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 1. When you decide which of the two places to visit, you will have two of the following choices:

1. Discuss with someone who has visited the two places.

2. Read online.

Which one do you think is better? Use details and examples to support your answer.


①开头段:New places attract. A new city that people who have never been to always arouse the strong interest and longing for that-best cuisine or city cape for example. And news places threaten. A new city of far less comprehension always arouse the uncertainty, fear, or conjecture. That's why people are untended to study a new place they will visit. And among the options provided, I would recommend the way of discussing with those who have visited the target places formerly but not reading the information online.

②主体段1:First, my recommendation will be conductive to more detailed knowledge of the two places. As we all know, information online is great wealth surprisingly full of incredibly massive amount. In such immeasurable ocean of human knowledge and wisdom, there is always an illusion in which a reader will get lost. But this fault would less likely exist when people adopt face-to-face discussion for the planner can deliberately ask veteran about the detailed comparison on the two new places they care-like safety issue, public transport, the stands of consumption. Moreover, if necessary, some private questions will be allowed to be asked. By the vivid description and introduction of the one of first-hand experience words, examples, some narrations, it is well believed the planner will acquire the rather valuable information of details.

③ 主体段2:Second, my preference will enjoy a much higher efficiency in deciding.+具体展开论证。

④ 主体段3:Last, the counterpart proposal will more likely to be misguided; my suggestion just avoid such a weakness. As I discussed in "paragraph 2", in such an information era, people diving in the ocean of knowledge with various intentions-exaggerating the reality to propaganda for example, are likely to get their brains washed or get drowned. It has not been difficult to find, for typical example, in order to sell a city to the vast public to boost its tourism industry, fake news the man-made scenery spots and some deliberately beautified pics are exposed online. On the contrary, a teller that have visited the two scenes, will take a indifferent position much possibly without the consideration of personal interests, giving the planner objective and detached suggestion. In this case, the listener will suffer less misguidance.

⑤结尾段:All in all, human beings are the creatures of uniqueness like creativity, wisdom, logic etc. The uniqueness just empowers them to take a proper way to discover the outer world. And when it comes to gaining useful data of unknown places, engaging in discussion with other more experienced people will be a better choice.


2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Sometimes people think that nowadays the media (TV, newspapers, and the Internet) are less concerned about the accuracy of news than in the past, and the incorrect information may cause more problems than it brings benefits to the public.


①开头段:The media dominate the way people get informed. However, not all people believe what they see, read or hear from the media. As a matter of fact, many people question the credibility of media coverage, and the skepticism, which is justifiable, particularly prevails today. In fairness, inaccurate information is however not necessarily as deleterious as is thought. 

②主体段1:First, not to demonize the media, journalists may not tamper with information but omit the step of fact check before they publish a story. Since news is time-sensitive, particularly in this age when people can hardly long maintain their interest in a matter, the media must rush before their headlines are late, and they can hardly be meticulous in a hurry. Although those mistakes are honest, they are still attributed to a lack of concern about the truth. By contrast, in the past decades, when audience would wait patiently, reporters were able to write with precision of details and they did.

③主体段2:Although it is unfair to deny the integrity of all the media, it is fair to maintain some doubt, as there must be media crews that are insincere. Admittedly, a newspaper or a TV station, as a business, needs to make sales to survive; however, nowadays, some media are too profit-driven to emphasize the truthfulness of their coverage. The worst case is that some journalists, seeing their job as a lucrative career rather than an honest profession, fabricate stories that sell and are only glad to see that circulation or viewership increases and that the business rakes in money. This situation was less likely among past generations of journalists, who understood what true journalism is. The media used to have the integrity and would never bend their work ethics—informing people of but only the truth — even though they would lose financial gains.

④让步段:In terms of the effects, inaccurate information is indeed misleading, and if it is mis information, it betrays the public. However, under some circumstances, accuracy is counterproductive, and the media purposefully alter information, under the administration’s instructions, to stabilize a society. For example, the media may selectively report details of natural disasters in order to curtail the spread of negative emotions, which do not help.

⑤结尾段:In conclusion, nowadays, the media, including TV, newspapers, and the Internet, care less about the accuracy of news than in the past. They either make honest mistakes or lie. However, it is unfair to see only the downside.


3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The government should offer internet access to all of citizens at no cost.


①开头段:With the advent of information age, the Internet has profoundly influenced every aspect in modern people’s life. Under such a background, how does the government play its role? Should the government offer Internet access to citizens at no cost? These questions trigger a heated debate in society. From my perspective, the Internet access, like other important public services, is supposed to be available to the public free of charge. I am going to elaborate my viewpoint in the following paragraphs.

②主体段1:Firstly, charge-free strategy allows more people to enjoy internet-based public services. Under the encouragement of cost-free policy, an increasingly number of people are willing to get access to the Internet and then benefit from government services optimized by the Internet. For example, in my country, people used to have real difficulty in buying train tickets especially during holiday seasons. In order to successfully buy the tickets, they had to wait in line in poorly ventilated place(空气流通极差的地方) for hours. But now, things have changed a lot. They book tickets online very quickly and use their ID card to check in at the train station.

③ 主体段2:Secondly, the economy will be stimulated attributed to(由于) free Internet access. Once the government makes the Internet access available to the public free of charge, it can be estimated that e-commerce will grow in leaps and bounds.(电子商务将实现跨越式的发展) More people will choose to start up business (创业)online and a great many job opportunities will be created, which also give impetus to(给予动力=give motivation to) the development of relevant industries such as logistics(物流). The success of Alibaba perfectly mirrors the positive impacts of the Internet on the economy.(阿里巴巴的成功完美地反映了互联网对经济的积极影响。) If the government offer free Internet access to all citizens, there will be more enterprises like Alibaba emerging one after another.

