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The best way to know a city you visit for the first time and only have a short time to stay.

1. historical sites

2. shop & markets

3. local restaurants &Cafe ​​​






1. 会带来其他病毒。

2. 会咬人,给人类带来未知的影响。

3. 还有其他的未知影响,比如影响当地的蚊子数量。


1. 并不会带来其他病毒,例如亚洲虎的引进并没有带来其他病毒,而且效果显著。

2. 只有母的会咬人,引进的是公的。

3. 阅读中说的未知影响已被隔绝,而且其他影响并未出现。



解题思路:historical sites

1. First, by means of visiting historical sites, like local memorial hall of the fame in history, or the relics of a historical event, tourists can have access most effectively to get immersed in the local history and know better about the city directly. 了解一个城市最有效的方式是去聆听这座城市的历史,感受它的文化和内涵。虽然停留的时间比较短暂,没有办法每个历史历史遗迹景点都去一一品读,但是这个方法是最直观的感受这座城市的。+具体论证。

2. Second, you can find something unique about the city you are visiting by spending your majority of travelling time in historical sites. It is because some “local” industries, such as shops and restaurants, are commercialized similarly and you cannot find anything new and special about the city.很多所谓的当地的商店和餐厅,都被严重地商业化,且和其他的很多地方很相似,你没有办法通过这两处找到这个城市的任何特色的东西。(进行段内对比)

3. 让步段:Admittedly, some visitors contend that it is impossible to know the city very well only by visiting their local historical sites because usually it takes plenty of time to visit these places, but the visiting time is limited. Thus, in this way, it is rush and shallow to know the city in such a short time. However, we can google the most recommended historical site by the internet and have a thorough plan before we visit. Also, in consideration of time shortage, we can ask a tour guide who is proficient in local history to explain the knowledge to us.




