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 1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People can solve important problems in their daily life on their own or with the help from families; the help from the government is unnecessary.


① 首先,以环境问题为例。众所周知,环境目前日益严重恶化,个人和家庭是无法解决这一问题的。(In the first instance, consider the environmental issues. As is common sense, the deteriorating natural environment is so severe and complicated that the solution of such a problem is far beyond the reach of any individuals or families. )中国的空气污染就足以说明问题,就算人们能够出门的时候戴口罩或者乘坐公共交通,还是无法解决日益严重的污染问题。(The serious air pollution in China is a good case in point. Despite the fact that people can take some actions such as wearing masks or taking the public transportation to relieve the haze occurring frequently in the major cities of China in some degree, the problem cannot be radically solved. )所以需要政府出台相应的奖惩措施来治理环境污染这一重大问题。 (In this case, it is the government that can get rid of the fundamental cause by shutting down these plants and enacting laws or regulations to restrict their production, which can’t be achieved by any individuals.)

② 其次,教育问题。在中国很多偏远地区的适龄儿童因为贫困和教育资源不足而无法入学。(In the second instance, the same logic goes to the educational problems. As is known to all, many school-age children in rural and remote areas are not able to receive education in school due to the lack of educational resources.)在这种情况下,个人和家庭的力量是薄弱的,唯有政府才能解决这一问题,实现教育资源的优化配置。(When confronted with the issue mentioned above, what individuals or families can do is quite limited. Undoubtedly, only the government has the adequate financial resources and power to allocate educational resources to those places.)+举例:可以举一些中国希望工程等政府基金项目来佐证观点。

③ 最后,总结段。虽然个人和家庭的力量在解决一些重要问题的时候不容忽视,而且也越来越大,而在解决一些重大问题是,政府的角色还是无法取代的。(Although the ability of individual or families is becoming stronger and greater than before, the help from government is of great necessity in the course of solving significant problems, especially those in the areas of education and environment)

2. Some people think that some lessons for young children (age 4-8) which include video games can serve as effective and interesting ways of learning, while others think that these lessons are quite distracting and can be seen as a waste of time. What is your opinion and why?


① 开头段:话题引入+他人观点+明确立场+过渡

话题引入:Our age witnesses that the video game has undergone a tremendous change from a sign of wealth to a life necessity. Reportedly, most young children aged from four to eight spend a quite long time learning lessons which include video games. 他人观点:This phenomenon triggers a heated debate. Some people think that video games serve as effective and interesting ways of learning, while others think that these lessons are quite distracting. 明确立场:Form my perspective, these lessons can be seen as a waste of time. 过渡:I will elaborate my viewpoint in the following paragraphs.(89 words)

② 主体段(1):主题句+解释句+举例论证

主题句:Firstly, it is impossible for young children to fully concentrate on the lessons which include video games. 解释句:This is because these lessons usually demands a relatively quite place and preoccupation from young children. Conversely, if young children learn lessons through video games, his or her attention is being torn apart(被分散) and the efficiency of learning must be affected. 举例论证:A good case in point is that when I was young, if I want to learn something, I have to devote all of my attention on it and can not afford any sight disturbance(视觉干扰). However, once I play video game, I only notice the animation(动画) in it and totally forget what I have to learn.(114 words)

③ 主体段(2):主题句+解释句+因果论证

主题句:Besides, these lessons which include video games are likely to do harm to young children’s health. 解释句:In an important growth stage of young children, playing video games for a long time is unfavorable to(对...不利)their development of organs and physical systems. Worse, it may pose an adverse effect on normal development, especially eyesight. 因果论证:More and more young people become shortsighted at a relatively young age which is a deeply regretful fact. This phenomenon ascribes to the extensive use of eyes by watching video games.(86 words)

④ 让步段:承认对方观点的有点,指出缺点或不足之处

Admittedly, these lessons including video game can be very attractive to young children and can stimulate(刺激,激发) their interest in learning. However, we can not afford to lose young children’s physical development which is the priority compared to learning knowledge.(40 words)

⑤ 结尾:重申观点+(归纳理由/升华主题)

To put in the nutshell(总之), young children are supposed to be preoccupied with their lessons without being disturbed by other distractions such as video games which can be a good way to release anxiety.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises.


