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小作文: 静态柱图

大作文: Many countries spend a lot of money on preparing competitors to take part in major international events such as the Olympics and the World Football Cup games. Some people argue that it would be better to spend this money on encouraging children to take up sporting activities from a young age. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  1. 本次考试整体难度适中Task 1静态柱图Task 2政府投资类话题
  2. 整体分析

Task 1:静态柱图,2010年某国男性和女性关于house tasks的分配比例及花费时间情况。



1、by sharp contrast with ...(x %) of...

2、in comparison to only/merely ...(y %) of ...

3、A is the largest component, which accounts for x% of the whole.

4、Following closely is B, which…


Task 2: 政府投资类





培养优秀运动员参与重要国际赛事可以带来直接且明显的好处Direct and tangible benefits could be generated by preparing competitors to engage in major international sporting events。例如,在奥运会和足球世界杯比赛中,运动员奖牌名次的获得winners,especially the gold medal winners,有助于激发公众的爱国热情和民族自豪感、荣誉感can stimulate a sense of pride and patriotic emotions in the general public,从而增强民族凝聚力transforming the cohesiveness;此外,竞技体育中优秀运动员的成绩the brilliant athletic achievements in sporting competition

也是国家软实力的重要展现be an indicator of the national soft strength。

虽然培养体育精英有如上好处,但也会带来诸多问题Despite the benefits of cultivating sport talents by government funding, certain problems might arise under this circumstance。过分强调举国体育overemphasis on the national competitive sports system无形之中给运动员巨大压力might exert unprecedented pressure on the athletes,从而导致他们太过注重比赛中的得失divert excessive attention to the final results,忽略公平竞技得的体育精神 committing an act of unsporting behavior。另外,政府的财政资金毕竟有限limited budget,过多投入竞技运动员培养易造成经济负担,而有些体育项目缺乏群众基础being short of deep mass foundation,易引起纳税人tax payers不满。


政府对儿童体育的重视great importance attached to children sporting和财政资金的倾斜投入more financial input that favors children’s participation in sports activities,有助于儿童身体健康strengthen their physical health for a sound body。儿童作为国家的未来和希望children, as the future and hope of the whole nation,他们的身体健康水平是整个国家的长久发展的基础和保障their physical conditions directly determine the prosperity of the country。例如发达国家,美日特别注重儿童的身体素质训练related physical training,政府投建设大量运动设施building more sports facilities,发展儿童体育游戏developing a great variety of sports games directed at children等来鼓励培养他们的体育兴趣arouse their interest in physical exercise and physical activity habits。而体育作为教育目标的重要一环an indispensable part in education有助于帮助孩子养成良好生活习惯maintain a healthy lifestyle 和提高身体素质improve their physical fitness,也为未来体育精英培养打下基础。



  1. 小作文:重点关注动态表格、预警流程图
  2. 大作文:重点关住社会类教育、科技发展类话题。
  3. 重点浏览13年写作机经,可借助《高分范文书》第7版经典旧题来复习

