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大作文:Employers should give its staff at least four weeks of holidays a year to make employees do better in their jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




1. 本次考试的题目是2019年3月2日考过的原题,难度较小

2. 整体分析

Task 1:折线图

注意::1.折线图应注意描述数据之间的对比关系或上升及下降的变化发展;2. 注意时态 3.需要在第二段或者结尾段总结数据的总体特征(overview)


1. 上升grow, climb, soar, increase, rise, boom

2. 下降 drop, fall, sink, dip, decrease, decline, slump, reduce

3. 相同 be similar to; be comparable with; be matched with

4. 更小 smaller, minor, less or fewer

5. 更大 bigger, larger, better

6. 程度 dramatically, significantly, progressively, gradually, sharply; hugely; enormously; steeply; substantially, considerably, slightly, slowly, moderately, minimally

Task 2 工作类话题



Employee’s entitlement to annual leave or holidays from work is set out in legislation and in their contracts of employment. Nowadays, there are people argue that employers should allow their staff at least a four-week holiday a year to encourage employees to have better performance at work. Generally, I am in favor of this statement.


Body 1:

Due to the challenging economic climate, there are still many employees who are compelled to work long hours and take less days off. A large proportion of them have to work overtime regularly or even work at home in order to keep the advantage in the face of stiff competition. Consequently, more stress and less time to have a life outside the office leads to a wide range of problems.


Body 2:

Taking a break from work does not necessarily translate into lower productivity; instead, employers can experience several significant benefits when employees take extended vacation time. Initially, it helps maintain performance. Employees today are exposed to all kinds of stress in the workplace, which poses potential threats to their health and fitness. Taking enough time away from the day job not only replenishes the mind, but also reduces the physical effects of stress on the body. As a result, employees could be healthier and less prone to taking sick days. Secondly, longer holidays can spark creativity. Bringing new ideas forward is usually not the person who is working crazy hours in the office, but someone who is getting outside of his or her day-to-day work. Sometimes the more leisure time an employee has, the more inspired he or she can become. Last but not the least, a relatively longer period of annual leave establishes a layer of trust between employers and employees, which is crucial to the development of the company.




To conclude, I believe that building a corporate culture that values longer annual holiday is an intrinsic part of business success.








