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What is the most useful action for people to help environment in their local community?

(1)Plant trees and create parks;

(2)Persuade local shops to stop providing plastic bags to customers;

(3) Increase access to public transportation (such as buses and trains), thus reducing the automobiles on the road.





1. upstream dams限制了水流,导致no enough water flow to carry sands and gravels for females to lay eggs;

2. fishers use nets to capture shrimps and hooligans will be caught by accident in this way;

3. other fishes like hakes will swim into this area to compete for food with hooligans。


1. hooligans only hatch in spring, so we can let more water go through dams to carry more sands and gravel ;

2. use a small bright light along the rivers which the hooligans are sensitive to but the shrimps are not;

3. add more food like krill into rivers for hooligans by humans。




Position: I have the preference that increasing access to public transportation is a better idea.

Reason 1: Sure, people who advocate the increase of parks and trees may argue that this action would do a lot of good to the air quality, because of leaves' contribution to the absorption of dust and other pollutants in the air. However, it is a long lasting process, which consumes lots of time and money. (论述第一种选择-种树的缺陷在于耗时过长,且成本很高)

Reason 2: Second, stopping using plastic bags in local shops can have impacts on the environment of our neighborhood. But, the contribution to the environment is just one tiny part of the pollution problem. (论述第二种选择-减少塑料袋使用的缺陷在于只能解决这一个小方面的污染,影响不大)

Reason 3: Finally, reducing traffic can help improve the air quality on a fundamental basis, which is the main pollution problem in cities. Fewer automobiles on road means that less amount of fossil fuels will be consumed to generate energy, then less exhaust fume will be released into the air, and immediate effects can be exerted since we do not have to wait for a park to be established.(论述第三种选择-促进公共交通的好处在于减少废气排放,而空气问题是环境问题中最重要的方面,并且这一措施也有其他的好处。)




1. When choosing a place for living, which factor is the most important one for you? Living in an area that is not expensive? Living close to relatives? Living in an area with many shops and restaurant?

2. A high school is thinking about making one of the following classes a required class for high school students, personal finance management, cooking class or auto repair. Which option will you recommend high school students to take at school and why?
