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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than save money for the future.(旧题,重复2015.06.13)





  1. 著名历史学家(historian)Herodotus的一书中指出,伊特拉斯坎人(Etruscan)因为饥荒(famine)从土耳其迁徙到意大利的。

2. 伊特拉斯坎人(Etruscan)所说的语言在靠近土耳其附件的一个岛屿也被发现。

3. 伊特拉斯坎人(Etruscan)所养的牛的基因还土耳其及其周边地区牛的基因也很相似。


  1. 讲话人说历史学家Herodotus的话不可信,因为在他另一本书中他写到有些国家有大到可以吃人的昆虫。

2. 因为伊特拉斯坎人(Etruscan)是水手(seafarer)居多,他们可以航行到很多国家,语言也会流传到很多国家。所以土耳其人会说其语言也不足为奇。

3. 伊特拉斯坎人(Etruscan)的商人(trader)从土耳其及其他国家进口牛。




  1. 旅游可以减轻压力,这样人们才能更好投入工作和生活。(Traveling can reduce the pressure, so that people would enjoy work and life.)举例论证:间隔年(gap year)
  2. 旅游可以开阔人们的眼界。(Traveling can broaden people’s horizons.)举例论证:读万卷书不如行万里路(Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books.)
  3. 旅游可以让人们亲近大自然,从而提升环保意识。(Traveling would give an opportunity to people to close the nature, it is a beneficial way to enhance the people's environmental awareness.)举例论证:生态旅游(ecotourism)


  1. 在遇到紧急情况时,我们可以使用节省下来的钱。(the money we saved can be used in an emergency)在我们的生活中,必须要面对不同的困难,所以在有困难的时候,钱是非常重要的。(we have to face different tough obstacle in our life, so the money in that time is vital significance.)举例论证:最近一项官方的调查显示,70%的大学生都会选择存钱,而非把钱花在旅游和度假上。(A recent poll concluded at university about using money by officials shows that seventy percentage of university students would save money preparing for future rather than spend money on traveling and vacation.)

2. 对于一些收入较低的人们来说,他们不会把钱花在旅行和度假上,因为他们甚至都没有足够的钱支付房租,伙食或是买衣服。(The wage of some needy people is so low that cannot pay the money on traveling. Those people who do not have enough wage, even worry about paying the rent of house, obtaining the food and buying the suitable clothes.)举例论证:我的叔叔,他在一家工厂工作,每个月只有3000元。想象一下在支付其他家庭的开支之后,每一个月或多或少只剩下300元,所以他从来没有想过把钱花在旅行或度假上,因为缺少钱。(my uncle, who works in a factory, only has 3000RMB per months. Just image the money left after paying other expenses of the family. Only 30 Yuan more or less left every month, so he never has a thought to spend money on traveling or vacation, because of the lack of money.)

3. 房价越来越高。为了能租或买一套房子,必须存钱。(The price of the house is getting higher. It is necessary to save money to rent or buy a house.)举例论证:中国某个小城市的一对夫妇,为了存够买房首付,3年没有看过电影,没有去过餐馆吃饭。在北京这样的大城市,租房往往要花掉一个人月收入的3分之一。(A couple of a small city in China, in order to deposit and buy a house, they did not see movies, and go to a restaurant to eat. In the big city like Beijing, renting house often takes one third of month's income.)




