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1. 新西兰一种鸟类owl parrots的保护能否实现


① 该鸟类生育成功率很低productivity is very low,所以不能有效的维持数量稳步增长。

② 该鸟类有较高的幼崽死亡率high young birds’death rate。

③ 该鸟类的捕食者会游泳,能有效提高捕食成功率。


① 只要提供足够的食物enough food,鸟类的数量population increase 就能够稳步增长,问题可以得到解决。

② 只要运用保温措施keep warm,在该鸟类孵化before hatching之前,就能有效降低死亡率。

③ 可以把该鸟类remove到较远一些的小岛,这样捕食者就不容易到达,从而有效提高数量。


2. 探讨Russian thistles in the United States的利弊。


① 对农民养的动物有营养,可以help feed animals;

② 对他们create habitat有利;

③ 带来soil improvement, 有利于植物生长。


①  当营养物质达到一定程度时候产生poison, 对动物很危险;

②  容易引起nature fire across the area

③  因为植物吸水性很强,只在土壤上部分的fungus很容易被吹走。


3. 探讨在美国西岸三番至LA修建high-speed railway line的利弊


① 公路使用率下降,降低了维修费,缓解州政府的财政压力

②  缓解交通拥堵

③ 燃料使用率高,减少污染,保护环境


①  建立railway line费用很高,还贷款占税收一年75%,政府的财政负担大;

②  这个地区公共交通不发达,人们还是会选择drive to station

③  这个地区的regular route很多会保留,燃料利用率并没有提高。


4. 探讨伊特拉斯坎人(Etruscan)是否是起源于土耳其(Turkey)之后迁移到意大利(Italy)的。


① 著名历史学家(historian)Herodotus的一书中指出,伊特拉斯坎人(Etruscan)因为饥荒(famine)从土耳其迁徙到意大利的;

② 伊特拉斯坎人(Etruscan)所说的语言在靠近土耳其附件的一个岛屿也被发现;

③ 伊特拉斯坎人(Etruscan)所养的牛的基因还土耳其及其周边地区牛的基因也很相似。


① 讲话人说历史学家Herodotus的话不可信,因为在他另一本书中他写到有些国家有大到可以吃人的昆虫;

② 因为伊特拉斯坎人(Etruscan)是水手(seafarer)居多,他们可以航行到很多国家,语言也会流传到很多国家。所以土耳其人会说其语言也不足为奇;

③ 伊特拉斯坎人(Etruscan)的商人(trader)从土耳其及其他国家进口牛。



5. 植物的叶子为什么会合拢.


① 防止被冻死;

② 防止真菌孢子感染;

③ 防止夜间光源(月光)紊乱花期。


①  植物没有多少内热,不会散失多少热量;

②  叶子无法完全闭合,孢子用一点水就可以渗透进叶子;

③  有的大森林遮住了月光,但是底层的植物也闭合了叶子,另有原因。


6. 关于鹿角的功能


① 降温(cool the deer by breeze);

② 预防猎物捕食(protect from the predators)

③ 确认在群体中的优势和支配地位(show the dominance)。


①  过了夏天鹿角依然在,甚至有些鹿的角在冬天长得更大。热的地方的鹿角反而小,冷的地方的鹿角大

②  按理说母鹿需要照顾和保护小鹿,那它们应该更需要角才对,但是它们没有角。而且鹿有很多方法来保护自己,研究人员发现鹿的主要捕食者(predator)狼身上的伤主要是被鹿踢造成的(by kicking);

③   两只鹿碰到一起的时候它们会面对面的walking up and down in parallel lines,直到一方转身走开。角的size不会决定它们的dominance,因为转身走开的那一方通常反而角比较大。




1. Government's financial revenue for education improvement:

1)hiring more teachers to reduce the student's members of each class.

2)providing preschool education for the kindergarten.

3)providing the teacher's training to improve the teaching quality.


Position: I have the preference that providing the teacher's training to improve the teaching quality is a better idea.

① First of all, it is obvious that more training for teachers guarantees the proper levels of teaching quality for the whole society, which should be one of the primary and fundamental tasks for the government. (通过对老师的培训能够保证整个社会的基本教学水平,而这一任务是政府面临的基本任务之一)

②Second, the benefits brought by the training for teachers would go far beyond the basic levels of education. Virtually, an experienced teacher, with a wild range of training, could play a vital role in guiding and helping young students in various kinds of fields in daily life, besides understanding new knowledge in the classroom. (对老师的培训不仅能带来上述好处,还能够在生活中的各个方面更好地引导和帮助学生)。

③ Hiring more teachers cannot provide governments the elementary solution to the educational problem. What's more, providing preschool education for the kindergarten also cannot ensure the proper outcome of education, for there are too many random factors effecting the performance in the future.(雇佣更多的老师不能从根本上解决教育问题,并且提供学前教育也不能确保学生未来的学习情况,因为有太多的随机因素会对结果产生影响)


