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1.英国发现一座grave,目测是king Raldward的?


① 发现里面的硬币年份与国王去世的年份相同。

② 墓葬非常宏伟壮观,推测是国王的。

③ 里面刻有基督教先知名字的勺子(spoon),国王是第一个信仰基督教的国王。


① 发现的年份有问题,比国王的死要早25年。

② 有些著名的墓葬被盗,还有些小墓葬不被发觉,国王墓葬可能在其中。

③ 勺子(spoon)可能是一个信仰基督教的人送给国王的礼物。


2. 在旧金山和洛杉矶之间建造high-speed train


① 西部公路维修费用高昂,建了轨道之后道路破坏会减少,维修费也会减少。

② 缓解了交通堵塞(traffic congestion),建了轨道之后,人们会选择轨道交通,拥堵会缓解。

③ 是交通中最环境友好型的(one of the most environmentally friendly form of transportation)。


① 新建轨道非常贵,加利福尼亚政府需要借用几百万(borrow one hundred million),相当于政府收入的75%, 很难收回(hard to pay back alone)。

② 人们是否会选择轨道交通依赖去车站是否方便,东海岸公交系统发达,去车站很方便,但西海岸公交交通不方便,去车站也不方便,人们可能不会改变交通方式。

③ 火车不能覆盖(cover)所有地区,有的地方不能high-speed,所以和普通火车(regular train )一样,并不能燃料环保型(fuel efficient)。

3. 是否要保护土拨鼠(prairie dog)


① 这种动物对农业有很大危害,因为会和牛争着吃草(compete with cattle with grass)。

② 这种啮齿类身上携带的各种细菌和疾病会传染给人类,对人类卫生有危害。

③ 与大型的哺乳动物相比,在食物链中并不重要。


① 牛群只是在固定区域活动(cattle now feed on some specific areas),而且这种啮齿类会让土壤变得充满营养(full of nutrition)。

② 它所携带的病菌比较不同,在一个地区40年里只有10个人从这个啮齿类动物身上感染了致病菌。

③ 这个啮齿类在食物链中占有重要地位,因为蛇、狼等动物会那它作为食物来源。




① 放一些牛群(cattle)之类的食草类动物(grazer)把草都吃光。

② 用可控的焚烧(controlled fire)去烧光。

③ 引进真菌(fungus)来进行对抗。


① Grazers并不喜欢吃旱雀草(cheatgrass),还有其它的食物可以选择,cheatgrass是吃光本土植物之后的选择,这样反而破坏本土植物甚至珍贵植物。

② 火烧只能烧掉表面的旱雀草,种子数量多且广泛的播撒很容易生长,且种子可能埋在地下,火无法烧掉。

③ 真菌在欧洲和亚洲已经和旱雀草共存很久,已经发展出抵抗能力(resistant ability)了,所以只会对快死或本身很weak的草起作用,对健康的并无作用。


5.鲟鱼(sturgeon fish)跳跃到空中的解释


① 它们以在空中的昆虫为食。

② 它们想要大规模地清除寄生生物。

③ 当游客驾驶小船侵入它们的领地时,它们会变得非常具有侵略性。


① 当它们在冬季捕食充分的时候,当到了夏季它们就不会进食,而且它们是从海平面这样的低位置进食的。

② 大多数危险的寄生生物是位于身体内部的,而不是在身体之外。

③ 人类的侵入是很偶然的事情,即使没有人类的侵入,它们也依然会跳出水面。


6.对犀牛的重新迁移(relocation plan)有没有用


① 这个过程很难并且很危险(difficult and risky),并且实施的过程中会有损失。

② 这个计划会影响犀牛的繁殖(reproduce)。一些年龄比较大的雄性犀牛被选走了,则会影响生育;如果分开了母犀牛和他们的孩子会带来负面的影响。

③ 对偷猎没有作用,因为不管在哪还是会被偷猎者(poacher)抓,因为他们的犄角(horn)很值钱。


① 对比运输途中的短期危险(minor short-term risk),在南非遭到偷猎危险更大。而且死亡率没有那么高。

② 计划的执行者会很认真小心的挑选犀牛,这样就不会切段犀牛的关系链(bond),也不会引起隐患。

③ 军队会保护这个计划,有一片很大的地方,偷猎者不会轻易找到,所以这个计划很好。


7.Why toucan(犀鸟)evolved a bill(喙)


  • 做为武器against predators
  • 利用color and shape to hide from predator
  • 散热get rid of excess/excessive body heat


  • 不可做为weapon,bill很脆弱:it is made of hollow bones(中空的骨头) filled with air, so it’s thin and lightweight or else it can’t fly。If it’s used as a weapon, it will be easily damaged in activities like jabbing(戳)。
  • 单只toucan无法利用bill隐藏。They have to call out to each other(召唤鸟群) in order to use the color and shape to blend into(融入,混入) surrounding areas. If they do this, they are going to draw attention from predators
  • Healthy toucan doesn’t use bill,且they need bill to get rid of heat in the daytime(白天), but at night when the temperature is lower, they don’t,they then need to retain body heat。所以说bill不是用来散热的。




  • 被侵略(invasion)
  • 宗教变化(religious change)
  • 干旱(drought)


  • 一直都是Angkor人在自己统治,历史上没有关于侵略者(invader)的记录。
  • 宗教(religion)确实一直在改编,但并非衰退(decline),反而是更加繁荣(flourish)
  • Angkor周围有湖泊,并且在更早之前有过的一次更严重的旱灾中,城里的人们都生存(survive)下来了。所以听力认为这一次干旱人们也应当幸存下来。


9.wind turbine(风力涡轮机)该不该用在一个The Great Lake上


  • 对经济有好处,可以提供就业机会。
  • 因为该湖使淡水湖,比盐水湖腐蚀少,所以维修成本低。
  • 减小用水量,节约用水。


  • 公司要投资很多钱keep running,花钱供电数年,甚至提供给当地电力高达15年。
  • 淡水湖相比盐水胡容易结冰,并会破坏turbine,维护成本很高。



10.Akkad Kingdom迅速灭亡的三个解释

阅读:阅读给出Akkad Kingdom迅速灭亡的三种解释

  • Empire征服地区的人民进行了反抗
  • 天气气候恶劣,造成没有足够的食物供给(not enough food supply)
  • Empire想要主导贸易来获得利益(听力原文unfair trade),引起周边国家的不满,甚至导致了几十个外国国王对他的宣战


  • 当时被征服地区的城墙(city wall/defensive wall)已经被政府拆了,反抗军没有城墙保护很容易就会被政府军灭掉
  • 虽然天气不好会使粮食减产,但是empire的人民有先进的农业技术,如Irrigation(灌溉)和food preserving(食物保存),所以不会发生shortage of food supply,即使降水少
  • empire一直在寻找新的贸易伙伴,所以即使和一些国家有摩擦,带来的损失也made up by与新国家之间的贸易带来的resources和利益




  • 过度放牧(over grazing)导致草被吃光,损坏了土壤;
  • 马与当地的其他动物一起竞争食物,对于有限的土地资源来说,马匹的过度养殖影响了其他动物的生存;
  • 马匹经常踩踏当地的河流,影响了河水的水质,进而影响了河里鱼类的生存发展。


  • 马匹只吃草类植被的上半部分,根部会保留,所以不会损伤土壤,而且马匹的排泄物是土壤的肥料(manure),有利于土壤的保存;
  • 马匹饲养是到处跑动的,所以当地对其他动物的食物供给是足够的。并且如果没有马匹,当地的捕食者(predator)狮子就会只捕食羊,导致其数量急剧减少;
  • 河水水质利于鱼类的生存主要是因为河狸(beaver)的存在。但由于人们认为河狸毁坏庄稼,于是将河狸赶走,才因此导致了河水水质变得较差,鱼类生存受到威胁。所以鱼类生存状况与马匹无关。




  • 他们住在环礁湖(lagoon)里——跟海洋连接,有海水流进去——后来发生地震切断了与海洋的连接,导致水干了,他们就都死;
  • 致死的病毒导致的。并举了现在海豚(dolphin)的例子,他们也是病毒致死的;
  • 海藻疯长(algal boom),小的动物吃海藻,海藻产生毒素,捕食者又吃小动物,所以都被毒死了。


  • 如果水干了的话,会产生矿物质(minerals),但是实际上并没有发现,所以阅读的假设不成立;
  • 病毒也不可能。因为病毒不可能导致大面积的生物死亡,它只会影响到单个物种或者两个相近物种,正如阅读所说的那样。但是哺乳动物和大型鱼类因为同个病毒致死的概率是很低的;
  • 海藻确实可以产生毒素,但在一些化石里发现了很多这些大型哺乳类动物(large mammals)都食草的(plant-eating species),植物里含的毒素较低,那么他们体内的毒素应该不足以导致他们死。


