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birds feeder (人为的鸟类喂养)do harm to birds的三个理由


agree/ disagree:

people should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.





1. 理由一:导致大量的鸟聚集在一起gather together,加速疾病的传播speeds up the spread of illness。例子:house finch 的eye diseases。

2. 理由二:会加剧predator effect, 和逃脱predator的过程中撞击strike到窗子而死亡。

3. 理由三: 会人为延迟migration time迁徙时间, 导致它们被杀害或者熬不过艰苦的环境harsh environment。

听力:反对, 这三个理由都不成立。

1. natural factors自然因素才更加重要。而且对于house finch群居的雀类动物,他们的大批量高频率迁徙migration才是疾病传播的主要原因。

2. bird feeder会提供更多的营养nutrition, 然后这些营养会使鸟类更加强壮和健康stronger and healthier。同时也会提高reproductive rate繁殖能力,有效填补了鸟类大量死亡的空缺。

3. sunlight是导致migration time 变化的主因main reason,食物只占很小的一部分a small part, 鸟类迁徙会因为很多原因发生变化。




choose: agree



1. Firstly, this will allow you to develop into a better-rounded person. 能够使我们发展出更加全面的人格和才能。学习更多的知识并且发展多样化的爱好可以拓展大家的视角。例子:Let's say you work as a computer programmer during the day. At night, you might relax by playing computer games.玩电脑游戏作为程序员的放松 While computer games can indeed be relaxing, doing something physical like rock-dimbing might be better for you in the long run. For instance, this can have unexpected benefits for your work. The problem solving mentality you use to ascend routes in rock-dimbing can give you a fresh perspective on how to tackle computer programming obstacles.益智类的游戏可以使大家学到解决问题的方法 。

2. secondly, pursuing activities unrelated to your work can help you meet interesting people you wouldn't meet otherwise. 遇到一些其他领域志同道合的朋友,如果都是很单一的领域,朋友圈也会很单调(对比点题)。It can be easy to get sucked into a particular world if your career is very specialized .交到更加广阔的朋友圈,建立起人际关系,对以后的生活工作都有益处。例子:If you're a lawyer, for instance, you will probably spend a lot of time getting along with other lawyers. But meeting people outside your profession can be refreshing, or even life changing. I have a friend who used to be a lawyer, but switched to a career in art after spending some time with artists at a local art studio. She had signed up for painting classes as a way to relax after work, and loved the people so much that she was inspired to learn about art and start her own art gallery. In this way, pursuing something unrelated to work enriched her life immensely.律师交到艺术家朋友,更好的扩展了生活。

3. 一个完全新鲜的领域a totally fresh area,可以更好的激发起兴趣和研究热情stimulate the interests and research enthusiasm,心理会比较充实enrich our mental world。在长期重复性的类似环境中容易引发倦怠和厌烦的心态 feel sick and boring,没有好处。



1. 此次考试题目比较侧重生物类(综合写作),难度稍为有点高,尤其是对于细节的把握稍有难度,并且细节比较密集,要更加注意对于精听的训练,打好听力硬实力!独立写作比较侧重工作类,生活类考察,是属于近期最常考的话题话题,不是特别难,并且完全重复2014.7.6的原题, 再次有效说明,写作需要多多关注原题,提前做好准备。

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Young people should try several different job before they decide their long-term job or career.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People who cannot accept the criticism from others will not be successful when working in a group.

