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 1. Which one do you think is the most important factor for a student to succeed at college or university?

1)Tutors in the university.

2)The encouragement from family and friends.

3)High-quality education from high school.


① 3) 和1)对比,中学学到的知识是高等教育的基础basic knowledge of high-level education,只有打好坚实的基础,才能在未来取得成功get success in the future。如果等到大学再好好学,就错过了很多打基础的知识储备。例如;中学的英语语法grammar知识如果学的不好,到大学需要和别人交流的时候就会比较困难find difficulties when we need to use English to communicate with others, 而且大学也不会再重复基础知识

② 3)和2)对比,中学老师对学生的影响力比家人和朋友会更大have the bigger influence on students,因为中学阶段学生和老师在一起的时间是最多的stay with high-school teachers for most of the time。如果中学教师可以给学生很好的知识教授和做人道理的传授share excellent knowledge and experiences with students,会使学生受益终身benefit students for the whole life time。

③ 单独谈一谈1)和2)的缺点,在大学阶段,大多数学生的人生价值观和学习基础learning skills and knowledge basic已经形成,老师的影响力很有限了。家人和朋友大多和学生在一起的时候都是娱乐性的活动比较多have more entertainments,这些对于学生最终的成功影响力较小


2. Would you prefer a higher pay job but longer work time or an average pay job and normal work time?

选择I prefer to choose a well-paid work hard:

① A higher pay job contributes to one’s further improvement.因为高薪但是需要加班的工作会有压力,人只有合适的压力,才能让他们在工作上激发出潜能,实现更大的成就。(可用举例论证)

② A high salary would provide a better material life.付出和回报是成正比的,在工作上付出的时间更多,加薪升职的机会就会更多,这会保证一个人得到更好的物质生活。(可用对比论证) people cannot get material comfort from low-salary jobs. It is difficult for people to support themselves with a low-salary job, they cannot afford abroad trips, delicious foods or appropriate medical treatment.

③ Jobs with low salary often mean repetitive or simple works, which cannot bring them mental satisfaction. 低薪的工作意味着没有挑战性,工作内容单一乏味,工作状态上缺乏激情,心生抱怨,这会降低对工作的满意度。(可用解释论证)According a recent study, doing a simple work will easily dampen young people`s ambitions and blunt their minds. It is no exaggeration that people can hardly be aware of their value in the low-paying jobs.


3.Many university students are encouraged to study in those majors, which have an increase of job growth (more needed in the job market) like Science, Technology, Engineering, Math. What are your opinion about to choose those majors instead of what they are interested in?


开头:Every university student has gone through a tough but important choice: choosing an appropriate major in school. People’s opinions about what kind of major a student should choose may vary from person to person(因人而异). Some suggest that students should choose a major catering to(迎合) the society’s needs over a seemingly suitable one according to his/her interest, but I disagree with it and think the very opposite is right.

①  First off, interest can help students achieve greater success in their area. If one chooses a major in the light of(基于) willingness and enthusiasm, no matter whether the major is hot in the labor market or not, s/he will put in(投入) more time and effort to fixate on(关注) the deduction and memorization(推演和记忆) of complicated formulas or theorems(公式和定理), thus getting clearer on(弄清楚) how to put theoretical knowledge into practical use and to solve realistic problems. In contrast(对比论证), without great interests, even if one majors math or engineering, which caters to the needs of the society, s/he would find it difficult to concentrate on what s/he is learning, or to take every assignment and exam seriously, would possibly graduate without an outstanding school report, find an average job and be a common employee. And worse, s/he may be dwelling on(沉浸在) the regretful university life later in life: why not choose what s/he likes in the best time of life.

②  Furthermore, let’s look at this issue from a broader view: the society will benefit more if students are free to choose what they are fond of. Assume that the majority of students are encouraged to learn some certain majors, let’s say eight of ten students go for math or engineer, the hottest major, how competitive will the labor market be when they graduate? Who can even ensure that enough job vacancies are provided by then? How much can they earn on a monthly basis? More deeply, how could other essential areas, like art, history or anthropology develop without enough students? Who could be held accountable for the loss of a minority languages(小语种的消失) or the halt of excavations of old cultures(古文明发掘的中止)? The answer is conspicuous: only when everyone sticks to their own interest and make their own contribution can the world keep being prosperous.

③  Of course, it is seemingly true that a major needed in the job market may guarantee a more promising future, or at least students won’t concern about that no employers could accept their resumes when they start to find a job. Nevertheless, as I mentioned above, most of these young employees stand a greater chance of(更可能) failing to hold their strengths in the increasingly competitive setting, and of a promising career future from a long term perspective. It is not difficult to find that if one’s job is inconsistent with his/her interest, s/he would end up changing(最终会) jobs constantly, missing out on the opportunities(错失机会) to be promoted and successful.

结尾:To sum up, it is definitely sensible for university students to choose the major according to their propensity(偏好). This will do more good to not only can the students but the society as a whole. (520w)


4.A/D It is more important for universities to spend money on improving facilities(such as library, computer labs, and technology in general) than to spend money on hiring famous teachers.


