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 P1 English Canals System 欧洲运河发展(20151205旧题重现)

P2 Making the images from Space more accessible 业余航空爱好者和专业的宇航员(20140517旧题重现)

P3 Prehistoric civilization 史前文明




1. 本次考试整体程度中等。

2. 整体分析:涉及历史(P1)天文(P2)和文化(P3)

3. 主要题型:此场考试是五月雅思热搜后的首场考试。无论是从题材,题型数量和搭配上,难度比上一场考试(5月23日)要温和许多。此次考试中,主流基础题型依然为填空类和判断题,总题数占22题(其中,判断题高达14题);此外,配对题出现了14题(10题人名观点理论配对以及4题出现NB的段落信息配对),单选出现了4题;所以从题型安排上来看,虽然出现大量的匹配题,但大部分都是有明显定位的人名,所以相对来说难度有所降低。同时,在题型搭配上,P1判断+填空,P2信息配对+人名观点配对+判断以及P3判断+选择+人名观点配对,这三篇文章都是剑桥8-12中最主流的搭配,所以可以运用相关的解题技巧快速选出答案。综合以上因素,总体来说,这次考试的难度中等。


P1 English Canals System  


判断5 + Summary填空3 + 简答题 5



判断 1-6







填空 6-13

6.water lock

7.sluice gates

8.equal level

9.Northern English

10.Agricultural regions

11.Railway companies





The Rideau Canal, also known unofficially as the Rideau Waterway, connects the city of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on the Ottawa River to the city of Kingston, Ontario, on Lake Ontario. It is 202 kilometres in length. The name Rideau, French for "curtain," is derived from the curtain-like appearance of the Rideau River's twin waterfalls where they join the Ottawa River. The canal system uses sections of two rivers, the Rideau and the Cataraqui, as well as several lakes. The Rideau Canal is operated by Parks Canada.


The canal was opened in 1832 as a precaution in case of war with the United States. It remains in use today primarily for pleasure boating, with most of its original structures intact, operated by Parks Canada. The locks on the system open for navigation in mid-May and close in mid-October. It is the oldest continuously operated canal system in North America, and in 2007 it was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


The 202 kilometres (126 mi) of the Rideau Canal incorporate sections of the Rideau and Cataraqui rivers, as well as several lakes, including the Lower, Upper and Big Rideau lakes. About 19 km (12 mi) of the route is man-made. Communities along the waterway include Ottawa, Manotick, Kars, Burritts Rapids, Merrickville, Smiths Falls, Rideau Ferry, Portland, Westport, Newboro, Seeleys Bayand Kingston. Communities connected by navigable waterways to the Rideau Canal include Kemptville and Perth.


Today, only pleasure craft make use of the Rideau Canal. It takes approximately 3–5 days to travel one way through the Rideau Canal system by motor boat. Boat tours of the canal are offered in Ottawa, Kingston, Merrickville, and Chaffeys Lock. A cruise line operates the ship Kawartha Voyageur. Recreational boaters can make use of it to travel between Ottawa and Kingston. Most of the locks are still hand-operated. A total of 45 locks at 23 stations are located along the canal, plus two locks (locks 33 and 34) at the entrance to the Tay Canal (leading to Perth). Furthermore, there are four blockhouses and some of the original 16 defensible lockmasters residences along the waterway. The waterway is home to many species of birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals and fish.


In 1973–74 a new Smiths Falls Combined Lock, 29a, was built a few dozen metres to the north of the original flight of 3 locks (locks 28–30). The original locks were bypassed but left in place.

In normal operations the canal can handle boats up to 27.4 m (90 ft) in length, 7.9 m (26 ft) in width, and 6.7 m (22 ft) in height with a draft of up to 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in) (boats drafting over 1.2 m (3 ft 11 in) are asked to contact the Rideau Canal Office of Parks Canada prior to their trip). In special circumstances a boat up to 33.5 m (110 ft) in length by 9.1 m (30 ft) in width can be handled.




The Rideau Canal uses a lock system that is still fully functioning. The gates that let boats travel in and out of the locks last approximately 12–15 years. When the canal was originally constructed, the gates would be made at the lock sites by carpenters and blacksmiths. Today they are made inSmiths Falls, Ontario, and sometimes take up to 2 months to build 1 set of gates. The gates used on the Rideau Canal are made of Douglas Fir and are mitre shaped, which close tightly due to water pressure. The average Rideau Canal lock lift uses 1.3 million litres of water.



P2 Making the images from Space more accessible (原文待补充)

文章主旨: 讨论业余天文学家的价值所在

配对题 8(段落信息匹配+人名观点匹配)+判断5


参考答案: 仅供参考

段落信息匹配题 14-17






人名观点匹配题 18-23 (具体选项待考证,这里给大家参考人名)



20.Robert. Milkey

21. Edflaspoenler

22. Robert. Milkey

23.Anthony. L


填空题 24-26






P3 Prehistoric civilization        (原文待补充)

文章主旨: 考古学家对史前文明的看法

判断 4 + 选择 4 + 人名理论配对 6


参考答案: 仅供参考

判断题 27-30

27. 待补充

28. 待补充

29. 待补充

30. 待补充


选择题 31-34

31. 待补充

32. 待补充

33. 待补充

34. 待补充


段落信息配对题 35-40

35. 待补充

37. 待补充

38. 待补充

39. 待补充

40. 待补充




1. 本场考试难度中等,文章选材涉及人文历史、天文科技及考古类,考生可在备考时关注相应高频主题词,三篇文章可以参考(C10T1P2;C9T1P2;C12T6P2)

2. 此次考试中,三篇文章两旧一新。考生复习备考时可借机经熟悉雅思阅读真题文章行文思路和逻辑,辅助深化理解。

3. 从题型方面来看,P1中为两种顺序型组合填空加判断类,P2中段落信息和人名观点配对搭配判断型,P3中是匹配和选择题搭配判断。从整体的题型来看,6月首场考试的题型皆为常规经典。针对次考生利用剑桥真题和机经复习和巩固常规题型,另外此场考试中判断题的数量过多,请大家在平时准备时要保证此题的正确率。除此之外,就本次考试难易度来看,考生反映第二篇和第三篇有点偏难,主要是对第二篇文章的匹配题用时过长,导致第三篇比较简单的题目没有时间。因此建议考生在平时做题训练时应该加强对套题题型先后顺序的训练,同时加强对每一题型做题方法训练,提升阅读速度,加强对考点的把握,并且平时刷题练习时一定要注意时间的把握控制以适应考试时的紧张感。

4. 下场考试的话题可能有关生物,人文和科技类话题。

