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 1. a case in point = a good example 恰当的例子

2. abandoned=no longer occupied放弃

3. accelerated = speeded up =faster 加速,更快的

4. accentuated = intensified加重的,突出的

5. accommodated=allowed使……变为可能

6. accounts for = explains 解释

7. addressed = dealt with 处理

8. admirably = very well 极好地

9. adopt = take to use = assume = exploit 采用

10. adverse = negative不利的

11. afforded=provided提供(的)

12. aggregations=groups群

13. agitated = disturbed心绪紊乱的,激动的

14. akin to = similar with与相似

15. alleged = supposed所谓的

16. alternative = different供选择的

17. anticipate = predict预期

18. appreciably = significantly 可观地

19. appreciate= realize 领会

20. ardent = enthusiastic 热情的

21. arduous = difficult = laborious 艰难的,费力的

22. ascend = go up = rise =lift =elevate =mount = grow 上升

23. assertion = claim 认为、声称

24. backing up = supporting 支持

25. barring = excluding 把……除外

26. bizarre = strange 奇怪的

27. capacity =used to its full agricultural potential 能力(结合语境)

28. coat = cover覆盖

29. coincides with = happens simultaneously =occurs at the same time as 同时发生

30. collated=assembled v.校对整理:a.非常接近的

31. collectively = in a whole 作为一个整体地

32. compelling = persuasive 有说服力的

33. composes = makes up 组成

34. concentrations = (dense) groupings聚集物

35. confirmed=proven 证明

36. constituents = components 成分

37. continuous = nonstop = constant =enduring 持续的

38. converge on = meet at 交汇

39. copious = abundant 丰富的、大量的

40. courteous = polite 礼貌的

41. cycle = pattern of events that repeats itself 循环

42. debate=argue about认为、主张

43. depletion = reduction 消耗

44. derived = obtained获得

45. designation=identification = features = aspects特点

46. detect=distinguish 辨别

47. detrimental = harmful有害的

48. diffusion = spread =dispersal 分散

49. disputed = disordered 打乱的

50. distinct = clear 清楚的 = separated 有区别的

51. distinctive = characteristic 个性鲜明的

52. drawbacks=disadvantage缺点

53. dwellings = homes 住所

54. elaborate = complex = with great details 精细的,复杂的

55. embraced = adopted 接纳

56. emergence=appearance 出现

57. emitted = discharged 排放,发射

58. entirely=completely完全地

59. enveloped = covered包裹;有封皮的

60. era = period时代

61. eventually = finally = in the end 最终

62. exceed = be more than超过

63. excessive = extreme 过度地 = too many 过多的

64. faithfully = accurately准确地,真实地

65. feat = achievement 壮举,功绩

66. foundation = basis 基础 = establishment 建立

67. frigid =cold 寒冷的

68. function = purpose 功能

69. harsh = severe 严重的

70. hastened = hurried = hasty匆忙的

71. hierarchical = ranking orderly 按等级划分的

72. hitherto=so far 迄今

73. idle = unused 闲置的

74. implausible = unlikely不可能的

75. in turn = subsequent 转而,反过来

76. inadvertently = accidentally 非故意地

77. incredibly = amazingly 难以置信地

78. indeed = in fact确实,实际上

79. inevitably = unavoidably不可避免地

80. inherently=naturally内在地、天生地

81. initiate = introduce = start开始,引进

82. intact = whole 完整的

83. integration = unity 集合

84. intermittently=periodically 周期性地

85. intricate = complex 复杂的

86. irritating=annoying 激怒

87. lateral=side侧边的

88. lucrative = profitable有利可图的

89. mandated = required = obligated 命令的,有义务的

90. manipulated = skillfully used 熟练控制的

91. methodically = systematically 系统性地

92. might = strength 力量

93. monumental = enormous 极其的

94. moral = lesson 道德;寓意

95. more permeable=had more places where crossings could occur 更易渗透

96. mundane = ordinary 普通的

97. mutual = shared 互相的

98. negligible = very slight 微不足道的

99. obscure = hide隐藏

100. oversee = supervise 监督

101. parameters = factors 因素

102. perished = died 消逝

103. permanent = constant 永恒不变的

104. pervasive = widespread = universal 普遍的

105. pierced = broke through 刺穿

106. pondered = thought about 考虑,沉思

107. posed = presented 出现 展示

108. predominantly = mostly = in the majority 大多数

109. preliminary=initial 初步的

110. progressively = increasingly = more and more 越来越

111. prolonged = extended 延长

112. proximity = closeness = nearness接近

113. pursue = practice 进行

114. quantify = calculate计算,量化

115. readily = easily容易地

116. recognized = accepted 认知的

117. regime=government政体

118. reluctant = hesitant 不情愿,犹豫的

119. renewed=restored修复,恢复

120. replenished = restored 使恢复

121. retarding = slowing迟滞,延迟

122. robust = strong 强健的

123. rudimentary = simple = primitive 初级的,未发展的

124. ruled out = excluded 排除

125. scanty = few = scarcity = insufficiency 少的

126. scenario = version of events情境,情节

127. secrete = release 分泌

128. skepticism=doubt怀疑

129. sparse = thinly distributed 稀疏的

130. spurt = sudden increase = surge 快速增长

131. stamina = endurance 耐力

132. state of affairs = situation情况

133. steadily = at an unvarying rate稳定地

134. subdue = defeat征服,战胜

135. subsistence = survival 维持

136. suffice = be enough 充足的

137. surplus = extra = excess 额外的

138. suspected =thought it likely 有嫌疑的

139. tangible = physical 有形的、实质的

140. temporarily = briefly 暂时的

141. traces = small amounts微量(熟词僻义)

142. traumatic = upsetting让人痛苦的,精神受伤的

143. unique=one-of-a kind独特的

144. unrivaled = unequaled无敌的

145. used to capacity = used to its full agricultural potential(语境题)农业方面的能力/潜能

146. vanishes = disappears 消失

147. verging = bordering濒临,接近

148. verifying = confirming 证实

149. vulnerable to = unprotected from脆弱的

150. was repulsed = was driven back 被驱逐
