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  1. abandoned = no longer occupied 遗弃的

2. abruptly = suddenly 突然地

3. abundant = plentiful = prolific 大量的

4. accelerate = go faster 加速

5. accommodated = allowed 容纳

6. accomplished = achieved 实现,满足

7. advantageous = favorable 有利的

8. advent = arrival 到来,出现

9. alleged = supposed 断言;所谓的

10. altered = transformed 变化

11. antiquate = out of date 过时的

12. appreciate = realize / admire / thankful 领会,感激

13. appreciation = understanding 理解(意思)

14. approach = come nearer to 接近

15. associated with = connected to 相关的

16. authorities = experts 权威

17. autonomy = independence 自治

18. boosting = increasing 推动,促进

19. burdensome = difficult 繁重的

20. catastrophic = disastrous = extremely/severely damaging = devastated 灾难性的

21. comparable = similar 相似的

22. compensate for = make up for 补偿

23. complicated = complex 复杂的

24. concentrated = gathered 集中

25. congestion = overcrowding 拥挤

26. consequent = resulting 作为结果的

27. consistent = unvarying 始终如一的

28. constraints = limitations 限制

29. consumed = used up 耗尽的

30. contribute to = add to 有助于;捐献

31. controversial = debatable 有争议的

32. conversely = on the other hand 相反地

33. counter = argue back / act against 反驳

34. coupled with = combined with … 结合在一起

35. critical = essential 关键的

36. critically=dangerously危急地

37. cumulatively = altogether 累积的

38. deciphering = figuring out 辨认,解释

39. decisive  = determining 决定性的

40. deliberately = intentionally 故意地

41. detected = noticed 侦察

42. disintegrate = fall apart 使分裂

43. distinct = clear 清楚的

44. distinction = difference 区别

45. distinctive = characteristic 独特的

46. distortion = irregularities 变形,失真

47. drastically = extremely 极其地

48. elaborate = well-developed 精心制作的

49. elaborately = with great details 详尽地

50. emergence = occurrence = rise 出现

51. emit = give off = release 发出

52. ensure = guarantee 保证

53. entirely = completely 完全地

54. excavated = dug from the ground 提取

55. exclusively = only唯一,仅仅

56. exercised = applied 应用

57. exhaust = use up 用尽

58. exhausting = extremely tiring 筋疲力尽的

59. expel = throw out 驱逐

60. exploit = take advantage of 利用

61. extended = lengthened = prolonged 延长

62. ferocious = fierce 猛烈的

63. fluctuations=variations变化,波动

64. formulated = stated 按照规定去做

65. freestanding = without attachment 独立的,非附属的

66. furthermore = in addition 除此之外

67. henceforth = from this time on 从此之后

68. hierarchical = having several levels of authority 阶级的

69. in principle = theoretically 原则上,理论上

70. inadvertently = periodically = unintentional = intermittently = sporadically = sometimes 非故意地;偶尔

71. incidence = frequency 发生频率/可能性

72. inconclusive = not decisive = indefinitely = endlessly 不确定的

73. induce = bring about 引发

74. inevitable = unavoidable = = necessary 不可避免的

75. inherently = naturally 内在地,固有地

76. inhibit = restrain = impede 限制

77. initiative = proposal 主动提议

78. intact = without breaking into pieces 完整的

79. intended = desired 故意

80. intensity = strength 强度

81. intermediate = in-between 起媒介作用

82. intervention = influence 介入,影响

83. intriguing = fascinating and mysterious 迷人的

84. invariably = always 总是

85. isolated = widely separated 孤立的

86. justify = provide a rational basis for 合理化

87. kept in check = prevented 阻止

88. launch = start 发射,发起

89. leftover = remaining 剩余的

90. matches = agrees with 符合

91. meager = thin / very low 稀薄的

92. mechanisms = means 机制,方法

93. merely = only 仅仅

94. meticulous =careful 仔细的

95. modest = small = slight 小的

96. modified = made changes to 修改

97. mundane = ordinary 普通的

98. mutual = shared 相互的

99. nominal = named their relatives and even servants as the persons in charge but not give them 名义上的

100. nonetheless = however 但是

101. oblige = force  = compell = require 强迫,强制

102. on balance = overall 总的来说

103. optimum = ideal 最适宜的,最佳的

104. ornate = dainty / elaborate 华丽的,精致的

105. overlap = have parts in common 重叠

106. paramount = supreme 至高无上的

107. penetrate = go through / pierce 渗透,刺入

108. permanent = constant / lasting 永恒的

109. permeate = spread throughout = diffuse = distribute 弥漫

110. perplex = baffle 使困惑

111. plague = cause trouble for 招致问题

112. pointless = of no use 无意义的

113. potent = powerful 强有力的

114. precisely = exactly 精确地

115. predominantly = mostly 主要地

116. preoccupation = concern 担忧

117. prior to = before ...之前

118. provided = if 如果

119. put out with = tolerate 忍受

120. rapport = bond 密切关系,结合

121. readily = easily 轻易地

122. reinforce = strengthen 加强

123. repercussion = result / effect / outcome / backlash / reverberation 反响,影响

124. resemble = look like = be similar to ...相似

125. respective = in the order presented 分别的,各自的

126. retain = keep 保持

127. retarding = slowing 减速

128. rigid = fixed 固定的,死板的

129. rigors = difficulties 艰苦

130. rival = competitor 对手

131. roughly = generally 粗略地

132. scarce = rare = short in supply = lack = insufficiency 缺乏的

133. scarcely = barely 几乎不

134. securing = getting = deriving = obtaining 设法得到

135. segregate=separate分离

136. shelter = protect = refuge 保护

137. simultaneously = at the same time / concurrently 同时地

138. spur = stimulate 刺激

139. surely = certainly = undoubtedly 确定的

140. sustain = support 支撑

141. tactic = strategy 策略

142. thrill = excitement 兴奋,激动

143. thus = consequently 因此

144. ultimately = eventually 最终

145. unceasing = relentless 不断的

146. unprecedented = never achieved before = previously unequalled 史无前例地

147. vicinity = region 临近(地区)

148. vitality = energy 活力

149. vulnerable = easily damaged 易受伤害的

150. wrought = created 锻造,创造
