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palm trees(棕榈树)会长一种害虫weevils(象鼻虫),破坏这些trees。关于三种消灭(eliminate) weevils的方法的好坏进行正反讨论。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing sports teaches people important lessons about life.




阅读:介绍3种eliminate weevils 的方法:

  1. 砍树,有叶子表现出感染害虫症状的时候就砍掉(cut down trees)。
  2. 用traps, 用一种引诱剂P和化学toxic material 做成traps来杀死weevil。
  3. 用杀虫剂pesticides,树吸收以后会杀死weevil。



  1. 出现症状时(infection)就晚了,感染已经潜伏几个月了,weevils已经大量繁殖甚至已经move to other trees并且这样砍树会损失many trees。
  2. traps必须小心使用,因为这种toxic material的活性只有数周,必须定期更换,不然引诱剂p会持续吸引大量weevils,一旦没有及时更换toxic material,没有东西杀死weevils,反而繁殖会越来越快;
  3. 很多weevil在很深的地底下,而杀虫剂不能深入树木的根部,所以无法kill them thoroughly,一旦有残留就会大量繁殖,成年weevil的繁殖速度很快,一个female pest can lay about 200 eggs。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing sports teaches people important lessons about life.





开头段:Nowadays, many parents tend to encourage their children to take part in some sports training or to join their friends with some ball games because sports not only bring their children stronger bodies(强健的体魄) but also teach valuable life lessons. Quite a few individuals who are passionate about sports and physical exercise also admit that they always draw their inspiration(获得启发,获得鼓舞) from playing sports. People, from my perspective, can definitely learn useful principles about life (有用的生活信念与原则)from sports.

( 1 ) 坚持不懈的品质。Playing sports teaches people a precious quality, perseverance(坚持不懈,不屈不挠). 解释:我们在运动中会面对很多的很困难(face various tough situations),而在运动赛事中,最基本的规则之一就是坚持到底(one of the most basic rules is to carry on to the end)。不到终点,没人知道谁会赢家(no one knows who will win until the end),并且不论输赢,坚持到底就是战胜自己内心的恐惧(and no matter win or lose, to hold on straight to the end proves the ability to overcome the fear in heart)。同理(in the same way),在生活中遇到困难的时候,从体育活动中学会的这种坚持的精神(such spirit of perseverance learned from sports)能帮助人们坚持下去。举例说明。

( 2 ) 谦虚稳重的性格培养。Modesty is also a valuable character that can be cultivated from sports. 解释:体育活动中,失败往往不一定是由于能力不足造成的(Failure tend not to be the result of lack of ability)。而是由于骄傲自满,轻敌的心理造成的(Instead, it is sometimes the result of arrogance and underestimating enemies)。同样的,生活中,谦逊使人更容易取得成功。比如:有经验的运动员(experienced athletes)会因为他们的轻敌(treat others lightly)在大型比赛像奥林匹克(Olympic Games)这样的赛事中遭遇失败(suffer failures),遗憾地与奖牌失之交臂(brush against gold medals regretfully)。

( 3 ) 团队合作。Playing sports teaches people how to work as a team。解释:大部分的体育赛事(most sports events)需要完美地配合(cooperation excellently)去赢得比赛。积极参与这些体育活动(Taking an active part in these sports),毫无疑问会懂得如何与他人合作与相处(one can undoubtedly learn how to cooperate and get alone with others)。这种合作能力在我们的工作生活中非常重要(this ability of cooperation plays an important role in work and life)。举例:在工作中,我们需要合作(cooperation)来帮助我们更有效率地完成一件工作(work is done in a more efficient way)。在学习上,互相合作帮助我们分别提升自己的成绩(improve our performance on study),并培养了良好的同学关系(establish a close bond among students)。




1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Rather than help their children do school work, parents should encourage their children to do work independently.

2.Students must take a course on the subject that has no direction to their major of study. (For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)


