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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the past, people were more friendly than they are today.(旧题,重复2015年10月25日)





1. Kangaroo留下的;
2. 热气球(hot-air balloon)不小心留下的;
3. 这个脚印其实是个人为编造的谎言。



1. Kangaroo的脚掌形状独特,脚印很容易辨认,这个并不是;

2. 这个地区是森林,热气球飞不起来,不可能在这里留下印记;
3. 这不是编造的谎言,因为确实有采访,有证据。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the past, people were more friendly than they are today..




(1) 社会经济不断发展,人们的生活节奏很快很忙碌,疏于与人有好地沟通交流。With the constantly rapid development of social economy, life rhythm, especially in urban area, is fast, depriving the interpersonal communication among individuals. 许多人因此在日常生活中抱怨生活的冷漠。Cold is the feeling that many people are experiencing and complaining about in daily life.

(2) 电子设备的不断发展,手机电脑等设备占据着人们的大量时间,即便是闲暇时间。游戏和娱乐应用软件是年轻人沉迷,腐蚀着年轻人的生活,使得他们对现实周围非常的漠不关心,更不要说对他人友好。Using electronic devices, such as smart phones and computers, takes over considerable amount of time, even leisure time. Games and entertainment applications addict young people, corroding their life and making them indifferent to real surroundings, let along to show friendliness to others.

(3) 过去几十年,由于特殊政策(single-child policy),使得几代人中国人(several generations in China)都是独生子女。他们的生长环境(growth environment and conditions)使他们以自我为中心(self-centered),只关注自己的想法和利益,使得老一辈人感受到了年轻人的自私和冷漠。



(1) 社会的教育的普及和教育程度的逐渐提高,教育使人们更加细心,更懂得在意他人的想法,从而使得现代人越来越友好。The popularization and degree of education keep rising, with which people know the importance of caring more about what others think and thus being increasingly warm, kind and supporting.

(2) 通讯软件的普及和网络的覆盖,促进了人们的交流,人与人之间愈发友善. The popularization of communication applications and the coverage of Internet have facilitated better communication and interaction among people from different backgrounds. The more idea exchanging, the greater friendliness people are of.

(3)全球化促使人们语言的运用能力和对于世界落后地区的关注不断提高,越来越的的组织机构和志愿者们投入到对有需要的人的帮助支援活动之中。Globalization has promoted people’s ability of different language using and has improved the attention to backward areas. Thus, more organizations and volunteers are increasingly involved in helping people in need, leaving countless affecting and heart-warming moments.




1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Rather than help their children do school work, parents should encourage their children to do work independently.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend more money on art museums and music performance centers than on recreational facilities(like playgrounds, public swimming pool).
