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题号                  内容
Question 1     Which one is more beneficial to a growing child: participation in team sports, 
                         conversation with a community leader or traveling to other cities and countries?
                         Use details and examples to explain your answer. 
Question 2    Some people believe it’s better to wear formal clothes at work while others 
                         think it’s better to wear casual clothes. Which do you prefer? 
Question 3     
Reading part 
A student suggests that university should offer email addresses and phone numbers of new roommates to freshman. 
1. they can get to know each other in summer; 
2. they can discuss what stuff to bring to the dorm;
Listening part
The woman agrees with the letter. 
1. Students will be less stressful, and more helpful to know someone in advance through communication. 
2. A lot of space can be saved. She provides an example that her sister and her roommate both took fridges to dorm. If 
there was communication in advance, it wouldn’t happen.
Question: Explain the woman’s opinion and why she holds that opinion.
Question 4 
Reading part 
Social responsibility: Some businesses overlook social responsibility for the sake of profits and customer needs. 
However, though social responsibility costs money, it brings more benefits than drawbacks.
Listening part
The professor gives an example of a coffee shop in his hometown. It first used plastic cups which were bad for the environment, 
and the owner and employees decided to switch to recycled paper cups although they cost more. 
Besides, they recommend customers to bring their own cups, and gave them a small discount, the customers like it very 
much and the coffee shop becomes the most popular café in the town.
Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。
Question 5 【学生困难】:
The man needs to write research papers, but he lives off campus. So he 
wants to buy a printer.
Solution 1: he could buy a used one from his classmate. It’s cheap, but the 
quality cannot be guaranteed; 
Solution2: he could buy a new one. It's expensive, but he can use it for a long time. 
Question: 男生遇到什么困难,在两种解决方案中,你认为哪种好?
Question 6 【讲课要点】:
The professor talks about two ways wildfire benefits the animals and 
provides basic things for their survival. 
1. Provide them with opening places, which can be the shelters for animals 
and the young. E.g. woodpeckers, a kind of bird, build their nests in the 
burned branches of the tree; 
2. Renew the old vegetation. Wildfire helps replace the old plants with the 
new ones by wiping out the old plants. E.g. Deer like eating fresh trees for 
they are much tender and easy for them to digest, so new plants are better 
for their survival. 
题号                 内容
Question 1     If your university is going to invite someone to give a speech, who do you think should be invited? 
                        a). a businessman; 
                        b). a scientist; 
                        c). a politician.
Question 2    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should be 
                        required to do volunteer work in the community, like cleaning the park or 
                        helping elementary school students with their homework.
Question 3 
Reading part 
The university is planning to move the theater off the campus due to two reasons. 
1. The theater now is too small to accommodate the increasing number of audience. 
2. Much better facilities can be offered in the new theater.
Listening part
In the conversation, the student disagrees with the plan. 
1. His first reason is that the location of the theater is extremely important for students. Most of them are reluctant to go downtown 
because it’s so inconvenient. 
2. And the student points out that students are already used to deal with the equipment they have now, they’re not trained to cope 
with fancier facilities, and it may not work out that well as expected in the end.
Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.
Question 4 
Reading part 
Sensory memory: People can remember something for a brief time 
Listening part
In an experiment, several participants were asked to look at some letters. Then the researchers made the alphabet disappear 
after the stimuli is gone, but we won’t able to recall all the details.and the participants were asked to name the letters they saw a while ago. 
It turned out that the participants were still able to remember the image of the alphabet, but they could only name a few letters, which 
means that they were not able to recall all the details.
Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。
Question 5 
The woman’s problem is that she hurt her leg last week and can’t perform in the dance. 
The first solution is to rearrange the team position, but other members will be affected and the new arrangement will look weird. 
The second solution is to find someone to replace her. Beck is a good dancer who just finished her program, but there is little time
for her to learn the dance. 
Question: 女生遇到什么困难,有两种解决方案中,你认为哪种好?
Question 6 
In the lecture, the professor talks about two adaptations of bony fish to avoid predators. 
The first one is to sense the movement of water. For example, zebra fish has hair cells that enable it to sense water flow, so it can detect predators 
when they are approaching, and then escape. The other one is to stay still in flowing water. For example, trout is able to 
keep breathing while hiding behind seaweed and stay still whenever predators are around.
