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 1. abruptly = suddenly 突然地

2. abundant = plentiful = adequate = rich = copious = prolific 大量的

3. accelerated = faster 加速的

4. accompanied = gone together with 伴随

5. accomplished = achieved = fulfilled = obtain = acquire = secure = capture 获得,实现

6. advent = arrival 到来

7. aim = goal = target = purpose目标

8. alleged = supposed = asserted = claimed 声称

9. allowed for= made possible使得

10. almost universal among fish = used by almost all fish 在鱼中很普遍,很常用

11. altered = transformed = shift = alter = convert = adapt 改变

12. analogous = similar to = comparable = resembled 与…相似

13. anchored = held in place 用锚系住

14. anticipate = predict 预言

15. apparent = seeming 表面上的,看起来的

16. appreciate = realize = understand 意识,理解

17. approach = come nearer to 接近

18. ascend = go up 上升

19. assess = evaluate 评估,评价

20. assume = take on(熟词僻意,这里是承担的意思)

21. attest = confirm = verify 验证,证实

22. attribute to = associate with归因于

23. boosting = increasing促进

24. build up = accumulation 加强

25. classic = typical = characteristic 典型的

26. compelling = persuasive = convincing 有说服力的

27. compensate for = make up for 补偿

28. concentrated = gathered = focused 集中

29. consistent = the same each time = unvarying 一致的,始终的

30. constraints = limitations 限制条件

31. contradictory = conflicting 冲突的

32. controversial = debatable 有争议的

33. converge on = meet at交汇

34. critical= essential重要的

35. deciphering = figuring out 辨认

36. decisive = determining 决定性的

37. deliberate = intentional故意的

38. delicate = fragile 脆弱的

39. deteriorating = worsening 恶化

40. devastated=severely damaged = extremely destructive 毁坏

41. diatortions = irregularities 扭曲

42. distinction = difference 差别,区分

43. distinctive = characteristic 独特的

44. diverse = varied 不同的

45. drastically = extremely 极其地

46. durable = lasting 持久的

47. elaborately = with great details 详细地

48. embrace = accept 接受

49. emergence = appearance/occurrence = rise 出现

50. emitted = released 释放

51. ensure = guarantee 确保,保证

52. entirely = completely 完全地

53. envision = imagine 想象

54. era = period 时代

55. eventually = over time = ultimately 终于

56. exercised = applied 运用

57. exhausting=extremely tiring使耗尽的

58. exploit = take advantage of 利用

59. extended = lengthened延长

60. extracts = removes 提取

61. favored = preferred 喜爱

62. fluctuations=variations变化,波动

63. formulated = stated = created 系统地阐述,陈述,提出观点

64. fragmented = broken apart 分裂

65. further = additionally = Furthermore = in addition 此外

66. genuine=real真正的

67. henceforth = from this time on 今后

68. hitherto = up to now 迄今为止

69. identifiable = recognizable 可辨认的

70. impeded=restricted阻碍

71. implications(熟词僻意,这里指可能引发的后果) = consequence

72. in principle = theoretically 理论上

73. incentive = motivation 动机

74. inconclusive = not decisive 非决定性的

75. indefinitely = endlessly无限地、无尽地

76. inevitable = unavoidable 不可避免的

77. ingenuity = cleverness 心灵手巧

78. ingestion = swallowing 吞咽,进食

79. inherently=naturally内在地、天生地

80. inhibit=slow down抑制,使…放慢

81. initiative = action/proposal 计划,提议

82. insisting = stating forcefully 坚持认为、坚称

83. inspect = examine 检查

84. integrated = combined 整合

85. intended = desired 想要的

86. intensity = strength 强度

87. intermediate = in-between 中间的

88. intermittently = periodically 间歇地

89. interpret = understand 理解

90. invariably = always 总是

91. irritating=annoying激怒

92. jeopardize = endanger = imperil 使...处于危险境地

93. kept in check = prevented 阻止

94. launched = started 开始,发布

95. maintaining = keeping = retaining 保持

96. manifestations = expressions 显示

97. margins = limit 边缘,限制

98. mechanisms = means 机制,原理

99. merely = only仅仅

100. mobilized = activated 使激活,动员

101. more permeable = had more places where crossings could occur 更易透过的

102. most attainable = easiest to reach 最能达到的

103. obliged = forced 迫使,责成

104. occasionally=sometimes偶尔地

105. ongoing = continuing 正在进行的

106. optimum = ideal 最佳的

107. perceive = see 感知

108. persistent = lasting 持续的

109. pointed out = stated 指出

110. pointless = of no use 无意义的

111. potentially = possibly = presumably = probably 可能

112. precious = valued 珍贵的

113. precisely = accurately 精确地

114. prior to = before 在之前

115. progressive = increasing 进步的,渐进的

116. prolonged=extended延长

117. promote = encourage 激励,促进

118. provided = if 如果

119. pursue = engage in 从事

120. rapport = bond 关系,纽带

121. readily = easily 容易地

122. refuge = protected = sheltered 保护

123. reinforce = strengthen 加强

124. relatively = comparatively 相对地

125. reluctant=hesitant不情愿的

126. remnants=remains残余物

127. renewed=restored修复,恢复

128. respective = in the order presented 各自的,分别的

129. retarding = slowing 迟滞,延迟

130. reveal = show 暴露,显现

131. ringed=surrounded环绕

132. scattered = spread apart = segregated = separated 分散

133. simultaneous = happening at the same time 同时的

134. skepticism=doubt怀疑

135. slightly=by very small amounts少量的

136. sophistication = complexity 复杂性

137. successive = following = subsequent = later 接连的,后来的

138. sustain = support 支持

139. tactic = strategy 策略

140. thrill = excitement 激动

141. thus = consequently 因此

142. transparent = clear 透明的,易懂的

143. undoubtedly = certainly 毫无疑问地

144. unfavorable = negative 不利的

145. unique = one-of-a kind 独特的

146. unprecedented = never before achieved 史无前例的

147. vanishes = disappears 消失

148. vigorous=lively有活力的

149. vitality = energy 能量,活力

150. wrought = created 引起