13.保护海龟(sea turtles)数量减少的建议


保护sea turtle的建议:

① 保护海龟的蛋,用mental fences把它们围起来,防止被狗或其他动物吃掉;

② 塑料袋对海龟有很大威胁,海龟会吃这些塑料袋,以为这些塑料袋是它们的一种食物,所以应该禁止使用塑料袋,而让人们用可重复使用的袋子;

③ fishing vessels,捕鱼的时候会误杀海龟,海龟是要呼吸air的,但是进了捕鱼网就只能在海底呆好久,所以我们发明了一个新的net可以避免这些,所以应该要求使用这种网,另外还要加上法律的保护。


① 小海龟需要形成high developed磁场感应的能力,它们需要通过这种能力回到海里,但是mental fences会干扰它们形成这种能力,所以不好;

② 现在海里有millions trillions的塑料袋,需要百年才能分解,很难很慢,而且就算分解成小块也是有毒的,所以禁止塑料袋不能解决海龟现在所面临的问题;

③ 让他们用新的网很困难,因为会减少鱼的income,所以很多船并不会使用这种网,而且即使有了法律也没用,渔民们会偷偷地把看到的devices带回港口,然后继续捕鱼。





① 制定法律限制snakehead(黑鱼)的扩散;

② 告诉渔民们黑鱼的利益:可食用可赚钱,从而让渔民们捕捞;

③ 科学家研发一种毒素去消灭它。


① 法律不能阻止黑鱼的扩散因为他们可以自己穿越河流通过泥土来去不同的地方;

② 渔民们在知道黑鱼所带来的利益后会把它引到其他河流和地方不让黑鱼的数量减少;

③ 毒素也会伤害到其他微生物例如昆虫和两栖类,他们是许多其他生物的主要食物。当他们的数量减少会扰乱生态系统的秩序。


14.三种control the further spread flatworms的方法

阅读:三种control the further spread flatworms的方法

① Biological control,在原产地New Guinea或者本地找一种predator来捕食flatworm;

② Chemical control,说用杀虫剂来控制flatworm的数量;

③ Soil sterilization,这种虫vulnerable to heat,于是可以对potted plant的soil进行加热消毒,将它们浸泡在50℃的热水里。


① 它在New Guinea没有天敌,在欧洲也没有什么动物吃它,因为unpleasant taste;

② 这种虫几乎对所有杀虫剂有抗性,唯一一种可以控制它的杀虫剂毒性太大,在杀死它的同时也会对其他生物造成伤害;

③ 这些虫可能藏在植物土壤的深处,以至于热水不能够penetrate,所以这些虫会escape being killed and survive.




① 欧洲海域兴建的dam阻碍了eel的繁殖;

② 鳗鱼的食物鱼里面有寄生虫,导致他们infection;

③ 海洋里鳗鱼繁殖的位置很难找到,所以很难帮他们排除危险。


① 可以建立带有tube的dam,鳗鱼可以穿过,游过去繁殖;

② 人们已经发现含有寄生虫的鱼的种类,可以把这些鱼引到别的鳗鱼接触不到的地方;

③ 科学家们使用device已经可以确定鳗鱼的迁徙路线、位置,以及是否有对eel有危害的生物,从而保护鳗鱼。




① 通风;

② 对应星星的位置,宗教;

③ 国王死后的灵魂通过。


① 有两种shaft,但功能并不都是通风;

② tomb是早期建的,那时候还没有对星星的迷信;

③ 古埃及人相信灵魂可以穿过墙,所以没必要。


17.短脸熊(short-faced bear)是吃什么保持它们庞大的身躯的


① 吃大型的哺乳动物(large mammals),短脸熊体型很大,能够打败水牛(buffalo)和长毛象(mammoth)等这些大型的哺乳动物。所以,它们会吃大型哺乳动物。

② 吃行动敏捷(move swiftly)、快速移动的动物(fast speeding animals),比如鹿(deer)和羚羊(antelope)。

③ 短脸熊是食腐动物(scavenger),它们会吃别的动物捕获(capture)之后吃剩下的腐食。


① 认为短脸熊并不会吃大型哺乳动物,虽然它们的腿很长,但是骨骼太弱(thin),所以它们通常抓不到大型哺乳动物。

② 因为短脸熊体型太大(huge size),它们的惯性(the force of inertia)就会很大,在奔跑的时候直线很快,但是转弯(change their directions)很不灵活(inflexible),所以它们也很难捕获鹿、羚羊等行动敏捷的动物。

③ 如果是食腐动物的话,那么肯定要吃其他动物吃剩下的骨头(bone)。但是研究表明,巨型短脸熊的牙齿是吃肉类型的牙齿而不是啃骨头的,所以它们并不以腐食为生。




① Titan的运行轨道是椭圆形的,不同于普通的卫星轨道;

② Titan上有许多massive depressions坑和洼地,解释称为火山活动和撞击造成,但没有证据表明附近有火山活动,并且如果是撞击造成也应该随机分布;

③ Titan上有很多sand dunes沙丘,通常沙丘方向与风向有关,但这里并不是。


①许多小型的small moons之间的吸引力会影响轨道的形状,使得Titan的轨道变椭圆。

② Titan表面的坑是由于rainfall导致的,如同地球上一样形成了crater。

③ Titan上的sand dunes是由于上文中的crater导致的,而他们的方向是由于strong wind导致的。


20. 是否应该种palm tree.


① A high oil yield ,所以用地少,减少deforestation.

② 这个palm oil可以用在vehicle engine 里,而且比传统排油的carbon少的多,这样就保护environment.

③ 多plant palm trees 可以decrease poverty. 因为palm trees 用地少and get a high yield, 所以,small-scale种植palm trees farmers can benefit profit from it.


① 人们发现种植palm trees 是high yield后,就会产生high demand. 所以farmers 会用更多的土地来种植palm trees. 比如砍掉woods, 用来种植palm trees. 反而会增加deforestation的状况产生。

② 如果要种植palm trees,就要clear掉原来土地里的vegetables / trees, 用一种叫做peat的material burn them. 这个过程中,会释放大量的carbon,实际排放要多过传统oil。

③ 种植palm trees只有在开始的时候,能给small-scale种植palm trees的farmers 带来profit. 但是,当大规模种植的公司发现种植palm trees是如此profitable,他们就会把控制权抢过来,进行集中经营,然后给农民little in return, 所以,种植palm trees 并不能解决poverty的问题。


21. 希腊发现了200多个圆盘状的ceramic disks,三种理论推测用途。


① 用来做饭的(pans for cooking food)因为没装饰那边凹进去,盛菜不会撒,且有把手好握着。

② 用来做鼓的(drums) 把动物皮绑在盘子周围突起上面,可以制成鼓。

③ 用来做镜子的(mirrors)古人把水等液体放进去,容器放平,一弯腰就能看见自己的样子(figure)。


① 如果用来盛菜,会使陶瓷盘(ceramic disks)变得褪色(blacken and discolor),因为高温。同时,出土的仅200多件,太少了,不会是盛菜用的;

② 因为这样的做法敲起来不会有好的声音,解释了一般的鼓部分原理。并且问为什么古人放着那么多充足的适合做鼓的材料不用,而用它呢;

③ 如果是为了做镜子用,就要把镜子平放,那么人家干嘛还把背后平的那一面弄上装饰呢,



22. 探讨是否很难去拯救濒临灭绝的hermit ibis。


① hermit ibis的栖息地在不断缩小,而人类的活动范围在不断增大,所以hermit ibis没有地方筑巢;

② hermit ibis的幼鸟和蛋非常vulnerable,收到各种天敌的侵害,导致成活率很低;

③ hermit ibis属于迁徙类鸟类,需要从父母那里学习migrate route,所以无法通过人类来抚养。


① hermit ibis对筑巢的树木要求很低,甚至在cliffs和walls上都可以筑巢,所以他它们可以生活在人类活动的地方;

② 尽管hermit ibis的幼鸟和蛋很脆弱,但可以让人类来保护,并且它们的天敌害怕哨声,可以让人带上哨子驱赶天敌;

③ 尽管hermit ibis需要学习迁徙,但不一定必须通过父母,还可以让人类通过用一个发光的飞机来沿着正确的路线引导它们学习。


23. Sargon帝国衰落的原因


① rebellion of conquered city-state;

② food supply受干旱影响;