① For many years, research has shown that doing exercises helps to alleviate a number of health complications, leading to a healthy body, soul and mind(背景介绍). However, some people use all excuses to justify reasons as to why they lead a sedentary life(别人的观点).This essay seeks to look at benefits of physical activities as opposed to reading a book or watching television(表明立场). My reasons and examples are given below.

② Doing exercises offers many benefits to one's physiological processes.As opposed to watching television or reading a book where energy expenditure is low,physical exercises aid in efficient blood flow and cardiovascular fitness. On the other contrary,lack of exercises often leads to a number of health problems such as high blood pressure,heart diseases and obesity. To be able to truly relax one must possess a healthy body,and this has to be achieved by healthier activities like jogging,fitness training,or mountain climbing,rather sitting in a chair all day long.(对比论证)

③ Moreover, exercises help people utilize their leisure time more constructively and substantially. People gain motor skills and other relevant traits like strength, flexibility and coordination. On the other hand, some books and programs on television end up with nothing, and even have negative influence on their viewers. For example, I have an eight-year-old nephew, whose name is Aaron. He does not any physical exercises at all. When he has some spare time, he is always sitting in front of TV and watching some fantasy films. After long periods watching this meaningless movies, he claims that everything has magic and can not walk out of it. As a result, he has wasted his valuable leisure time and learned nothing educational from the movies.(举例论证)

④ Finally, some forms of exercises encourage socialization and team building, which is a much greater way to relax than being alone. Examples of these exercises include many of the collective sports people often do such as soccer and basketball. In these sports, people meet and play as a team, share their happiness and excitement with each other and as a result achieve much higher levels of enjoyment and satisfaction. By contrast, watching TV or reading a book is often solitary experience, involving little interaction with others, which is boring.(综合举例论证和对比论证。)

⑤ In a nutshell, doing exercises is much more beneficial than watching television or reading a book. Our bodies require regular exercises to make us remain active and healthy. A fit person is more productive in the workplace since he/she can effectively accomplish responsibilities, and can also be more relaxed after work because he/she is more actively involved with the nature or other people around him/her.

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than save money for the future.


① 旅游可以减轻压力,这样人们才能更好投入工作和生活。(Traveling can reduce the pressure, so that people would enjoy work and life.)举例论证:间隔年(gap year)

② 旅游可以开阔人们的眼界。(Traveling can broaden people’s horizons.)举例论证:读万卷书不如行万里路(Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books.)

③ 旅游可以让人们亲近大自然,从而提升环保意识。(Traveling would give an opportunity to people to close the nature, it is a beneficial way to enhance the people's environmental awareness.)举例论证:生态旅游(ecotourism)


① 在遇到紧急情况时,我们可以使用节省下来的钱。(the money we saved can be used in an emergency)在我们的生活中,必须要面对不同的困难,所以在有困难的时候,钱是非常重要的。(we have to face different tough obstacle in our life, so the money in that time is vital significance.)举例论证:最近一项官方的调查显示,70%的大学生都会选择存钱,而非把钱花在旅游和度假上。(A recent poll concluded at university about using money by officials shows that seventy percentage of university students would save money preparing for future rather than spend money on traveling and vacation.)

② 对于一些收入较低的人们来说,他们不会把钱花在旅行和度假上,因为他们甚至都没有足够的钱支付房租,伙食或是买衣服。(The wage of some needy people is so low that cannot pay the money on traveling. Those people who do not have enough wage, even worry about paying the rent of house, obtaining the food and buying the suitable clothes.)举例论证:我的叔叔,他在一家工厂工作,每个月只有3000元。想象一下在支付其他家庭的开支之后,每一个月或多或少只剩下300元,所以他从来没有想过把钱花在旅行或度假上,因为缺少钱。(my uncle, who works in a factory, only has 3000RMB per months. Just image the money left after paying other expenses of the family. Only 30 Yuan more or less left every month, so he never has a thought to spend money on traveling or vacation, because of the lack of money.)

