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大作文:Some people think the increasing use of technology in the workplace is good for young people’s prospects of gaining job and harder for old people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




1. 本次考试难度适中

2. 整体分析

Task 1:饼图+柱图



1) 上升grow, climb, soar, increase, rise, boom

2) 下降 drop, fall, sink, dip, decrease, decline, slump, reduce

3) 相同 be similar to; be comparable with; be matched with

4) 更小 smaller, minor, less or fewer

5) 更大 bigger, larger, better

6) 程度 dramatically, significantly, progressively, gradually, sharply; hugely; enormously; steeply; substantially, considerably, slightly, slowly, moderately, minimally


1) 两倍:double, two times, twofold

2) 三倍:triple, three times, threefold

3) 四倍: quadruple, four times, fourfold

动词“占”的表达:account for, hold, make up, take up, constitute, comprise, represent


The majority of…

Most of…

A considerable number of…

A minority of…

Just over…

Slightly more than…/less than….

Nearly half…

Task 2 工作类话题

题目翻译:一些人认为在工作中越来越多地使用科技对年轻人的就业前景很有好处而对老年人来  说则更难。你在多大程度上同意或不同意这个说法?



Conventional thinking assumes that elder workers have trouble adapting to new technologies and many of us even visualize elders who cannot find their way around a keyboard and have to ask the young what APP is. I believe this notion is nothing more than a stereotype which is inaccurate.



Body 1:

People claim that elder employees need more time to have a good command of new technology at work since they would learn less and remember less than younger employees. Unfortunately, this is not true. In fact, the elder adults’ cognitive performance is more consistent than that of the younger workers. Elder workers’ wealth of experience enables them to design strategies to solve problems in order to learn new things.


Body 2:

Besides, elder employees are less likely than their younger colleagues to find using technology in the workplace stressful. When looking at younger generations in the workforce, a large proportion of them are used to using technology in their personal lives, which raises the expectations of that technology can be in their professional lives. However, they do not always achieve that level of clearness and proficiency at work, so they could feel a sense of frustration at tools that are not up to snuff. In contrast, elder people who have been working longer usually are more tolerant for technology that may not always be as good as it might be.


Body 3:

More importantly, elder workers bring skills to many jobs that younger workers cannot duplicate. Even if their detailed technology savvy is not as good as those of the 20-year-olds, they bring different skills of great value to the table. In most cases, elder workers’ productivity is more consistent than younger workers because their motivation is higher than the younger workers’ and they are more stable and less erratic. Experience helps older workers compensate for the physical and mental changes that accompany aging.



To conclude, elder workers can learn high-tech skills if they are given the opportunity and incentive to do so and it is a real mistake to conclude that they cannot. I believe even if in the era of technology, there are more to consider when it comes to a promising career.