③ 贸易想独霸,但是遭到其他国家的resistance,所以没有办法获得重要的一些material。


① 被conquer的时候,这些city-state的防御措施就被Sargon的军队摧毁了,所以不可能;

② 有灌溉和特殊的grain来抵抗干旱;

③ 可以开辟新的trade来弥补短缺。


24. 探讨auklet大规模死亡的原因


① 在夏季auklet数量急剧增加,导致种族内部对食物竞争加剧,大量数量死亡;

② 吃了或者接触了有着virus的食物等,导致他们infection,最终死亡;

③ 水温的上升导致auklet的食物zooplankton变小并且营养减少。


① 每年夏季auklet数量都会增加,而且在部分auklet死亡之后食物数量会重新达到平衡,但今年auklet数量下降比往年要大得多;

② 海星感染virus之后会有可见特征,auklet并不会吃,而且死亡的auklet体内并没有查出virus infection;

③ 其他以zooplankton为食得鸟类和鱼数量都正常,所以一定是其他原因导致auklet数量大量下降。


25. asteroid colony 是否宜居的问题。


① 因为 low gravity 使得着陆更加安全,起飞消耗更少的燃料use fewer fuels;

② 人们可以在 asteroids 上找到地球上稀缺的 valuable metal, 这样可以获 得更多的利润;

③ 很容易到达,有一些 asteroids 离地球很近,因此方便往返。


① 会有很多潜在的风险,比如健康问题,低重力会使得肌肉功能丧失,骨密度 下降,钙质流失等;

② 会有很多额外的成本,比如运输,而且 asteroids 上的储量也可能没有那 么多,如果供给量不大,人们无法获利;

③ 回地球其实并不方便,轨道最远的点比火星的距离还要远。


26. 人工森林火灾的优缺点


①对动物有害(do harm to animals)

②污染空气(smoke and carbon dioxide pollution)

③由于自然火灾仍然存在,所以人工森林火灾会浪费钱(additional cost)


① 有几个月的时间动物不会繁殖,所以幼崽比较少,成年的动物都可以在火灾中逃脱(mature animals are able to escape)

② 植物可以吸收二氧化碳(trees can absorb carbon dioxide)

③ 人工火灾可以清除有害物质,以及减少自然火灾(prescribed burns clear dead wood and decrease fire)


27. 金字塔内部竖井(shafts)的作用


① 让外面的新鲜空气进入,工人在里面很难呼吸。

② 是和一些星星的方位一致。

③ 让法老的灵魂(spirit)进入。


① 有的结构没有延伸到外面

② 早期的星星和神灵并没有联系。

③ 法老的灵魂可以从墙上穿过,不需要通道(passageways)。


28. 全球变暖会造成动物P的死亡


① 全球变暖使温度上升,造成P OVERHEATING

② 温度上升,难以储存过冬食物

③ 加快雪的融化,使P不能依靠雪保温


① 找cooler的地方,不是所有地方都热

② 温度上升, eat not too much, 有更多时间为寒冬储存食物

③ 冬天结束早,促进繁殖


29. 探讨鳗鱼(eel)数量减少的原因


① 欧洲海域兴建的dam阻碍了eel的繁殖;

② 鳗鱼的食物鱼里面有寄生虫,导致他们infection;

③ 海洋里鳗鱼繁殖的位置很难找到,所以很难帮他们排除危险。


① 可以建立带有tube的dam,鳗鱼可以穿过,游过去繁殖;

② 人们已经发现含有寄生虫的鱼的种类,可以把这些鱼引到别的鳗鱼接触不到的地方;

③ 科学家们使用device已经可以确定鳗鱼的迁徙路线、位置,以及是否有对eel有危害的生物,从而保护鳗鱼。 


30. 是否在白令海峡上修桥


① 水比较浅;

② 可以在大桥上通火车和汽车,方便那些不坐飞机的乘客;

③ 可以降低油和天然气货运的成本。


① 冬天海峡会结冰,并且冬季时间很长,会延长建设的时间,防冻措施也很复杂;

② 海峡两边的路况很差,而且火车还需要倒车;

③ 用管道运输其实更节约成本。



1.Many people spend too much money on pets even though there are better uses of money. Do you agree or disagree this opinion?


① 动物可以给人们带来很多乐趣,当人们处在困难时期,动物可以给我们心理上的支持(There is no doubt that pets give people pleasure. They often provide part of the psychological support network that helps people get through difficult times in their lives.)举例论证:此处可以列举dog和cat陪伴人们的例子。引用论证:(“There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.” says Ben Williams.)

② 动物可以帮助主人保持运动(pets will help the owners to keep exercises.)举例论证:以dogs喜欢散步为例:Such as dogs, it can be great companions and will happily go out for walks, at times even urging you for a walk, when you are too tired, thereby keeping you active and fit. Other activities related to pets like feeding, bathing, playing and cleaning are also good ways to exercise.

③ 和动物一起长大的孩子更有同情心(children growing up with pets develop more empathy.)解释原因:This could be because children view animals as peers and understand them better than adults. 将动物和人对孩子的影响作比较:They learn to read animals' body language, and unlike adults, animals hardly pretend or play psychological games.


2.Do you agree or disagree: In the past, people were more friendly than they are today.


① 过去人们交流更频繁。(People in the past were more accessible and communicated more frequently.) 现代建筑和科技阻隔了人与人之间的沟通,人们因此更加不了解。可以举例说现在和几十年前人居所的不同。

② 现在的人们更关心经济利益。在过去,人们会更关心对方。(Human beings used to be more caring about others than about economic profit.) 现在社会越来越物质化(materialistic),把追求利益放在首位,所以不会去考虑对待别人的态度。

③ 过去人们更信任别人。(People in the past have more trust for others.)媒体中播报出的犯罪案件越来越多,人们潜意识(sub-consciously)里就不相信其他人,也没办法进行友好地交流。


3.Do you agree or disagree the following statement?

The more money a man has, them more money he should give away to charities.


① 富人(the wealthy)有权利自己安排自己的财富(have their own right to arrange their possessions),因为那是他们自己通过努力挣来的,他们没有必要为贫富差距承担后果(are not responsible for the gap between the rich and the poor),另外他们已经缴纳很高的税额给the authorities, who should bear the burdens to handle this tough problem。

② 做慈善可能会pose a threat to富人自己的生活甚至市场的正常运转,因为做慈善对于他们来说并不是一个直接的利益来源(direct profit source),但是会影响到自己的生活质量,对于一些大企业家(entrepreneurs)来说,做慈善还可能会影响到公司的运转及员工的福利体系(the operation of their business and employee benefits),从而影响到大家工作的积极性。

③ 就算是帮助穷人,富人们也不一定非要把钱捐到慈善机构(do not have to donate their money to charity organizations, even if deciding to help people in need),因为有些慈善机构可能不会make full use of the money甚至会do things illegally,所以不如直接把钱给需要帮助的人。


4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships.


① Firstly, there is nothing wrong with healthy competition between friends.朋友间的良性竞争并不是件坏事。一般来说,积极的竞争(positive competition)对人们很多有好处:激励你更努力地工作,积极奋斗(motivating you to work harder and strive for more)。正如孔子所言:“三人行,必有我师焉。”(Friends are more beneficial who are better than you, one way or another)。

② Furthermore, friends strengthen their bonds through competition. 竞争可以加固友谊。诚然,朋友间会彼此竞争,但也会彼此帮助击败其他竞争对手(friends also help each other to beat other competitors),这样会使友谊更加坚固。可举身边朋友的例子或者是运动员之间互相帮助的例子:跳水运动员等。

③让步段:Trying to be better than your friends at everything might not be so healthy, though.比如:夹杂着愤怒和嫉妒的竞争会使友谊受到重创(a friendship could be severely damaged by competition, invariably mixed with rage and/or jealousy),而有时这些情绪又难以消化(too overwhelming to be swallowed)。若想保住友谊,保持良性竞争就非常重要and避免恶性竞争(unhealthy completion)。The right thing to do, then, is to keep competition positive, if possible at all。


5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Your job has a large effect on your overall happiness than social life does.


  • Social life 可选择的特别多(a variety of social activities),包括travelling, parties, clubs, ball,这些活动更容易让人好好享受生活(enjoy the best life has to offer)。而每个人一般只做一份工作,生活被限制在(be confined to)工作中,很单调(dry and dull)
  • 通过social life, 我们可以strengthen the bonds and make new friends。这些活动给我们提供很多的机会,可以遇到跟我们志同道合人(people with similar interests),也可以给我们提供和老朋友叙旧的好机会(catch up),因此我们的生活会变得更加开心。而工作中我们每天遇到的都是一样的同事(workmates),只会聊工作上的事情,而且需要迎合(cater to)上司(supervisor)和客户,很tedious。
  • 工作中需要follow so many strict rules and regulations, 而social life可以自由表达自己的个性(personality),更容易让我们开心。以会计为例,在日常工作中(daily work),不管是做财务报表(financial statements)或者是做税表(file tax return),都需要严格遵循tax law and financial regulations,因此每天都在重复工作(rework), 毫无乐趣可言。


6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Visiting museums is the best way to learn about a country.


