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Part 2 Top 20高频话题


1. Describe a sports star 体育明星

2. Describe an occasion when someone visited your home 到访你家

3. Describe a comedian 喜剧演员

4. Describe a quiet place 安静的地方

5. Describe a website 网站

6. Describe an occasion when you helped someone 帮助别人

7. Describe an occasion when you changed your mind 改变主意

8. Describe a good parent 好家长

9. Describe a talkative person 健谈的人

10. Describe a TV show 电视节目

11. Describe an occasion when you received good service 得到好的服务

12. Describe an occasion when you lost something 丢东西

13. Describe a photo 照片

14. Describe a popular person 受欢迎的人

15. Describe a river 河流

16. Describe a piece of furniture 家具

17. Describe a historical period that you are interested in 历史时期

18. Describe an interesting job you want to do 有趣的工作

19. Describe your favourite subject 学科

20. Describe a building 建筑
