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大作文:Some people think the money spent developing the technology for space exploration is not justified. There are more beneficial ways to spend this money. To what extend do you agree or disagree?



1. 本次考试难度适中

2. 整体分析

Task 1静态柱图

注意点:1.看清时间点,注意时态;2. Overview提到差距最大的那一组;3.主体段以两者的数量关系为依据分组


1. 两个对象的比较

All the same/just the same as

Contrary to B,A is ….

Conversely, B is …

A is…while B is…

There are more … than … (数据1 and 数据2 respectively).

2. 倍数关系的表达

对象A+谓语+倍数+as+ 形容词 /名词+as +对象B

对象A+谓语+倍数+比较级+(名词)+than +对象B


Task 2 科技类话题










In recent years, there have been more and more countries involved and interested in long-term space projects. Due to the enormous research expenditures, the value of space projects has been disputed. Some individuals argue that the government should spend the budget on other more beneficial areas, instead of the space research. However, I disagree with this statement.


Body 1:


Indeed, countries should allot a large proportion of their money to many sectors that brings tangible and immediate benefits and can directly improve the lives of human beings. To be specific, making education available throughout the country and eliminating illiteracy can pave the way for economic development. By receiving education, children from impoverished families can shake off poverty. Other. It is inevitable for them to remain poor throughout their lifespan and even across generations. As well as the investment in education, the government should also financially support health care and medical service. By providing th needy people with medical service, a country can inspire the loyalty of citizens who are more likely to enjoy their living.


Body 2:


However, this does not automatically mean that all the expenditure should be dedicated to dealing with problems on earth. After all, there should also be enough consideration for the future development of human civilization. In this case, the investment in space research is also paid off. One of the significant factors is that our planet is now facing an unprecedented resource issue. The limited and exhausting resources on our planet push us to open energy and materials on other planets for sustainable development of our societies. Moreover, the booming population creates the usable space to shrinking, highlighting the need to seek land suitable for people’s resettlement off the planet. As there are countless planets throughout the universe, we are confident that at least one of them can be proved to be suitable for our alternative choice.




As suggested above, although there are several issues that need to be funded, space research will prove to be not only worthwhile but also crucial to the survival and sustainability of human civilization.



1.小作文:重点关注动态图和流程图温馨提示:地图最近的一场是10月最后一场,而上一场考流程图却7月份的第3场, 请考生们注意留心流程图。