① It appears to be routine(做……似乎是正常的) for travelers to visit museums when they step onto(走上……) a foreign land. As treasure houses boast(以……为豪) numerous valuable records of a country, they are without doubt worthy of admiration and respect from all viewers. By reading introductions to the exhibits, people can uncover more details about them, thus learning more about the culture and history of the country they are in. That's just what people would do during the process of active learning. As far as I am concerned, among all the available learning channels, visiting museums does indeed offer a valuable opportunity to learn about a country.

② First of all, there is no denying that paying a visit to a museum teaches people a great deal about a nation's past. 解释句:Touring around a history museum is just like going on a magical journey(奇幻旅程) through the ages. Such an unforgettable experience allows one to return to the remote past in person and witness what was happening. There is much to be learned and memorized. 举例论证:The world-renowned(世界知名的)Palace Museum of China, also known as the Forbidden City, is attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors each day. The very site served as(充当……)the home of 24 emperors and their households as well as the ceremonial and political center of Chinese government for more than 500 years. Over a million artefacts are on display in this museum. UNESCO(联合国教科文组织) put it on the list of the World Cultural Heritage Sites. The Forbidden City could be a very good place for people to learn and understand China's past. In fact, museums of this kind, like the British Museum, the Canadian War Museum and so forth, can be found in many major cities around the globe. Each of them presents a unique history of its nation.

③ Secondly, visiting museums can also provide people with ample knowledge(丰富的知识) about the present magnificence of a country(一个国家的现世辉煌). 解释句:Ranging from art and science to agriculture, museums truly cover a vast area. 举例论证:For instance, in science museums, demonstrations, interactive programs(互动项目) are adopted to(被采用) introduce important scientific achievements. Visitors are given the opportunity to probe deeper into(探索) the world of science and experience its marvels. Evidently(显然), this educational and meaningful tour will be a cherished memory(宝贵的记忆) for a long time. Museums of modern art are also worth a visit. With a large collection of paintings, folk art, sculptures, ceramics and metalwork, art galleries present colorful aspects of the country's cultures. Just like an open gate, museums invite people into a paradise of knowledge.

④Admittedly, in addition to museum visits, there are also other ways to learn about a country. For example, reading books, local newspapers and magazines, watching news broadcasts on TV and seeing documentary films(记录片) could be some alternatives(替代方式). 打压:However, comparatively, visiting museums proves to be a more direct way.

⑤To summarize, for foreign travelers, visiting museums can broaden their horizon and help them achieve better understanding of different cultures. Therefore, regardless of (不管,不顾)other ways to learn about a country, it is still recommended(被推荐) to set out(出发,启程) on diverse(不同的) museum tours.


7.Which one is the most important for teacher of high school?

-the ability to help students plan for their future;

-the ability to find the students who need the most help and to give that help;

-the ability to encourage students to learn on their own outside of the classroom.

解题思路:选择第二个,the ability to find the students who need the most help and give that help

  • 绝大多数高中生很难自己找到自身的问题(The vast majority of high school students have trouble finding out their own problems on study.)。因为他们往往还不够心智成熟(due to immature mentality),不能够去主动发现自己的学习上的关键问题和需求(key issues and needs)。即便发现了问题(even if the problems can be found out on their own),因为缺乏经验(lack of experience),也不一定能及时找到方法去解决(timely and effective solutions might not come out easily)。而且高中生往往不好意思去展示自己的薄弱之处(embarrassed to show their weakness),也就不会主动向老师请教(turn to the teachers for help and advice )。所以,老师能够及时发现需要帮助的学生并给与有效帮助是非常必要的。
  • 老师主动给有需要的学生提供帮助能够提高学生的学习兴趣和信心(improve students’ learning interest and confidence)。得到老师热心主动的帮助,学生会觉得备受关怀和鼓舞(With the help of the teacher, the students will feel being concern and encouraged), 尤其对于需要帮助的学生,可以从新燃起学习的希望和热情(renewing their hope and enthusiasm on study, especially for those who need most help)。
  • 让步段:诚然,学生对未来需要有一个好的规划,但是对于高中生而言,最直接需要考虑的未来就是高考或者说是大学的选择(what they need to consider first about their future is to perform well in the college entrance exam, which determines their choice of college)。这个目标很明确(a clear goal),并且本质(essence)还是要获得好的学习成绩(achieve good scores),那么仍然是需要老师给予帮助。独立学习能力也确实是一个重要的品质,但是这个完全可以在大学四年的学习中得到更好更自由的发展,而对于并不足够成熟的高中生(immature high school students),自己独立学习很容易走弯路(it makes students take a tortuous road to study by themselves),影响学习效率(decreasing study efficiency)。


8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend more money on art museums and music performance centers than on recreational facilities(like playgrounds, public swimming pool).


  • Art museums and music performance centers可以给当地政府带来持续稳定且数目可观的收入(a source of steady and considerable income)。解释:这些场地可以用来举办各类艺术展和明星演唱会, which is attractive to not only local residents but also tourists and fans from other places.
  • 比起public recreational facilities, art museums and music performance centers能够带来更多的就业岗位(employment positions)。解释:这些场馆需要长期的管理和工作人员(long-term staffs to manage and maintain)。并且,展览和演唱会等活动的不断举办也会促进相关产业的发展(stimulate the development of relevant industries)。
  • 让步:诚然,constructing recreational facilities is also beneficial to citizens, 比如,确实public swimming pools and playgrounds provide easy access for citizens to participate in sport activities and to relax with a lower price。但是art museum and music centers benefit both the public and the government。并且,人们在看exhibition 和 music performance的时候不仅也可以得到很好的放松,还能acquire more cultural knowledge, improve their aesthetic appreciation。


9.Your university want to improve the quality of students’ life in the dormitory. Which would you prefer?

- Quiet place for study

- Building exercise room for students to keep physical well-being

- Space for entertainment (like watching movies)

解题思路:选择第一个,quiet place for study

  • 乍一看(at first glance),健身房可以让学生去锻炼肌肉(strengthen their muscles),保持体型(maintain in good shape),但是,学校完全没有必要去做这些,因为在操场上慢跑或围着学校跑步不仅仅可以让学生得到同样的锻炼,还可以给他们一个机会去亲近大自然(provide an opportunity to get closer to the nature)。另外宿舍中的健身房的设施也不会像学校里sports center的健身设施那样professional,这就意味着学生在自己宿舍也能做做俯卧撑(push-ups)或哑铃操(dumbbell exercise),所以对我来说,健身房不是个好的选择。
  • 娱乐场所同样也不是我的选择(won’t be on my lists of priority),有人说在离宿舍很近的地方能看一场电影非常好,因为电影结束可以直接回屋睡觉,但是对于我来说,如果要看电影的话我更看重的是电影的视觉声觉效果(acoustic and visual effects),所以我宁愿(I’d rather do)去电影院,而且学校里很难放映那些大片(sensational movies),所以我还是觉得躺在床上用电脑看那些经典电影会更好(it seems better for me to lie in my bed with earphones on to catch up those classics on my computer screen)。
  • However, the quiet place for study is where I yearn most for. I’m fed up with(忍不了) queuing up in early morning and waiting outside the library for the doors to open(早晨在图书馆外面排队等着开门); especially when the final exams are around the corner(近在眼前), hardly can I find a seat in the library. I’m also hoping that one day I could have a place to stay up late to get my projects done(完成作业), without going out of my way to step out, rush for an all-night café in the cold winter, and to pay for several cups of coffee and feeling worn out when returning back to the dorm. Of course, neither an exercise nor entertainment room can be a substitute for a quiet place in the dormitory building which can offer us a place to read books and study with ease(轻松,方便). Students can thus achieve more in terms of academic performance。


10.Many university students are encouraged to study in those majors, which have an increase of job growth (more needed in the job market) like Science, Technology, Engineering, Math. What are your opinion about to choose those majors instead of what they are interested in?


