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小作文: table

大作文: Many young people change their jobs or careers every few years. What are the reasons for this? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?



1. 本次考试难度一般

2. 整体分析:

Task 1 表格,静态数据图,4个国家之前的数据对比。

注意点:1.注意按照适当的顺序描述各国数据 2.注意数据之间的比较 3.注意词汇的词性变化,增加句型丰富性



1. … shares the same percentage with …, which occupying ...

2. A is ...times as much/many as B. A是B的...倍

3. The number of ... is slightly higher/ lower than ...

4. A is the second most popular, and it makes/takes up x% of the total.

5. A is the leading item. Next comes....




这个题目讨论的重点在于young people;其次,在于every few years,注意分析年轻人常换工作的主观原因。


Introduction:In the fast-changing world, young people tend to change their jobs frequently. There are some factors contributing to this phenomenon and I believe it is a positive trend.


(原因)Young people change their jobs for several reasons. Firstly, 年轻人通过换工作可以积累更多的经验和技能 (accumulate new experience and add to their skill set). In this way, 他们的工作资历和背景会比别人更优秀,从而可以寻找到一份有更高待遇的工作(have a better opportunity to get high-paying jobs than others). Secondly, 年轻人具有冒险精神,会对不同的职业感兴趣(Many young people today are also interested in a varied career). 与过去的几代人不同(previous generations),他们比较愿意稳定地做同一份工作(stick to one chosen path),然而现在的年轻人更愿意挑战自己尝试新的工作(youngsters nowadays are more willing to challenge themselves).


(观点)There are many advantages of making job changes from time to time. First of all, 经常换工作可以让年轻人学习到更多不同领域的知识和技能(broaden their experience and acquire new knowledge and skills from various working fields). In addition, 更换工作有可能让年轻人有机会取得职业上的成功(may lead to great success in their job). 因为新的工作环境总是会激发工作热情(fresh working environment can boost enthusiasm for work), 这种改变有可能帮助年轻人发现自己的天赋(discover their talents and strengths when working for different companies), 找到最适合自己的工作, 取得成功(achieve success).


Conclusion:In conclusion, various reasons can lead to this change. I would argue that the advantages of changing jobs every few years do outweigh the disadvantages.



1. 小作文:重点关注饼图、柱图

2. 大作文:多关注教育、政府、科技类话题

3. 重点浏览13和15年写作机经,可借助《高分范文书》第7版经典旧题来复习。