③ 房价越来越高。为了能租或买一套房子,必须存钱。(The price of the house is getting higher. It is necessary to save money to rent or buy a house.)举例论证:中国某个小城市的一对夫妇,为了存够买房首付,3年没有看过电影,没有去过餐馆吃饭。在北京这样的大城市,租房往往要花掉一个人月收入的3分之一。(A couple of a small city in China, in order to deposit and buy a house, they did not see movies, and go to a restaurant to eat. In the big city like Beijing, renting house often takes  one third of month's income.)

5. Which do you think is the best way for a student to make friends: joining a sports team, volunteering, or traveling?

Use specific examples to support your answer.

以下给出一个参考思路:选择joining a sports team

① It is commonly believed that making friends is an essential part of people's normal social life. This is especially true for students, whose personalities have not been fully developed, and friends will surely help mold their character and share their growing pains as well as happiness. So which way, among joining a sports team, volunteering in community activities and traveling, is the best for students to make friends? My choice is joining a sports team. My reasons and examples are given below.

② In the first place, joining a sports team is definitely a great opportunity for students to meet their peers. Even though students spend most of their time at school, surrounded by their peers, actually, in most cases, a student can only know a few classmates well. Joining a sports team, however, enables students to see many other students outside their classroom. Take me for an example, on the badminton team of my school, I met my partner whom I had barely talked to before. We often played together and enjoyed ourselves so much that we finally became good friends.

③ Further, on a sports team, students collaborate with each other, which can bring them a sense of unity, and close friendship naturally develops. For example, boys on a basketball team will spend a lot of time practicing together. After many tough games, the boys on the team will be able to understand each other only by action. They share the same goal and same interests; they laugh and cry together. Their friendship is so strong that can last for the whole lifetime.

④ Admittedly, volunteering in community activities and traveling are quite good ways of making new friends as well. However, I believe that playing sports on a team is an even better way. When volunteering or traveling, students meet with new people, too. Nevertheless, the people who they meet with are usually from a completely different background from them, so the chances are that it is hard for them to find common interests, let alone make friends with them.

⑤ Based on all these arguments, joining a sports team is arguably the best way for students to make friends. I hope that more and more students go out of their houses and a good time playing sports with their friends.

6. Some people like cooking and eating at homes while others like eating in the restaurants. Which one do you prefer?

以下给出第一个参考思路:prefer eating at homes

① 首先,在家里吃饭可以为我们的身体健康提供保障(provide guarantees for our health)。在家里自己买菜做饭可以确保食材新鲜(ensure vegetables and fruits fresh),摄入均衡的营养(a balanced nutritional diet)。外面的餐厅,尤其是价格便宜的餐厅,不能够保证食材卫生安全(safety and sanitation),经常食用的话会有食物中毒(the possibility of food poisoning)的可能。

② 其次,在家里吃饭经济划算(economical),减少花销(reduce daily expense)。很多成本很低(low cost)的菜品,但是在饭店要算上服务员的工资,房租、水电等费用之后(the fee of waiters, rent and utilities),就会卖到很贵的价格(charge a surprising high price),价格远远超过(far exceed)这个菜品本身的价值。所以没有必要去支付这些不必要的开销(pay for unnecessary expenses)。比如,在餐厅吃一顿要花费200美元,但是如果拿这些钱买菜做饭的话可以吃上几天。(For example, you spend 200 dollars on a supper in the restaurant, but if the money were used to buy meats, eggs and vegetables to cook meals, you would not need to worry about what to eat in a few days.)