  • Interest can help students achieve greater success in their area. 解释:当一个人的专业是其兴趣与未来职业规划的结合体时(a combination of interest and future career plan),这无疑会促使一个人去花比别人更多的时间和努力去钻研自己的专业,那么即便这个专业不是one of the hottest major,学生仍有可能在该领域内获得很好的发展。并且这个学生会因为能够自己感兴趣的事情而感到快乐。(对比论证),相反情况,被迫使选择自己不感兴趣的专业,那么学生很可能一味地很纠结苦恼,并且无法完全沉浸在学习中。最终,即便这些学生学则的时hot major,但不能用心学习,不能在该领域去努力钻也,同样时无法得到好的未来发展的,并且不快乐。
  • If students choose their interested majors by heart, the social competition tends to be naturally balanced. 解释:如果每个人都一味的去追逐所谓的热门专业,那么该领域的竞争必然会急剧加大(the competition in this major or area must increase dramatically)。这样发展下去(If so,),即便这是个社会需求量大的专业,也会因为人才过多而变得很难找到工作(even if it is a major in demand, it will become highly difficult for graduates to find job due to the superabundant job seekers)。
  • 让步:虽然说choosing a hot major seems guarantee a student a more stable future career development, which can be understood that the student might at least find a job for a living (最起码能找到一份谋生的工作). Nonetheless, 个人兴趣对于未来发展的不可忽视的影响(The unignorable influence of personal interest on future development),以及社会大环境的不断变化都应该被更多的考虑在大学专业的选择中。


11.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Rather than help their children do school work, parents should encourage their children to do work independently.

解题思路:选择同意,encourage children to do work independently好。

  • Doing school work independently is a good opportunity to review what students have learned in class. 解释:without the help of parents, children为了完成作业,不得不自己亲自去再次复习回忆学校课堂里学习的理论(theories)、方法(methods)、公式(formulae)、例子(examples)等内容,甚至在父母的鼓励下,能够主动的去整理所学知识(organize what they have learned)。
  • Children can be more independently overall. 解释:习惯了独立学习之后(after being used to studying by their own),孩子渐渐地就会懂得遇到问题时(run up against roadblocks)主动寻求(seek for)解决问题的方法,而不是(instead of)依赖于别人的帮助(rely on the help from others)。
  • 让步段:some may stress that assisting children with their homework is far different from simply offer help for study. Actually, this is the precious parent-child time(亲子时间) for busy parents to get closer to children and know how children perform in school. The children perhaps are willing to share some little secrets deep in heart. Sounds sweet, right? However, the truth would possibly be far from(远非,完全不) sweet. After wrestling with(努力克服,全力对付) all sorts of thorny problems at workplace, the exhausted parents possibly tend to be out of patience, especially when they find that their children even fail to solve an easy question. These impatient adults are likely to lose their temper and take their anger on the innocent children.


12.Some people like cooking and eating at homes while others like eating in the restaurants. Which one do you prefer?

立场一:prefer eating at homes

  • 首先,在家里吃饭可以为我们的身体健康提供保障(provide guarantees for our health)。在家里自己买菜做饭可以确保食材新鲜(ensure vegetables and fruits fresh),摄入均衡的营养(a balanced nutritional diet)。外面的餐厅,尤其是价格便宜的餐厅,不能够保证食材卫生安全(safety and sanitation),经常食用的话会有食物中毒(the possibility of food poisoning)的可能。
  • 其次,在家里吃饭经济划算(economical),减少花销(reduce daily expense)。很多成本很低(low cost)的菜品,但是在饭店要算上服务员的工资,房租、水电等费用之后(the fee of waiters, rent and utilities),就会卖到很贵的价格(charge a surprising high price),价格远远超过(far exceed)这个菜品本身的价值。所以没有必要去支付这些不必要的开销(pay for unnecessary expenses)。比如,在餐厅吃一顿要花费200美元,但是如果拿这些钱买菜做饭的话可以吃上几天。(For example, you spend 200 dollars on a supper in the restaurant, but if the money were used to buy meats, eggs and vegetables to cook meals, you would not need to worry about what to eat in a few days.)
  • 最重要的是(Last but not the least),在家里做饭可以获得成就感和满足感(a sense of achievement and satisfactory)。享受到生活的乐趣(enjoy the life)。通过一家人吃饭的方式可以沟通问题,交流感情,使得家庭生活更加和睦美满(more harmony and enjoyable)。

立场二:prefer eating in the restaurants

  • 首先,在餐厅吃饭可选择性大(have more choices),品味到各种各样的美食(opportunity to taste various foods)。餐厅一般都会有厚厚的(thick)菜单,琳琅满目(assorted/dazzling)的菜品供消费者进行选择。比如,在异域餐厅(foreign restaurants)吃饭还可以品味到异域风格(exotic foods)的食物。而在家里吃饭相比较而言可选择的余地就比较小,只能根据菜场上能够买到的食材做饭。
  • 其次,在餐厅/饭店吃饭方便快捷(convenient),节约时间成本(time-saving)。现在,尤其是在大城市(metropolis),快节奏的生活(fast-paced life)和繁重的压力(overwhelming pressure)使得人们没有心情去买菜做饭,而是选择方便快捷的餐厅。在餐厅吃饭不用自己动手,节约了买菜洗菜做饭的时间,这样会使得自己的工作和生活更加有效率(more efficient)。
  • 满足不同消费群体的需要(cater to different consuming groups),提供到不同的氛围(atmosphere/environment),不同的餐厅可以满足不同的需要,比如有的餐厅适合情侣约会(couples dating),有的比较正式一点的餐厅(formal restaurant)适合商务谈判(business negotiation)。而在家里做菜吃饭就没有这优势。


13.If you are selecting a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important to consider in deciding whom to vote for.


(开头段)Choosing a leader for a student organization requires prudent consideration, and many qualities should be taken into account. If I were to decide the one suitable for this position, honesty would be kept highest on my list of priorities(首要考因素).

(Body 1) First off, honesty is the basic premise(基本前提) of winning over得) other students. Children are taught to be faithful and trustworthy in terms of getting along with(与 others since they were born. Imagine that if finding their leader is lying about the use of funds, for example, won’t these members doubt the authority of this leader, or even the meaning of being honest? Of course they will. If that’s the case, the leader may lose affection of his/her team members gradually, and the morale of this organization would definitely be denteddent team morale 削弱士气). Hence, to shore up credibility(建立威信), a leader is supposed to show sincere in front of the whole team, and let the team members know the person leading them does have the ability to get activities well-organized, or to back up them when they need.

(Body 2)In addition to this, an honest leader will set a good example(做出榜 for the whole team. As an old saying goes, fish begins to stink at the head鱼腐头先臭,上梁不正下梁歪). That is, if the leader starts to tell lies for the sake of some certain purposes, you can’t expect how well the whole team perform. For example, in order to avoid punishment, a classmate of mine, also a leader of the street dancing club in my school, lies to his teacher by asserting that they have been rehearsing the show for the New Year’s Eve party (actually most of the rehearsing time has been used to play cards). And few of them takes the show seriously, or take the honor of the team seriously. Regardless of the final performance, this attitude the whole team holds is definitely not what the teacher and the school expect. In contrast, if the leader faced reality frankly and corrected what is wrong in time, things would be totally different.

(让步)Sure, some may argue that from time to time white lies have to be told and perhaps other qualities, like communication skills, play a more important role in deciding the candidate for the leader. Indeed, you can’t blame the leader for consoling the members with “good job” when they’ve just finished the worst football match, and it is also acceptable that the leader tells everyone “everything’s ok” after being scolded by their teacher. But the thing is, these white lies are not that necessary. Only if the leader is sincere enough, can s/he foster mutual trust, camaraderie, and team morale as well. It may do more good to honestly telling the team that we are not good enough, but we can be better and better. Similarly, it doesn’t matter不是关 whether the leader is expert at(精通) communicating or other specific skills, being honest matters. With a trustworthy leader, every student of this organization could be themselves with ease(放松自在), so even if difficulties appears when communicating, or even conflicts exist, these problems could be put to rest(解决了难题.

(结尾段)For the reasons above, honesty, for me, should be the most essential quality to decide a leader for a student organization, even if opposing opinions exist.


14.As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:

(1)Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)

(2)Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town. (For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?

解题思路:Schools should require students to volunteer on the projects in the university’s city or hometown.