I disagree with the statement that it is more important for universities to spend money on improving facilities than to spend money on hiring famous teachers.

① 专业的(professional)老师能更好地适应不同(various kinds of)学生的学习需求,这样才能让各色的学生都有高效率(efficiency)的提升(improvement)。老师这一角色(role)在学生的学习过程中(process)的作用不可替代(irreplaceable),老师可以更加灵活地(flexible)针对不同类型的学生找到帮助他们进步的学习方式。

② 在使用各种各样facilities时候也要有专业的老师引导(instruction)。对于一些艰深的基础学科(basic subject),譬如:物理学(physics)、化学(chemistry)、生物学(biology)等,正确(properly)使用这些学科的实验仪器(laboratory apparatus)往往需要专业老师的指导。

③ 即使不同种类的facility也很可能只能让一部分(partial)的学生受益(benefit),而好的老师却能够造福范围更广阔(vast range)的学生。毕竟facility都是针对某一个领域(realm)的研究,而大多数学生在大学时期往往接触不到与他们专业(major)无关的facility,而老师的影响(impact)却更加广阔。


5. Which one do you think is the most useful to improve our environment?

a. Walking or bicycling to reduce driving

b. Only consume organic food (reduce pesticide)

c. Reuse or recycle wastes


①  废物回收利用可以节省材料。(Recycling can save material.)因为回收再利用可以防止有用材料的浪费和减少原材料的使用量(Recycling can prevent the waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials),从而也达到了环保目的。举例:生活中纸张和书本的回收再利用就减少了纸张的浪费( reduce waste of paper),从而可以减少树木的砍伐量(decrease the felling of trees),这样就起到了保护环境的作用。

②  废物的回收可以帮助减少污染物排放(Recycling can help lower pollution emissions)。因为回收之后就可以减少由于垃圾焚烧和填埋而产生的温室气体排放和水污染(reduce greenhouse gas emission from incineration and water pollution from landfilling),从而达到环保的目的。举例:生活垃圾(household waste)中很大一部分是塑料制品( plastics),或者是很难分解的物品(some items are difficult to decompose),回收再利用的话就可以减少焚烧中排放出二氧化硫(sulfur dioxide)或二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)等温室气体,从而也可以减少酸雨量(acid rain)和由于垃圾填埋之后造成地下水污染,这样也起到了环境保护的作用。

③  让步:确实,食用有机食品和步行或骑自行车出行也可以减少对动物、植物的伤害,以及温室气体的排放。但是,食用有机食品价格会比较昂贵,人们很难支付得起;步行或自行车出行会给人们的出行带来不便,比较浪费时间,因此人们就不愿意选择这两种方式,从而也很难达到改善环境的目的。


6. Some people prefer to do exercise alone, while others would like group sports. Which do you prefer?


立场:group sports更好

开头段:With the health consciousness improving of people, physical exercise has become an important part in the life of modern people as exercise keeps the body in good shape and puts the mind in sound state. Quite a few individuals advocate participating in group sports, while others give priority to individual activities. The former, from my perspective, can definitely benefit people more.

① 在团队中锻炼能够提高锻炼的效果Doing fitness in a group can improve exercise effect。因为锻炼往往是(tend to be)很耗费体力和枯燥的(energy-consuming and insipid),且需要长期坚持的(long-term persistence),所以人们锻炼过程中很容易懈怠(slack)甚至半途而废(give up halfway)。而在团队群体中锻炼,会有队友相互督促鼓励,且会增加更多乐趣,这毫无疑问会促进个人更加认真地锻炼并坚持下去,从而提高的锻炼效果(Yet, in a group, one can get more push and encouragement, which will add joy and of course, facilitate the individual to be more concentrated on and persist in fitness, leading to a more efficient exercise.)。举例说明。

② 团队锻炼在提高体魄的同时也能够扩大人际网络,甚至交到志同道合的朋友Besides, exercising in a team can enlarge social network, and even make like-minded friends。正如前文所述 (as mentioned previously),在一个团队或小组之中锻炼,成员们必然会相互合作相互帮助 (cooperate and assist),在这过程中成员之间相互之间的信任和友谊会很容易得到发展(during which, mutual trust and friendship among the members in a group will be easily developed)。这使人们在忙碌的城市生活中结交到有着共同健身目标和兴趣的朋友(friends with common exercise goals and interests)。举例说明。

③ 让步段。(本题有比较对象,所以让步思考角度为承认对立立场也确实存在一定的合理性或好处,但是与你的立场相比,不重要或你的立场也拥有该好处,或对方立场所谓的好处是有弊端的)。诚然,独自锻炼也有好处,比如时间上更自由,不需要考虑组员的时间安排(Admittedly, exercising alone is more convenient since the schedules of other members do not need to be considered, and thus one can go fitness at anytime.) 但是一个group里人不少,总会有人是有时间一起锻炼的,且正如前文所说的,如果一个人因为枯燥而放弃了放弃或懈怠,那么不管多自由,都是达不到锻炼效果的。而且,和其他成员可以共同计划安排出固定的锻炼时间表一起遵守,这也是很方便的,而且规律的锻炼(a regular exercise)更有效。

