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要不要禁止用mercury(水银)补牙 (Whether tooth fillings with mercury should be prohibited.)




Which one is the most important factor to help you work productively?

- Having an environment which is free of noise and distractions

- Knowing that you will receive a reward

- Doing something you are interested in






  1. mercury(水银)这种材料对人体健康有害(be harmful to/do harm to/have negative influence on human health)
  2. mercury(水银)对河水湖泊等水资源会造成污染(Water resources, such as rivers and lakes has can be polluted)
  3. 有其它更好的替代材料(alternatives )可以使用(There are other better alternatives available to use./ Other better materials can be found to replace Mercury.)


  1. 对身体影响其实很小(tiny influence),出现的问题时少数人产生的过敏问题(allergy)。
  2. pollution完全可以解决,有一种装置separator(分离器、离析器)可以filter(过滤)这种金属对水的污染
  3. 比起那些替代材料alternatives,mercury(水银)有优势,使用寿命更长(last longer),更耐用(durable),并且价格不昂贵



Which one is the most important factor to help you work productively?

- Having an environment which is free of noise and distractions

- Knowing that you will receive a reward

- Doing something you are interested in




  1. 知道会有报酬或奖励可以在物质上激发人们工的作激情。(Knowing a potential reward can motivate individuals materially.) 因为人们工作的最基本目是满足物质上的需求(material needs)和追求更好的生活条件(living conditions)。且当今社会,人们的生活成本(living cost/expenses)不断提高,经济压力巨大(huge financial pressure),能够有直接的物质奖励毫无疑问地(undoubtedly)会增加工作动力(working impetus)。比如,生活中很常见的例子,当人们在为某个项目去工作时(when working for a project),如果得知该项目完成后会得到丰厚的报酬(if works know that a rich reward can be received after finishing the project ),那么人们肯定会更快地去完成工作。并且当得知完成效果令客户满意时(moreover, when the result highly satisfies the clients),会提高报酬,那么人们不仅会加快速度完成工作,还会同时保证高质量(a high quality)。所以,在物质奖励的作用下,工作效率必然提高。
  2. 奖励或报酬不仅在物质上,还会在精神上鼓舞人们。(An reward can also stimulate a person psychologically.)因为人们工作事业发展除了满足了物质需求,还能满足人们的精神需求(spiritual needs),实现个人的社会价值(social value/ value to the society)。得到奖励其实也是一种对人们工作成果和表现的肯定(a recognition of work achievements and performance),会让人们有成就感(sense of achievement/accomplishment)。举例,现在很多公司都会根据个人业绩有年终奖金(year-end bonus),这种奖金的数量的多少是你在同等级同职位的员工中对于公司贡献多少的体现,以及你个人的能力的体现(The amount of this bonus is reflected in how much you contribute to the company in the same level of staff.)。因此,为了获得更高的贡献和能力认可,也就是reward,人们会更努力高效的工作。
  3. 让步:诚然,拥有一个安静的工作环境可以使人们更加投入工作不受外界因素干扰,或者人们做自己感兴趣地工作会本能地更加投入,从而提高工作效率。但是,社会环境如此喧闹(bustling),工作环境各千变万化,绝对的安静的环境难以实现;事业发展中,能够和个人兴趣有关的工作实在是非常至少,绝大多数情况都是与兴趣无关。因此这两个条件因素都很难做到,不切实际。且目前,基本上所有的公司都是以奖励的形式去推动员工更加积极工作的。



  1. 多注意绝对词和三选一的题型和教育工作类话题
  2. If people want to contribute to the society, which of the following is the best way?

- riding bicycle or walking on foot

- recycling the waste

- buy local organic food

    3. Students must take a course on the subject that has no direction to their major of study. (For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)