③ 最重要的是(Last but not the least),在家里做饭可以获得成就感和满足感(a sense of achievement and satisfactory)。享受到生活的乐趣(enjoy the life)。通过一家人吃饭的方式可以沟通问题,交流感情,使得家庭生活更加和睦美满(more harmony and enjoyable)。

以下给出第二个参考思路:(二)prefer eating in the restaurants

① 首先,在餐厅吃饭可选择性大(have more choices),品味到各种各样的美食(opportunity to taste various foods)。餐厅一般都会有厚厚的(thick)菜单,琳琅满目(assorted/dazzling)的菜品供消费者进行选择。比如,在异域餐厅(foreign restaurants)吃饭还可以品味到异域风格(exotic foods)的食物。而在家里吃饭相比较而言可选择的余地就比较小,只能根据菜场上能够买到的食材做饭。

② 其次,在餐厅/饭店吃饭方便快捷(convenient),节约时间成本(time-saving)。现在,尤其是在大城市(metropolis),快节奏的生活(fast-paced life)和繁重的压力(overwhelming pressure)使得人们没有心情去买菜做饭,而是选择方便快捷的餐厅。在餐厅吃饭不用自己动手,节约了买菜洗菜做饭的时间,这样会使得自己的工作和生活更加有效率(more efficient)。

③ 满足不同消费群体的需要(cater to different consuming groups),提供到不同的氛围(atmosphere/environment),不同的餐厅可以满足不同的需要,比如有的餐厅适合情侣约会(couples dating),有的比较正式一点的餐厅(formal restaurant)适合商务谈判(business negotiation)。而在家里做菜吃饭就没有这优势。

7. People who cannot accept criticism from others will not be successful at working in a group.  


① First of all, not accepting criticism from team members would stop you from improving. Criticism is a common way that people use to point out the mistakes or shortcomings of others, and usually, it is difficult for individuals to find out their own problems. Thus, not modestly listening to others’ opinion and comments would make one always goes in the wrong direction. 举例论证

② Second, existing one member who refuses to take criticisms decreases the working efficiency of the team. Some group tasks or projects need members to unite as a whole and sustain similar goals. However, if one cannot objectively accept criticisms and suggestions, other members have to stop and try to persuade him/her. 举例论证

③ Last but not least, always refuting other people's suggestions and comments would let one be isolated from the rest of the group. Those who frequently reject others’ criticisms tend to show an air of complacency, arrogance, even rudeness. Thus, other members in the team must feel uncomfortable to work with such people and will not cooperate with them, even kick them out. 举例论证。

8. Some people believe going on field trips is better for child’s education, while others think it is better for children to study in the classroom at school, which one do you prefer, and explain why.

解题思路:选择going on field trips is better

① 课外拓展首先可以很好的激发学生学习的兴趣(motivate the students to learn)。因为学生能看到外面世界的多面性(introduce young kids to new aspects of the outside world),比如关于某些特定的学科,比如艺术,音乐,以及一些古典文化,学生在课外可以看到很多影像,这样的话,学生精神上会更兴奋也更集中(capture the images, mentally exited and thus more concentrated )。举例论证:如果在学校学习一种建筑风格(style of architecture),老师只是展示图片(show images),学生没法身临其境,导致学生失去兴趣(lose interests),同时也没法感受此种建筑风格的真正魅力(real charm),从而减弱了教学效果。

② 课外拓展同时对于学生的身心健康也很有帮助(be mentally and physically beneficial to the students.) 。学生不必坐在课桌前疯狂完成所有课程,而在此过程中,不正当的姿势(improper posture)会导致学生的视力下降,以及身形的变形(decline in the eyesight and distortion in the backbone)。此外,一味枯燥的校内课业压力也会让学生,尤其处于青春期有逆反心理的学生(adolescent psychological inversion),产生厌学(tired of learning)的心理问题。适当走出校门,学生的思路则被打开(mind be opened),身体也没有被束缚在一个小小的教室(restricted in a narrow area),而这些都是对发育期的学生们非常好,非常重要的。

③ 让步段: 尽管在学校里面学习也是不可缺少的(be indispensable),因为在学校里,可以在老师的指导下系统地学习知识(acquire information and perceive knowledge systematically under the instruction of teachers)。很多学科都是以理论为基础的(based mainly on theories or principles),我们不需要学习任何有关的学术背景(scientific background)就能快速习得知识并应用(rapidly perceive the knowledge and learn to apply),举例论证:比如数学。对学生来说,学习数学的历史背景对于了解公式定理(mathematical rules and formulations) 并没有太大帮助,而这样的课程完全可以在学校高效的完成(manage to learn efficiently in school)。但是,随着年纪和学习阶段的不断提升(the increase of age and level of learning),孩子会学习到越来越多的非理论型的/偏向实际应用型和艺术创作类课程,为了让孩子有更全面的发展(integrated development),走出教室和学校一定是必然的趋势(inevitable trend)。