2. Which one is the most important factor to help you work productively?

- Having an environment which is free of noise and distractions

- Knowing that you will receive a reward

- Doing something you are interested in



① 知道会有报酬或奖励可以在物质上激发人们工的作激情。(Knowing a potential reward can motivate individuals materially.) 因为人们工作的最基本目是满足物质上的需求(material needs)和追求更好的生活条件(living conditions)。且当今社会,人们的生活成本(living cost/expenses)不断提高,经济压力巨大(huge financial pressure),能够有直接的物质奖励毫无疑问地(undoubtedly)会增加工作动力(working impetus)。比如,生活中很常见的例子,当人们在为某个项目去工作时(when working for a project),如果得知该项目完成后会得到丰厚的报酬(if works know that a rich reward can be received after finishing the project ),那么人们肯定会更快地去完成工作。并且当得知完成效果令客户满意时(moreover, when the result highly satisfies the clients),会提高报酬,那么人们不仅会加快速度完成工作,还会同时保证高质量(a high quality)。所以,在物质奖励的作用下,工作效率必然提高。

② 奖励或报酬不仅在物质上,还会在精神上鼓舞人们。(An reward can also stimulate a person psychologically.)因为人们工作事业发展除了满足了物质需求,还能满足人们的精神需求(spiritual needs),实现个人的社会价值(social value/ value to the society)。得到奖励其实也是一种对人们工作成果和表现的肯定(a recognition of work achievements and performance),会让人们有成就感(sense of achievement/accomplishment)。举例,现在很多公司都会根据个人业绩有年终奖金(year-end bonus),这种奖金的数量的多少是你在同等级同职位的员工中对于公司贡献多少的体现,以及你个人的能力的体现(The amount of this bonus is reflected in how much you contribute to the company in the same level of staff.)。因此,为了获得更高的贡献和能力认可,也就是reward,人们会更努力高效的工作

③ 让步:诚然,拥有一个安静的工作环境可以使人们更加投入工作不受外界因素干扰,或者人们做自己感兴趣地工作会本能地更加投入,从而提高工作效率。但是,社会环境如此喧闹(bustling),工作环境各千变万化,绝对的安静的环境难以实现;事业发展中,能够和个人兴趣有关的工作实在是非常至少,绝大多数情况都是与兴趣无关。因此这两个条件因素都很难做到,不切实际。且目前,基本上所有的公司都是以奖励的形式去推动员工更加积极工作的。


3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People can solve important problems in their daily life on their own or with the help from families; the help from the government is unnecessary.


认为政府的帮助还是很有必要的,对题目中的抽象名词important problems拆分,具体化为环境问题、教育问题、医疗问题、养老问题、交通问题等,然后分别展开,由于篇幅有限,笔者就给出前面两个问题的写作思路。

①  首先,以环境问题为例。众所周知,环境目前日益严重恶化,个人和家庭是无法解决这一问题的。(In the first instance, consider the environmental issues. As is common sense, the deteriorating natural environment is so severe and complicated that the solution of such a problem is far beyond the reach of any individuals or families. )中国的空气污染就足以说明问题,就算人们能够出门的时候戴口罩或者乘坐公共交通,还是无法解决日益严重的污染问题。(The serious air pollution in China is a good case in point. Despite the fact that people can take some actions such as wearing masks or taking the public transportation to relieve the haze occurring frequently in the major cities of China in some degree, the problem cannot be radically solved. )所以需要政府出台相应的奖惩措施来治理环境污染这一重大问题。 (In this case, it is the government that can get rid of the fundamental cause by shutting down these plants and enacting laws or regulations to restrict their production, which can’t be achieved by any individuals.) 

②  其次,教育问题。在中国很多偏远地区的适龄儿童因为贫困和教育资源不足而无法入学。(In the second instance, the same logic goes to the educational problems. As is known to all, many school-age children in rural and remote areas are not able to receive education in school due to the lack of educational resources.)在这种情况下,个人和家庭的力量是薄弱的,唯有政府才能解决这一问题,实现教育资源的优化配置。(When confronted with the issue mentioned above, what individuals or families can do is quite limited. Undoubtedly, only the government has the adequate financial resources and power to allocate educational resources to those places.)+举例:可以举一些中国希望工程等政府基金项目来佐证观点

③  最后,总结段。虽然个人和家庭的力量在解决一些重要问题的时候不容忽视,而且也越来越大,而在解决一些重大问题是,政府的角色还是无法取代的。(Although the ability of individual or families is becoming stronger and greater than before, the help from government is of great necessity in the course of solving significant problems, especially those in the areas of education and environment)


4.A/D It is more important for universities to spend money on improving facilities(such as library, computer labs, and technology in general) than to spend money on hiring famous teachers.


I disagree with the statement that it is more important for universities to spend money on improving facilities than to spend money on hiring famous teachers.

