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海洋里的塑料碎片对环境有很不好的影响。一种ocean cleanup array收集并清除海洋里的塑料碎片


A/D The government and corporation should share all their scientific discoveries with other countries in the world.(重复2012年10月28日考题)




阅读:一种ocean cleanup array收集并清除海洋里的塑料碎片

① 成本不高。因为海洋吸尘器是通过洋流将碎片运到设备中,不像其他清洁设备需要很多能源。

② 不会对其他海洋生物产生不利影响。其他清洁设备会用网nets,所以会缠住并伤害到一些海洋生物。然而,海洋吸尘器是固定在一个地方的,所以游动的海洋生物很容易躲避这个设备。

③ 塑料碎片可循环利用。海洋吸尘器收集到的大部分塑料物质是可以循环利用的。收集后可以卖给废品回收站。


① 海洋清洁仪器(OCA):cost-海洋强流大需要500个仪器每年很贵,并且仪器易腐蚀需要repair很贵。

② marine life-plankton在海洋表面会受到伤害,以plankton为食的生物也会受到影响。

③ recycling the plastic-两个p物质depart和cleanup仪器都要钱,recycle没有了意义。







2.一些关键技术,例如nuclear technology的分享,会威胁世界的security。


1. 可以提高国家的reputation,分享了先进技术的国家,They receive the gratitude from other nations, the willingness of peace and alliance, and love from people from the other country.



It is widely known that science and technology plays a pivotal role in the human progress. Nowadays, with the development of globalization, more and more governments and companies are engaged in the frequent scientific and technical exchanges. It becomes a heated debate whether all the scientific discoveries could be shared for the humanity. Some people hold that the government and corporation should share all their scientific discoveries with other countries in the world. But from my point of view, I do not agree with this view.

Admittedly, some scientific discoveries that will not threaten the human existence and world peace and but contribute to the world development will benefit the world, if they are shared between governments and corporations. For example, the discovery of renewable green energy, such as, solar energy and wind energy, could reduce the pollution. If these discoveries could be shared among countries, our global environment will be enhanced and our quality of life will be improved. However, if the sharing of scientific discovery will cause damages or even catastrophes to the government or the corporation itself, these sharing behavior should not be allowed.

Moreover, governments and corporation share scientific discovery that will cause negative influence on the whole humanity and the world. Some scientists are undertaking the projects in dangerous field and these discoveries might threaten public's health and safety. For example, some scientists do research on biochemical weapons, nuclear weapons and atomic bombs. If these discoveries are revealed and are took advantage by some aggressive countries, these countries will bring all the world involved in wars and people will suffer from the torture of the wars. The development of the society will delay and set back. Therefore, a government or a corporation has to keep low profile when it do such research although they will apply them for useful things.

In a word, as we have discovered above, the government and corporation should not share all their scientific discoveries with other countries in the world.



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