9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has a large effect on your overall happiness than social life does.(工作类 利弊分析2016.09.24)

解题思路:不同意,social life影响更大

① Social life involves more kinds and forms of activities and more aspects of personal life。 解释:工作只是个人生活的一个组成元素,往往最主要目的是为了生存。而social life会涉及到生活的方方面面(every aspect of life),并且有形式多样的活动(various activities,banquets, parties, clubs, trips, games等等)。

② Social life中我们可以更放松。解释:工作中需要follow so many strict rules and regulations, 而social life可以自由表达自己的个性(personality),更容易让我们开心。

③ Social life可以让我们得到真正的情感(real relationships),比如友情、爱情。解释:工作中我们面对的只是同事和客户(colleagues and clients),who mainly have interest relation with each other。而在social life中,各类活动能够帮助对别人有更深入的接触和了解,找到志同道合的朋友(friends in the same camp/ like-minded friends),甚至是灵魂的伴侣(soul mate)。

10. As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:

--  Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)

--Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town. (For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)

Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?


Schools should require students to volunteer on the projects in the university’s city or hometown.

① 参加志愿服务活动可以培养学生的社会责任感(cultivate the sense of responsibility)。因为在做志愿服务的过程中,会帮助那些需要帮助的人,或者是帮助一些机构解决问题,比如美化环境,清扫街道等,这会让学生感觉自己是社会的一份子,这可以让他们实现个人的社会价值。可举例论证

② 参加志愿服务活动还可以促进学生的社交能力 (facilitate their social interaction)。因为在活动的过程中他们需要学会如何与周围的人相处得融洽(get along well with other people),如何表达得更加得体(how to express properly),如何解决棘手的问题(how to deal with thorny problems)。 可对比论证

③ 参加志愿服务活动还可以适当得减少学生的课程压力(alleviate their pressure on courses)从而帮助他们获得更好的学习成绩(which assists with their test performance)。因为在做志愿活动时,学生可以得到适当的休息,同时,社会活动的经历也让他们明白,只有通过努力,才能让自己立足在这个充满竞争的社会中(only by making painstaking efforts on study can they keep a favorable position in the society full of fierce competition),因此学生就会在学习上取得更好的成绩。可用举例论证

11. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It's better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor? ​​​

以下是笔者从make friends with intelligent people的角度给出的解答:

① 开头段:Friends are those who have confidence in you and offer assistance to you unconditionally(无条件帮忙); They are always there no matter what happens. On a practical level, friends benefit us in many ways due to the valuable characteristics that they are in possession of(拥有). Then which characteristic of a friend is more attractive, being intelligent or humorous? From my perspective, I attach greater importance to(更加重视) intelligence of friends than the sense of humor.

② 中心句:Making friends with intelligent people affords us the opportunity to achieve self-improvement. 解释句:There is no denying that ingenious people must possess certain significant characteristics making them stand out among the peers. By making friends with them, we are more likely to be positively influenced by them and obtain the important quality and effective methods in dealing with problems we confront in our life, thus increasing the possibility of fulfilling our goals. 举例论证:For example, playing with those who are able to manage their time efficiently helps us foster the ability to plan and organize. Also, talking with a person who enjoys favorable social relationship contributes to the cultivation of our excellent communicating skills. What’s more, learning about a friend who succeeds in realizing his dream through hard work motivates us to set a practical goal and work toward it continuously. Therefore we tend to acquire a myriad of(无数的) wholesome characteristics by building friendship with intelligent people.

