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大作文:The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world involves enormous government expenditure. This money should be used in new housing and road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




1.本次考试Task 1是柱状与折线结合的动态混合图,展现的是澳大利亚达尔文Darwin和墨尔本Melbourne两个城市的平均月温度和每日日照时长的对比。

2.Task 2是常考的同意不同意题型,且题干设置非常简单,难度偏低


Task 1:混合图,常规题型,难度偏低。大家可以参考Simon关于月温度和降雨量的那篇文章。



Task 2: 建筑类



l 开头段:改写题目观点+陈述个人立场

l Body 1:

分论点1: 对于具有重要历史价值的建筑(比如名人故居)以及具有美学价值的建筑,应该予以维护。

分论点2: 同时,这些建筑还可以作为旅游景点,给当地带来收入。

l Body 2: 对于那些没有太多历史或美学价值的古建筑(比如破旧的工厂、民房或者危害公共安全的建筑等),政府可以停止维护,将资金用在建房和修路上,以帮助解决大城市的住房和交通问题(分别阐述两者对于人们的好处)。

l 重述观点+建议


Controversy arises when governments in major cities budget expenditure on the restoration of old buildings. In my view, whether restoration should take precedence over housing and road construction should be determined on a case-by-case basis.


Old buildings that possess historical and cultural significance are worth the restoration efforts, for they serve as a tangible link to society’s past and offer timeless lessons to people who visit them. Strolling around a historic government building, a child learns about what it means to be a nation; standing in front of old wartime ruins, a young man understands the cruelties of war; marveling at the fresco of an ancient church, a visitor acquires some knowledge of sacred art. These scenarios justify saving the buildings at the expense of the practical needs of local communities, i.e. housing and transport. Moreover, government expenditure on cultural heritage yields economic benefits. Historic sites such as houses of famous people and buildings associated with important events have popular appeal and could be a boon to tourism industries in major cities, as the influx of tourists stimulates local economies and generates job opportunities.


On the other hand, old buildings that hold little historic or aesthetic value should give way to communities’ utilitarian needs. Major cities are often beset with problems such as overpopulation and traffic congestion. Rather than allocate limited public funds to timeworn factories, dilapidated everyday buildings and ancient houses posing safety hazards, city planners should put money into new housing and road development, both of which contribute to the betterment of local residents: roads facilitate the free flow of people and goods, and houses provide dignified shelter. In such case, the value of old buildings pales into insignificance when compared with the benefits of housing and road construction.



In conclusion, the costs of restoring old buildings should be weighed against the cultural and economic benefits they bring about. Governments should strike a balance between the restoration of old buildings and regional development.







