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Great Zimbabwe石头建筑群建造的purpose(旧题,重复2012年10月27日)。



Which one do you prefer:

1)a company offering you a job with challenging and interesting project but less vacation days or;

2)another company offering you a job that is not so challenging and interesting but more vacation days.(旧题,重复2016年5月7日)




阅读:提出Great Zimbabwe石头建筑群的用途(purpose/function) 有三种可能的理论

1.农业方面:for storing grains(储存谷物粮食);
2. 矿业方面:gold mining place (挖金矿);
3. 天文方面:astronomical observatory(观测天象)。



1.从外表(outside)看起来是很像谷仓(storehouse),但是inside只有two small rooms,空间太小了,并且没有任何谷物的踪迹(no grains were found there);

2. 一种辐射碳检测指出当人们在这个地方建造这些建筑的时候还不知道这里有金矿(radiation carbon testing finds that towers and walls were built before the gold mine was detected);
3.要想观测天象,需要有特殊的角度和间距,这个建筑不符合要求 (towers for observing stars require specific angles and distance between towers; however, the Great Zimbabwe does not meet such requirements)。



Which one do you prefer:

1)a company offering you a job with challenging and interesting project but less vacation days or;

2)another company offering you a job that is not so challenging and interesting but more vacation days.




立场:more vacation days更好

More vacation time can provide people more opportunities to enjoy their mental lives.

1.First of all, various different things can be experienced during vacation time, especially a long vacation(长的假期可让人可以去体验各类有趣事物). Working all the time in office space has limited the chances for people to touch on their hobbies and others things in their dreams that they want to learn and experience. Life is not supposed to be stuffed with working tasks and pressure(生活不该充斥着工作任务和压力). Instead(相反地), a regular and long-enough vacation to do what you desire to do other than working is required(一个定期的足够长的能够让你去做除了工作以外的事情的假期是很必要的). Working makes you money, while money helps broaden your eyesight instead of forcing you work more(工作可以挣钱,但钱应该是帮助你拓宽眼界而不是进一步迫使你工作更多). Having a distant trip in vacations, it will be an unforgettable experience to have a close contact with the nature and to learn more about the local culture and history, which can expand horizons and knowledge.

2.In addition, a complete relax in vacation improves your working efficiency(假期休息好能够提高工作效率). Most people have suffered from long-time brain work. During vacation time, even no trip, just choosing to do sports, to listen to music, to see movies can allow a good physical and mental condition to to back to work. 举例说明。

3.Last but not least, longer vacation time allows us to better reunite with families(较长的假期能让人们和家人更好地维系感情). To create a better life for family has always been the excuse for those workaholic who consume themselves in working while spare little time with families(为家人创造更好的生活一直都是那些拼命工作却很少与家人在一起的工作狂的借口). However, the so-called “better life” means more than material and economic conditions for a family(然而,所谓的“更好的生活”不仅仅意味着一个家庭的物质和经济条件). Balancing material and spiritual needs is the essence of family life no matter what role you are in family(无论你在家庭中扮演什么角色,平衡物质和精神需求是家庭生活的本质). Do not let people you love feel further and further distance from you(不要让你爱的人觉得你越来越疏远).举例说明。




1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Rather than help their children do school work, parents should encourage their children to do work independently.

2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend more money on art museums and music performance centers than on recreational facilities(like playgrounds, public swimming pool).
