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C1 服务场景

学生想换major,换成biology,问问有什么summer program能凑满学分,Prof建议yoke的一个项目。除了program还可以independent study来换学分,不过现在已经放暑假了Prof都不在学校,不能指导学生可以明年暑假做这个study。最后是学生上学期math的成绩在成绩单上写错了,数学老师已经写信去改了,但是可能要weeks,她怕会影响yoke program的申请,这个adviser告诉她,可以让数学老师再写个信,说明情况。

L1 地质学

为什么会有cambrian explosion,大量complex life form出现。科学家提出erosion of super mountain theory,很多nutrition到海里去了,所以algea数量增加,然后Marine animals也越来越多。最后讲了这个theory的evidence 在sand deposit里的zircon能被dated,发现不同地方的zircon是同一时期的,证明same source。

L2 物理

牛顿第三定律的implication的difficult。一开始举了例子是wall and you你去推墙,墙如果是活的也会推你,其实也是对立的方向相反的一样大力的力push you back。后面说oxygen是fuel燃气的必要条件,后面具体就是一个rocket的例子,有些人认为火箭没法发射因为认为没有air against exhausted by rocket然后有些人认为有air。G做了一个实验说真空中也可以燃烧fuel,慢慢把空气抽走rocket也可以发射。但是因为这个人很害羞所以他就没有大力宣传他的理论,后面直到有一个什么东西的发现,确立了这个理论。


学生想报Prof Smith的mideval literature,因为是唯一required里面符合学生schedule的课,但是已经full了。去办公室时这个Prof Smith不在,只有另一个教British literature的老师在,那个Prof说Smith一般不给学生例外,报满了就没法再加了,然后问学生要不要上他的课。他的课要换成跟Prof Smith一样时间了,但是还没来得及换,最后讲了一下class overview。

L3 环境科学

invasive species,主要讲的Canadian thistle被引入到黄石公园的例子,thistle长得很好,因为当地的climate(dry fertile soil)很适合thistle生长。thistle对有的适应性强的生物有好处,比如grizzly bear什么都吃,能吃thistle生存,还讲了一个叫g的native species。但是对于适应性差的生物就有negative effects了。最后说了解决invasive species的two solutions,引入predator或者competitor,但是都有新风险。



L4 生物学


L5 艺术

教授开头提到traditional art,稍微讲了一下他们的区别。举了很多例子,有两个分类,一个interior和exterior后面还讲了一个involve computer。interior是给了一张图,visitor站在一堆white box里面experience art,这就是和tradition的最大区别,要active go there and experience。exterior是讲的有一个大路上black stone,特点就是大,然后一定要visitor自己走过去看,因为他这个景观不可移动。




Death Valley中300kg的大石头会动moving stones(重复2012年真题)


Do you agree or disagree:

For a business to be successful, a man must spend a lot of money on advertising.



阅读:Death Valley中300kg的大石头会动moving stones,共有三个原因









Businesses nowadays spend huge amounts of money on advertising their products. Is this a successful business strategy? I believe that it is.

The most important reason is probably exposure. Most markets are completely saturated with products—just walking down the toiletries aisle of a supermarket, you’ll see countless brands of toothpaste, toothbrush, and shampoo. In the course of walking through the aisle, you will probably notice less than a handful of brands, and of those brands, really only one or two are up for consideration. In order for a new company to catch your eye with their product, advertising is key. A company with a low advertising budget will not be able to create fancy packaging or impressive commercials, and this will negatively impact their ability to generate product awareness. No matter how good a product is, if nobody knows about it, it will not sell.

Another function of advertising is to make consumers choose your product over the products of competitors. Regardless of whether it’s a good thing or bad thing, the reality is that most people are easily swayed by advertising techniques like adorning ads with flashy graphics or milking celebrity endorsements. A high advertising budget can help ensure that your commercial has good production values and contains famous celebrities. These things have been demonstrated to dramatically increase the appeal of products. Every time Yao Ming or Beyonce pops up on TV with a can of Coke in their hand, they reinforce in our heads the idea that Coke is a high-quality and desirable product. It guarantees that the next time you walk through the soda aisle, you will reach for the Coke instead of the generic brand soda.

Of course, no amount of money spent on advertisement can save a product that is ultimately flawed. In order for advertising to work long-term, a product has to be at least acceptable in terms of quality. However, when choosing between comparable products, advertising is often key in nudging your preferences one way or the other. Most people like the taste of Coke, but seeing Yao Ming’s face on the can might make people like it just enough to choose Coke over Pepsi. Thus, for companies with similar products in a packed market, spending a lot on advertising is crucial to achieving success.

Advertising serves two important functions: First, it exposes people to your product, and second, it tells people to choose your product over competing ones. Though doing these things may not make an inferior product successful, for most acceptable products, large advertising budgets are an absolute necessity.


1. Do you agree or disagree: In the past, people were more friendly than they are today.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has a large effect on your overall happiness than social life does.

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is impossible to be completely honest with your friends.

5. Your university want to improve the quality of students’ life in the dormitory. Which would you prefer?

- Quiet place for study

- Building exercise room for students to keep physical well-being

- Space for entertainment (like watching movies)

6. Many university students are encouraged to study in those majors, which have an increase of job growth (more needed in the job market) like Science, Technology, Engineering, Math. What are your opinion about to choose those majors instead of what they are interested in?
