnoticed imperfections about it. With the growing number of users reporting the problems to the manufacturers, the following versions are bound to surpass the original ones in terms of quality. Taking iPhone 4 for example. This product suffered sharp criticism over signal-receiving problems caused by its ill-designed antenna. After rounds of optimization, the later versions of iPhone 4 became stable in function and earned its worldwide reputation gradually.

Secondly, the price of a newly launched technological device often comes with bubbles, which means the quality-price ratio is not satisfactory at the very beginning. According to the law of supply and demand, when a popular device is firstly brought to the market, the supply falls short of demand, which will result in a higher price than its real value, but after a period of time, the price will return to a reasonable level. For example, the initial price for Surface, a product by Microsoft, was set at around $600, which was somewhat unaffordable to ordinary consumers. Three months later, the price was cut down to $300 which was a good price.

It is true that one who buys a technological device as soon as it comes out can enjoy the latest technology earlier than the rest of us. However, if he chooses to buy it after an amount of time, his experience will be better because lots of deficiencies will be fixed. Besides, since modern technological devices are iterating rapidly, always buying a new device is no different to wasting money.

In short, I prefer to buy a technological device after it is widely used. As an old saying goes, good things are worth waiting. Facing a new fascinating technological device, it would be better for us to wait until the price comes down and the quality becomes better.



1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Space exploration is a waste of money.

2.Which do you prefer? Some people would like to upload pictures and other information on social networking websites, while others do not like to create such records.