① 参加志愿服务活动可以培养学生的社会责任感(cultivate the sense of responsibility)。因为在做志愿服务的过程中,会帮助那些需要帮助的人,或者是帮助一些机构解决问题,比如美化环境,清扫街道等,这会让学生感觉自己是社会的一份子,这可以让他们实现个人的社会价值。可举例论证

② 参加志愿服务活动还可以促进学生的社交能力 (facilitate their social interaction)。因为在活动的过程中他们需要学会如何与周围的人相处得融洽(get along well with other people),如何表达得更加得体(how to express properly),如何解决棘手的问题(how to deal with thorny problems)。可对比论证

③ 参加志愿服务活动还可以适当得减少学生的课程压力(alleviate their pressure on courses)从而帮助他们获得更好的学习成绩(which assists with their test performance)。因为在做志愿活动时,学生可以得到适当的休息,同时,社会活动的经历也让他们明白,只有通过努力,才能让自己立足在这个充满竞争的社会中(only by making painstaking efforts on study can they keep a favorable position in the society full of fierce competition),因此学生就会在学习上取得更好的成绩。可用举例论证


15.Many filmmakers make movies based on books. Some people prefer to read the book before they watch the movie, while other people prefer to watch the movie before they read the book. Which one do you prefer?


开头段:Since the invention of movies about one century ago, general publics have shown extraordinary passion and enthusiasm on this way of entertainment. (广大公众对这种娱乐方式表现出了极大的热情和热情) It is very common to find a cinema crowded with audiences coming to watch the newly launched movie starring their idols(由他们偶像出演的新上映的电影) or telling a story written by a famous author. In my mind, if possible, it is more meaningful for people to read the book on which the movie is produced before going to the theater.(人们在去剧院之前看一下以那部电影为基础制作的书更有意义。)

让步段:Admittedly, for modern citizens, time is a commonly mentioned excuse: they are too busy to spare enough time to read. (对于现在的人们来说,时间是一个常见的借口:他们太忙了,没有足够的时间读书。) As study and work has occupied most of their time, they feel even not enough time to have a rest. Also, thanks to the improvement of movie making techniques and directors’ skills, audiences usually regard watching movies as a better way to enjoy a story.(此外,由于电影制作技巧和导演技巧的提高,观众通常认为看电影是一种更好的欣赏故事的方式) However, for great works of famous authors, it is definitely worthy for people to read books before watching movies.(然而,对于著名作家的名篇佳作,仍然值得在看电影前阅读书籍)

分论点1: To begin with, the reading of the original story enables us to have better understanding of the movie and to assess the movie more objectively.(首先,阅读原著可以使我们更好地理解电影,更客观地评价这部电影。) 解释句:By reading books beforehand, audiences have more information on backgrounds of events and personalities of characters. This allows people to judge whether the director and actors are successful in telling the story. Even, some authors’ works are by nature very challenging for directors to film. With huge efforts, the movie is still obscure and abstruse(晦涩难懂). 对比论证:Without reading the book, it is unfair for audiences disappointed by the movie to criticize the author. Take Here the Wind Sing written by Haruki Murakami(村上春树的《风之歌》) as an example. If audiences haven’t read the book before, they can hardly understand those behaviors of Japanese young adults and be bored by insipid trivial matters(枯燥无味的琐事) in the movie.

分论点2:Secondly, the reading of the book in advance allows audiences to be more critical while watching the movie. (先读书可以让观众可以批判地看电影)解释句:It is unavoidable that people may have divergent interpretation(有不同的理解) of the book. Bearing in mind the story(记住这个故事), we are able to examine whether the movie will strike a chord in our heart(扣人心弦) or enlighten us with different revelation(给我们不同的启示). Especially for die-hard fans(铁杆粉丝), to watch a movie based on a book of their beloved author(心爱的作者) is just like to have a discussion with the director and actors on the contents or even details. 举例论证:Take the movie Into the White Night(白夜行) based on the book of Higashino Keigo (东野圭吾) as an example. The author is very successful in depicting criminals’ mental activities and creating conflicts, while the movie emphasizes much on cruel criminal activities to catch eyeballs. Only by reading the original story can we understand why protagonists(主角) were gradually set into a series of crimes.

结尾段:To sum up, although watching movies without reading original books saves people much time, it is actually much more enjoyable to read in advance.


16.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than in the past. Use specific examples to support your answer.


① 首先,现在食物的多样性更加丰富。现在由于高科技和种植、养殖技术的快速发展,人们摄取食物的多样性更加广泛,因此可以保证人们摄入全面的营养物质,这样有利于更加有利于保持身体健康。比如:现在大棚种植技术,可以保证人们一年四季都能吃到新鲜营养的健康蔬菜,可以在严寒的季节吃到夏天生长的水果,保证营养丰富。

(Firstly, the food of today are manifold, which can ensure people have a more balanced diet than ever before. People who take in diversity of fruits and vegetables are more sanguine and healthier with the rapid development of planting and breeding technology. Take greenhouse technology for example. Greenhouse can offer people full kind of nutritious vegetables no matter what season it is, for instance, people can eat watermelons in severe-cold weather. With nutritious food available, it is easier to keep health today. )

② 其次,现在健身房和科学运动的普及,使得人们更加健康。在以前,人们没有健身的概念,不知道通过健身运动来保持身体健康。但是,现在随着健身房遍布大街小巷,人们可以去健身房锻炼身体保持健康,甚至可以通过视频在家里学习健身课程,比如:瑜伽,可以增加身体的柔韧性和协调性等。

(Secondly, as a result of the popularization of gymnasium and scientific sports, more and more people choose to go to fitness rooms to maintain health and to shape a wonderful figure. People even do not need to go out to keep health on the grounds that they can learn from a fitting video which can be played home, such as yoga, an ancient exercise which is known for increasing flexibility and coordination of limbs and trunk. None of there were heard in the past years. )

③ 最后,随着营养学的发展、维生素知识的普及,人们可以科学地对待一日三餐,不再像以前那么盲目了。比如:人们走到书店就可以买到关于营养搭配和膳食的书籍,可以通过书籍有指导地进行饮食。

(Finally, people can be more sensible and smarter to make choices about what to eat every meal with the knowledge of Vitamins and Nutrition Science. For example, when entering a bookstore, people can easily find books about the right nutrition arrangement and reasonable diet. )


17.A high school gives the eleventh grade students two different tasks to be finished during their two-month summer holiday. One is to have university-level courses for their future majors. Another is to travel to museums of arts and historical places with the guidance of teacher and to write an essay after their travels. Which one do you prefer?​​


① 让步段:在进入大学分专业系统学习之前,对各个学科进行一个基本了解是非常有必要的,可以让学生更加快速的适应大学的课程设置和基本知识。但是,个人还是同意去参观博物馆、历史遗迹等景点更加得具有价值和意义。

(Admittedly, it is crucial for students to have a basic knowledge of different courses in university because studens can accommodate college curriculum provision quickly. In my opinion, however, I prefer the latter idea, for it is more meaning and more valuable to each student.)

② 参观这些历史建筑,可以让学生积累文化的底蕴。学习不光是学习课本上的知识的过程,更应该是增加文化底蕴、文化涵养的过程。通过这一做法,可以让学生找到学习的原因和动力,从而更加有利于以后的学习。

(Travelling to museums of arts and historical places can increase the cultural deposits of high school students who are going to attend university. Learning is a process during which students can not only learn formal knowledge from books but also accumulate and improve their cultural enrichment. By doing so, students can find out the reasons why they have to study, which is conductive to their future study. )

③ 走访历史古迹和博物馆可以培养学生的各方面的兴趣,而不是成为一个无趣的人。参观博物馆可以学习到很多课本上学习不到的知识,在这个过程中,学生各个方面的兴趣得以培养,从而成长为全面且博学的人。最后通过写文章的方式记录下来,不仅锻炼了自己的文字表达能力,这是做学术的基本,更为以后自己的人生留下了一份珍贵的回忆。

(The various interests of students can be cultivated by visiting to different museums and historical places, so students can grow up into interesting and knowledgeable adults instead of boring men. During their visits, they can learn knowledge that could never be heard from books. After their trips, they use essays to recount these precious memory and the ability to write essay is essential to every student who aims to achieve success in academic field.)


18.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Sometimes people think nowadays the media (TV, newspaper, Internet) are less concerned about the accuracy of news than in the past, and the incorrect information may cause more problem to the public.


①(从政府角度考虑)首先, 政府的监管会让媒体更加重视报道内容的准确性。解释:因为政府已经开始颁布一些严格的法律来限制错误信息的传播,如果有媒体传播虚假信息,那么就会收到相应的惩罚,因此现在的媒体不得不注重报道内容的准确性。举例论证

②(从教育角度考虑)其次, 大众对信息辨别度已经提高,这会让媒体更注重信息的准确性。解释:因为随着教育程度的提高,人们辨别是非的能力也随之提高,对信息准确度的要求也越来越高,为了吸引公众的关注和支持,媒体就会更注重信息的真实度。对比论证



19. Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The group will be helped more by person who will be willing to do what other group members want than by person who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants to do.