① 专业的(professional)老师能更好地适应不同(various kinds of)学生的学习需求,这样才能让各色的学生都有高效率(efficiency)的提升(improvement)。老师这一角色(role)在学生的学习过程中(process)的作用不可替代(irreplaceable),老师可以更加灵活地(flexible)针对不同类型的学生找到帮助他们进步的学习方式。

② 在使用各种各样facilities时候也要有专业的老师引导(instruction)。对于一些艰深的基础学科(basic subject),譬如:物理学(physics)、化学(chemistry)、生物学(biology)等,正确(properly)使用这些学科的实验仪器(laboratory apparatus)往往需要专业老师的指导。

③ 即使不同种类的facility也很可能只能让一部分(partial)的学生受益(benefit),而好的老师却能够造福范围更广阔(vast range)的学生。毕竟facility都是针对某一个领域(realm)的研究,而大多数学生在大学时期往往接触不到与他们专业(major)无关的facility,而老师的影响(impact)却更加广阔。


5. Which one do you think is the most useful to improve our environment?

a. Walking or bicycling to reduce driving

b. Only consume organic food (reduce pesticide)

c. Reuse or recycle wastes


①  废物回收利用可以节省材料。(Recycling can save material.)因为回收再利用可以防止有用材料的浪费和减少原材料的使用量(Recycling can prevent the waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials),从而也达到了环保目的。举例:生活中纸张和书本的回收再利用就减少了纸张的浪费( reduce waste of paper),从而可以减少树木的砍伐量(decrease the felling of trees),这样就起到了保护环境的作用。

②  废物的回收可以帮助减少污染物排放(Recycling can help lower pollution emissions)。因为回收之后就可以减少由于垃圾焚烧和填埋而产生的温室气体排放和水污染(reduce greenhouse gas emission from incineration and water pollution from landfilling),从而达到环保的目的。举例:生活垃圾(household waste)中很大一部分是塑料制品( plastics),或者是很难分解的物品(some items are difficult to decompose),回收再利用的话就可以减少焚烧中排放出二氧化硫(sulfur dioxide)或二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)等温室气体,从而也可以减少酸雨量(acid rain)和由于垃圾填埋之后造成地下水污染,这样也起到了环境保护的作用。

③  让步:确实,食用有机食品和步行或骑自行车出行也可以减少对动物、植物的伤害,以及温室气体的排放。但是,食用有机食品价格会比较昂贵,人们很难支付得起;步行或自行车出行会给人们的出行带来不便,比较浪费时间,因此人们就不愿意选择这两种方式,从而也很难达到改善环境的目的。


6. Some people prefer to do exercise alone, while others would like group sports. Which do you prefer?


立场:group sports更好

开头段:With the health consciousness improving of people, physical exercise has become an important part in the life of modern people as exercise keeps the body in good shape and puts the mind in sound state. Quite a few individuals advocate participating in group sports, while others give priority to individual activities. The former, from my perspective, can definitely benefit people more.

① 在团队中锻炼能够提高锻炼的效果Doing fitness in a group can improve exercise effect。因为锻炼往往是(tend to be)很耗费体力和枯燥的(energy-consuming and insipid),且需要长期坚持的(long-term persistence),所以人们锻炼过程中很容易懈怠(slack)甚至半途而废(give up halfway)。而在团队群体中锻炼,会有队友相互督促鼓励,且会增加更多乐趣,这毫无疑问会促进个人更加认真地锻炼并坚持下去,从而提高的锻炼效果(Yet, in a group, one can get more push and encouragement, which will add joy and of course, facilitate the individual to be more concentrated on and persist in fitness, leading to a more efficient exercise.)。举例说明。

② 团队锻炼在提高体魄的同时也能够扩大人际网络,甚至交到志同道合的朋友Besides, exercising in a team can enlarge social network, and even make like-minded friends。正如前文所述 (as mentioned previously),在一个团队或小组之中锻炼,成员们必然会相互合作相互帮助 (cooperate and assist),在这过程中成员之间相互之间的信任和友谊会很容易得到发展(during which, mutual trust and friendship among the members in a group will be easily developed)。这使人们在忙碌的城市生活中结交到有着共同健身目标和兴趣的朋友(friends with common exercise goals and interests)。举例说明。

③ 让步段。(本题有比较对象,所以让步思考角度为承认对立立场也确实存在一定的合理性或好处,但是与你的立场相比,不重要或你的立场也拥有该好处,或对方立场所谓的好处是有弊端的)。诚然,独自锻炼也有好处,比如时间上更自由,不需要考虑组员的时间安排(Admittedly, exercising alone is more convenient since the schedules of other members do not need to be considered, and thus one can go fitness at anytime.) 但是一个group里人不少,总会有人是有时间一起锻炼的,且正如前文所说的,如果一个人因为枯燥而放弃了放弃或懈怠,那么不管多自由,都是达不到锻炼效果的。而且,和其他成员可以共同计划安排出固定的锻炼时间表一起遵守,这也是很方便的,而且规律的锻炼(a regular exercise)更有效。