④让步段:Of course, we have to admit that free Internet access will bring tremendous pressure on government budget. After all, the construction of network, similar to building other major infrastructure(基础设施), is a huge project that consumes intensive labor and funds(消耗密集的劳动力和资金). However, the government can cover the expenditure(可以弥补这部分开支) via other ways including levying a tax on profitable internet-based business.(对盈利的互联网商业征税)

⑤结尾段:In conclusion, making the Internet access free of charge is a valuable and far-reaching(深远的,意义重大的) effort for the government. In tide of the third industrial revolution in human history(在人类历史上的第三次工业革命浪潮中) brought by the Internet, the government should play a greater role in leading its people to embrace this new age.


4. Which do you think is the best way for a student to make friends: joining a sports team, volunteering, or traveling? Use specific examples to support your answer.

以下给出一个参考思路:选择joining a sports team

① 开头段:It is commonly believed that making friends is an essential part of people's normal social life. This is especially true for students, whose personalities have not been fully developed, and friends will surely help mold their character and share their growing pains as well as happiness. So which way, among joining a sports team, volunteering in community activities and traveling, is the best for students to make friends? My choice is joining a sports team. My reasons and examples are given below.

② 主体段1:In the first place, joining a sports team is definitely a great opportunity for students to meet their peers. Even though students spend most of their time at school, surrounded by their peers, actually, in most cases, a student can only know a few classmates well. Joining a sports team, however, enables students to see many other students outside their classroom. Take me for an example, on the badminton team of my school, I met my partner whom I had barely talked to before. We often played together and enjoyed ourselves so much that we finally became good friends.

③ 主体段2:Further, on a sports team, students collaborate with each other, which can bring them a sense of unity, and close friendship naturally develops. For example, boys on a basketball team will spend a lot of time practicing together. After many tough games, the boys on the team will be able to understand each other only by action. They share the same goal and same interests; they laugh and cry together. Their friendship is so strong that can last for the whole lifetime.

④ 让步段:Admittedly, volunteering in community activities and traveling are quite good ways of making new friends as well. However, I believe that playing sports on a team is an even better way. When volunteering or traveling, students meet with new people, too. Nevertheless, the people who they meet with are usually from a completely different background from them, so the chances are that it is hard for them to find common interests, let alone make friends with them.

⑤ 结尾段:Based on all these arguments, joining a sports team is arguably the best way for students to make friends. I hope that more and more students go out of their houses and a good time playing sports with their friends.


5. Some people believe that spending more time be far away from the people we care about, because it is necessary for people to understand the importance of relationship of people we care about, while others think we should spend as much time as possible on the people we care about.以下给出一个参考思路:

选择spend as much time as possible:

① 主体段1:这可以让我们给people who we care更多关怀和照顾。尤其在他们生病的时候给予照顾,更能体现对彼此关系的重视程度。(particularly, offering consideration to them at the moment of illness, which reflects how much attention you pay to this relationship.)很明显,当我们离他们很远的时候,我们没法在他们需要的时候及时出现,甚至可能都会错过他们的重要电话(pass up their important calls),如果连最基本的陪伴和照顾都没有,就谈不上是在乎的人。

‚主体段2:多沟通能够帮我们减少矛盾(reduce conflicts),特别是减少跟长辈(older generation)之间的代沟(generation gap)。人与人之间的矛盾往往是因为缺乏沟通造成的,(contradiction appears due to the lack of regular communication),keeping away from them will make our common topics diminish,所以多花些时间,在一起喝喝茶聊聊天,了解彼此的想法,理解彼此的做法,感情自然就和谐了。(understand what their thoughts and what their deed; as a result, the relationship turns to the trend of harmony naturally.)

ƒ主体段3:能够跟重要的人多留下一些回忆。人生是短暂的,(life is but a span)每天都该有和关怀的人在一起的美好记忆积累;(the accumulation of fascinating memories)天灾人祸,谁也预测不了,(nobody can predict the natural and man-made disasters )把想做的事情都做了,就不会有太多的遗憾。(to do what you desire to prevent us from regretting a lot.)。相反,如果我们distance ourselves from those who are important for us, chances are that feelings of regret and guilty will finally sneak up on us when we are growing older and losing them.


6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: We can learn about a person from the books and movies that person like.


① 主体段1:It is highly efficient to understand a person’s preferences in a short time through the book and movies that he/she likes. (书本和电影都体现了一个人的兴趣点)Various appetites for books and movies reflect different interests, which is one of the fundamental elements of a person’s personality. (不同的兴趣体现着一个人的性格特点,所以当我们知道了他喜欢什么,也就知道了他的性格)+具体论证

‚主体段2:Additionally, under normal circumstances, a person’ s values are consistent with the values advocated by the books or movies he/she likes. (了解一个人的喜欢的书籍和电影,除了能够知道他的兴趣偏好,还能知道他所拥有的价值观)Without the acceptance for the values illustrated by the author, it is impossible for a person to appreciate the works of the author. (人们通常都会喜欢那些宣扬自己所支持的价值观的作品,寻找共鸣)+具体论证

ƒ主体段3:让步段Of course, we have to admit that sometimes the books and movies couldn’t provide us enough necessary information to understand a person well. Nevertheless, the method of getting to learn about a person through books and movies is still useful and efficient in some extent. 