① 一个团体能够进展顺利取决于团体成员是否懂得合作。团体拥有的资源和信息是个人所不能比拟的,所以个人应该服从于团体的决定。(There is no doubt that the group, as a system, could function better with cooperation which is necessary and elementary in the process of attacking a project. As a member of group, an individual is supposed to learn how to compromise and cooperate, because the group, with aggregated resources and information, is better at making decisions and assigning tasks than any individual.)

② 与愿意听从别人意见的成员合作,效率会更高。正是不同意见的人之间的讨论和会议使得团体进展缓慢。(Another factor which should be taken into account is that it is more efficient to work with the one willing to do what other group members want. Virtually, the process of having meetings and discussions with people who have different thoughts may make the group progress slowly.)

③让步段: 表明有时候我们的确需要坚持自己的想法并说服他人。(Admittedly, it is justifiable to reckon that sometimes we need to insist what we value and convince others.)


20. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the way a person dresses is a good indication of his/her personality and character.


① 在职场上很明显。看人们的着装,就能看出他们对待工作的态度。对工作热忱的,总是穿着讲究;而那些无心上班的,也能从着装反应出来。(This is clearly evident in work environments. Is the person's work uniform dirty, wrinkled, and messily worn? Or is it pristine and cared for, and seemingly worn with pride? By taking a look at someone's work clothes, you can easily tell what kind of character they have when it comes to work. Those who are dedicated and proud of their jobs will keep their uniform in good condition, whereas those who have little love for their jobs will reflect that attitude through their uniform. This type of rule also applies in office environments. If professional dress is mandatory, then the ones who care the most will be the ones most impeccably dressed-they'll be sporting fresh-looking ties, well-ironed shirts, and lovingly-maintained shoes.)

② 在家里穿什么,也能看出他们是什么样的人。紧跟时尚的人,任何时候都很注意穿着;而那些懒于打扮的人,会穿的更随意。(You can also tell a lot about a person by the type of clothes they wear when at home. Are they wearing old, comfortable sweatpants, or tight fashionable jeans? Those who are more tightly wound and care a lot about fashion may be well-dressed all the time, while those who are more laid-back and casual will take the chance to wear more relaxed dress.)

③让步段: 说明服装在长期时段里,还是很能说明一个人的个性的。(Admittedly, you cannot judge a person by their clothing alone. Young people, for example, will often change their dress styles from month to month and year to year because they are in the process of discovering themselves. The impression you get may be very inaccurate or incomplete in these cases. However, after someone is past this stage in their life, clothing can be a fairly reliable indicator of who they are as a person because their lives will follow a far more regular routine.)


21. Do you agree or disagree that relaxing by watching a movie or reading a book is better than doing physical exercise.


① 读书和看电影不仅能放松自己还能有其他的益处。一方面,看电影能提升自己的审美能力并且培养良好的价值观;另一方面,读书还能获得许多有用的知识。(There is no doubt that the process of watching a movie or reading a book provides us much more benefits besides relaxing. On the one hand, watching movies can improve personal aesthetic ability and help to establish our proper values. On the other hand, it is beneficial for us to get relaxed and peaceful, at the same time, and to acquire kinds of valuable knowledge by reading books.)

② 体育运动有时候并不能帮助我们获得身心放松。实际上许多体育运动都是竞技类运动,参与过程中人们必须全程保持高度专注。(Another factor which should be taken into account is that, sometimes, doing physical exercise may not help us to obtain physical and mental relaxation. Virtually, many kinds of physical exercise require a lot of competition with others, which means that people have to stay highly focused all the time.)

③让步段: 表明有时候体育运动的确能更高效地达到放松的目的。(Admittedly, it is justifiable to reckon that sometimes it is more efficient to relax by means of physical exercise.)


22. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When you have been friends with someone for a long time, it is important to continue your friendship with that person even if he or she does something you do not like.


① 长久的友情一定包含着对彼此缺陷的容忍。(First off, long-term friendship means the tolerance for drawbacks. Obviously,the reason why two different people become friends lies in their same interest, personality, attitudes, value and outlook towards the life and the world. But this does not mean that no conflicts happen. Even the closest couple will get pissed off when meeting disagreements; let’s say, one likes conservative clothing, but the other likes mini-skirt. So even if your friend does something you dislike, that doesn't shake the foundation of your friendship. I have a friend whose room always looks like a pigsty, and every time I step into his room, hardly can I bear the smell from his soiled clothes piled up in his sofa. But this won’t be a barrier in our friendship, for what I get from him is inspirations in academy and positive attitude when bumping into setbacks. Besides, without such tolerance, it may be very difficult to build real friendship from the very start, not to mention a lasting one.)

② 在一些不重要的事情上不需要一味的谦让,但在重要的事情上却一定会彼此容忍。(Of course, some may raise a question immediately: trivial things, like different life styles, may not that matter; after all, seldom do friends live together all day long. But when it comes to important diversions, especially those reaching one’s bottom line, is it worth continuing the friendship? The answer is surely yes. For example, your best friend cheated his business client by forging the boss’s signature, would you break up with him, and blacklist his contact? Probably not. After thinking twice, as a true friend, you would tell him your authentic opinion and persuade him to do the right thing. Even if he closed his ears, wouldn’t you analyze the adverse consequences again and again, and wait him to make a change? Probably, that’s what real friends should be.)

③ 在友情中容忍彼此会带来更多的益处。(In addition to all of this, you will also be the beneficiary if maintaining an abiding friendship. No matter what your friend does, s/he may always be the one who understands you the most, and supports you the most. The longer your friendship lasts, the more it appears that s/he is the first one who is willing to help you out when you hit a roadblock, or to unreservedly share his/her opinion when you are stuck in a dilemma. It is often reported that to a man encountering financial difficulties in running his business, or a girl feeling confused about her future, friends are actually the right person to offer help. So friends are the fortune in our lives; though they may do things we don’t like, seeking for communication is a far better way than saying farewell to this friendship. In fact, this is also the thing we expect when we do something our friends don’t like, isn’t it?)


23. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is impossible to be completely honest with your friends.


① 在任何关系中都会有各种各样需要考虑的因素,而诚实却是最重要的那一个。诚实会带来彼此的信任,而信任是任何良好关系的前提。(Among various factors that we take into account in a relationship, for me, honesty is the most important and necessary consideration in the relationship with my friends. As we all know, trust is a prerequisite for any kinds of good relationships, which results from continuous and constant honesty. If we cannot trust a friend anymore, there’s no point to maintaining that friendship. )

② 通常来说,我们对待朋友越诚实,那么我们就能获得越珍贵的友情。绝对的诚实能够提升友情的质量,相比较而言,所谓善意的谎言只是一种暂时的、中庸的策略,从长远的眼光来看,并不是最好的方式。(Generally speaking, the more honest we are, the more precious friendship we can obtain. Virtually, to be completely honest means complete trust and absolute loyalty, no matter what we can gain from our friends, which can largely promote the quality of our friendship. In contrast, a white lie is nothing but a temporary and modest tactic that is not considered as the best practice in the long run.)

③ 让步段:表明绝对的诚实的确会让我们自己可能会受伤,但依然是值得的。(Admittedly, it is justifiable to reckon that to be completely honest present us a risky status to an extent, where we could get hurt possibly.)


24. We should spend more time watching television programs that we can gain knowledge than only for entertainment.


① 看电视的主要目的就是为了休息。在忙碌一天后再去学习新知识是非常不合适的。(The primary purpose of watching television is, simply, to relax ourselves and have some fun. After an exhausting day, it is not a proper time to learn too much new knowledge through television.)

② 娱乐类节目往往能带给我们更多的好处。娱乐节目中往往体现团队合作,妥协, 责任等品质,在人的成功方面至关重要。(Another factor we should take into account is that the entertainment televisions provide often benefits us much more than knowledge. Virtually, teamwork, concession, responsibility and many other elements, presented largely in entertainment, play the vital role in individual success.)

③ 让步段:说明娱乐节目也能学习知识。(Admittedly, it is justifiable to reckon that sometimes it is a waste of time to watch television only for entertainment.)


25. Do you agree or disagree the most effective way for governments to encourage energy conservation is to increase the price of gasoline and electricity?

Agree: (建议在这个方面写)

①人们对他们的能源消耗有所限制(By increasing these prices, people would be force to ration their energy consumption.)举例论证:他们会关小暖气,关掉不需要的灯,尽可能使用公共交通出行。(In order to save on bills each months, they would turn down the heating, turn off unnecessary lights, and use public transportation when possible.)

②另外一个好处就是人们会更关注替代型,环保型的能源。(There would be an increased emphasis on alternative, more environmentally-friendly sources of energy.)举例论证:汽油型汽车耗油较大,人们会更愿意去使用混合动力汽车或者生物燃料汽车。(If people knew that gasoline-powered car was very expensive to run, they would be more likely to consider purchasing a hybrid vehicle or a bio-fuel vehicle.)

③ 在清洁能源上会有更多公众资金的支持。(There would also be more support for public investment in clean sources of energy.)举例论证:公众会自己出资安装家庭太阳能板或者风车。(Individuals may even take private measures by installing solar panels or windmills on their properties.)


①由于石油价格提高,出于更大利益的驱使,某些石油公司会开采更多油田,这会导致更多的环境问题。(Tempted by bigger profits, some oil companies might exploit more oil fields.)举例论证:空气和水污染(air and water pollution)

② 可以促进可再生能源代替不可再生能源。(One of these effective methods is to facilitate the replacement of non-renewable resources with renewable energy.)


26. The most important thing that the government should do to improve the health care is to clean the environment.

题型:绝对词 话题:政府类 解题方法:提出另外2~3种更好的解决方式

背景句:With the development of society, an increasing number of people are beginning to realize the importance of health care. 两种不同观点比较:When it comes to whether the government should clean the environment first in order to improve health care, some people assert that cleaning the environment is definitely the priority task that should be done. However, some people seem to hold the opposite idea. 表明立场:Despite many diverse opinions aired(发表意见) by different people based on their feeling of this matter, there can be no doubt that cleaning the environment is not the most effective way under the aegis(支持) of popular belief.

① 主题句:First of all, the government should pay more attention to ameliorate(改善) the poverty issue(贫困问题) in our country. 解释句/对比论证:Although a clean environment is an important condition of health care, there are however more and more people who do not have sufficient food in our society, which means those poor people do not take in enough nutrition(没有足够的成长). Therefore, they may not grow well and become sick easily. 结束句:That's why I am convinced that improving the poverty issue should be given more consideration by the government.

② 主题句:In addition, the government should take health-care education into account(考虑卫生保健教育). 解释句:The reason being, that teaching the public how to stave off viruses is also as significant as the clean environment problem. Since each disease has its unique feature, people have to learn how to quickly identify those diseases.举例论证: For example, AIDS is a common disease around the world, and this kind of virus has no connection with environment. Therefore, the government should educate the public that the best way to avoid this disease is to have safe sex. 结束句:There is no gainsaying (不可否认的是)that the government have to take health-care education far more seriously than helping clean the environment.

③With the reasons above, I hold that the clean environment issues should not be put in the limelight(不应该备受瞩目). That is not to say of course that other points of view are completely without merit. 重申立场:However, I think the reasons which I have provided in favor of my viewpoint are much stronger.


27. What is the most useful action for people to help environment in their local community?

  1. Plant trees and create parks;
  2. Persuade local shops to stop providing plastic bags to customers;
  3. Increase access to public transportation (such as buses and trains), thus reducing the automobiles on the road.

选择:reduce the automobile on the road

①【为什么不选1】Sure, people who advocate the increase of parks and trees may argue that this action would do a lot of good to the air quality, because for one thing photosynthesis of leaves can largely reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, which is viewed as the culprit of global warming; for another, the surface of leaves can also contribute to the absorption of dust and other pollutants in the air. (承认Parks和trees的作用)However, when we take a closer look at the air pollution, it is not difficult to conclude that this action would only make a minimal difference were an increasing number of private cars running on the road. Studies have shown that a tree can absorb 1.8 tons or so carbon dioxide per year, but the amount of exhaust fumes caused by vehicles can be more than three times the weight of the automobile. (数例)After doing the math, can you imagine without limiting the traffic volume, how many parks and trees should be planted in our community to cope with air pollution? The answer may be incredible and impossible. (转折,让步)

②【为什么不选2】Also, stopping using plastic bags in local shops can have minor impacts on the environment of our neighborhood. 虽然说这个action可以一定程度上(to some degree)缓解白色污染(white pollution),但是实际的情况是(the truth is),城市中的垃圾原本就是被倾倒或掩埋在(are supposed to be dumped or buried)偏远地区(rural and remote areas),另外,生产塑料袋的工厂往往都建远离社区的地方,所以即使禁止使用塑料袋,工厂降低生产,当地社区的环境也不会有直接的改变。而且,城市中的主要污染,即空气污染(major pollution, i.e., air pollution)不会得到任何缓解。

③【选择3的理由】Finally, reducing traffic can help improve the air quality on a fundamental basis.(TS) Fewer automobiles on road means that less amount of fossil fuels will be consumed to generate energy, then less exhaust fume will be released into the air. (解释)The success of the odd-even license plate policy for cars implemented in Beijing during 2008 Olympic Games has proved that the air quality can be considerably improved in a short term.(举例) Besides, if the government encourage commuters to take public transport more frequently, (e.g., giving large discount for the price of tickets, executing on mandatory policy to limit the number of cars running on the road, or levy higher taxes on car owners, etc.)(细节) immediate effects can be exerted since we do not have to wait for a park to be established.(递进)


28. Some people believe that spending more time be far away from the people we care about, because it is necessary for people to understand the importance of relationship of people we care about, while others think we should spend as much time as possible on the people we care about.

选择spend as much time as possible:

①这可以让我们给people who we care更多关怀和照顾。尤其在他们生病的时候给予照顾,更能体现对彼此关系的重视程度。(particularly, offering consideration to them at the moment of illness, which reflects how much attention you pay to this relationship.)很明显,当我们离他们很远的时候,我们没法在他们需要的时候及时出现,甚至可能都会错过他们的重要电话(pass up their important calls),如果连最基本的陪伴和照顾都没有,就谈不上是在乎的人。

②多沟通能够帮我们减少矛盾(reduce conflicts),特别是减少跟长辈(older generation)之间的代沟(generation gap)。人与人之间的矛盾往往是因为缺乏沟通造成的,(contradiction appears due to the lack of regular communication),keeping away from them will make our common topics diminish,所以多花些时间,在一起喝喝茶聊聊天,了解彼此的想法,理解彼此的做法,感情自然就和谐了。(understand what their thoughts and what their deed; as a result, the relationship turns to the trend of harmony naturally.)

③能够跟重要的人多留下一些回忆。人生是短暂的,(life is but a span)每天都该有和关怀的人在一起的美好记忆积累;(the accumulation of fascinating memories)天灾人祸,谁也预测不了,(nobody can predict the natural and man-made disasters )把想做的事情都做了,就不会有太多的遗憾。(to do what you desire to prevent us from regretting a lot.)。相反,如果我们distance ourselves from those who are important for us, chances are that feelings of regret and guilty will finally sneak up on us when we are growing older and losing them.


29. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s better to work for the company owned by someone you don’t know than work for the company owned by your family.


①push one’s boundary/test one’s limits(挑战自己的极限)

(对比论证)在家人创办的公司里,但凡遇到困难(hit a roadblock)的时候,人往往都会倾向于(have a tendency to)求助(fall back on)自己最亲近的人,当然家人们一般都不会拒绝提供帮助(refuse to offer help),这难免会让我们变得依赖他人(over-reliant on others)。但是在一个陌生的公司,更多得只能靠自己。所以这有利于激发自己的潜能(tap into potential),挑战自己的极限从而变得更优秀。

②hone interpersonal skills(锻炼人际交往能力)

(因果+举例)在一个陌生的公司,一个人必须学会正确地表达自己、倾听他人(express oneself in an appropriate way and learn to listen to others)甚至是尊重分歧(show respects to divergences),不会有人因为你是家人而对于区别对待(being treated differently)。这无疑是给人一个机会学会如何与人相处,更好地提高交往能力。可以个例加以说明。

③achieve greater success(取得更大成就)

可以learn more from people with different backgrounds,能让人学到更多,比如不同的思考方式,工作方法,工作态度。而在家人开的公司见到的人更多的是熟悉的家人。这更有助于人积累经验(accumulate experience),开拓视野(expand one’s outlook),积累更多人脉(develop personal interactions),取得更大成就。


30. In order to make freshmen adapt to college life, which one is more helpful?

a. take part in the orientation program for a week;

b. meet regularly with seniors in the same major


①学长学姐们对环境更熟悉,可以有针对性地给新生提出生活方面的指导和建议。(Seniors are more familiar with the surroundings and thus more likely to provide useful advice for them.)

②定期见面可以及时了解问题,解决问题。(The problems freshmen are faced with can be tackled effectively and timely through regular meeting.)

让步段:新生见面会会促进大家建立关系。(Certainly, the orientation program can promote the establishment of close relationship among freshmen.)