③ 中心句:On a more practical level, we have a better chance to come up with creative solutions to the problems we are faced with in our life with the help of ingenious friends. 解释句:It is not uncommon that we have to meet a multitude of(许多) problems or get in trouble that we may find difficult to resolve. 对比论证:However, intelligent friends, being analytical and insightful, never fail to offer advice and guidance that are of great help(有助于) in overcoming these difficulties. Chances are that friends with intelligence help us analyze the situation in an efficient way, correct the mistakes we have made in seeking for solutions and predict the results that our decisions may yield to ensure our successful going through hard times. Thanks to the wisdom and level-headedness(冷静) of intelligent friends we have, there is no need for us to worry about the difficulties we may be confronted with either in our study or work.

④ 让步段:Admittedly, friends with a good sense of humor could bring us jokes and joy and make our life full of happiness. We may have fun when staying along with humorous friends. Nevertheless, at times of sorrow, it is ingenious friends who surprisingly manage to drive off(击退) our loneliness and sadness due to the fact that they are able to comfort us in a comparatively rational way rather than just make us laugh and forget about the adversity.

⑤ 重申观点:Hence, it is more desirable to have intelligent friends than friends with a good sense of humor. 总结分论点:Not only can ingenious friends provide assistance that contributes toy our success and that makes it possible for you to overcome difficulties, but also they could better satisfy your psychological needs when you are in bad mood than humorous friends do.

12. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s better to work for the company owned by someone you don’t know than work for the company owned by your family.


① push one’s boundary/test one’s limits(挑战自己的极限)

(对比论证)在家人创办的公司里,但凡遇到困难(hit a roadblock)的时候,人往往都会倾向于(have a tendency to)求助(fall back on)自己最亲近的人,当然家人们一般都不会拒绝提供帮助(refuse to offer help),这难免会让我们变得依赖他人(over-reliant on others)。但是在一个陌生的公司,更多得只能靠自己。所以这有利于激发自己的潜能(tap into potential),挑战自己的极限从而变得更优秀。

② hone interpersonal skills(锻炼人际交往能力)

(因果+举例)在一个陌生的公司,一个人必须学会正确地表达自己、倾听他人(express oneself in an appropriate way and learn to listen to others)甚至是尊重分歧(show respects to divergences),不会有人因为你是家人而对于区别对待(being treated differently)。这无疑是给人一个机会学会如何与人相处,更好地提高交往能力。可以个例加以说明。

③ achieve greater success(取得更大成就)

可以learn more from people with different backgrounds,能让人学到更多,比如不同的思考方式,工作方法,工作态度。而在家人开的公司见到的人更多的是熟悉的家人。这更有助于人积累经验(accumulate experience),开拓视野(expand one’s outlook),积累更多人脉(develop personal interactions),取得更大成就。

13. Some people prefer to do exercise alone, while others would like group sports. Which do you prefer?

立场:group sports更好

开头段:With the health consciousness improving of people, physical exercise has become an important part in the life of modern people as exercise keeps the body in good shape and puts the mind in sound state. Quite a few individuals advocate participating in group sports, while others give priority to individual activities. The former, from my perspective, can definitely benefit people more.

① 在团队中锻炼能够提高锻炼的效果Doing fitness in a group can improve exercise effect。因为锻炼往往是(tend to be)很耗费体力和枯燥的(energy-consuming and insipid),且需要长期坚持的(long-term persistence),所以人们锻炼过程中很容易懈怠(slack)甚至半途而废(give up halfway)。而在团队群体中锻炼,会有队友相互督促鼓励,且会增加更多乐趣,这毫无疑问会促进个人更加认真地锻炼并坚持下去,从而提高的锻炼效果(Yet, in a group, one can get more push and encouragement, which will add joy and of course, facilitate the individual to be more concentrated on and persist in fitness, leading to a more efficient exercise.)。举例说明。

② 团队锻炼在提高体魄的同时也能够扩大人际网络,甚至交到志同道合的朋友Besides, exercising in a team can enlarge social network, and even make like-minded friends。正如前文所述 (as mentioned previously),在一个团队或小组之中锻炼,成员们必然会相互合作相互帮助 (cooperate and assist),在这过程中成员之间相互之间的信任和友谊会很容易得到发展(during which, mutual trust and friendship among the members in a group will be easily developed)。这使人们在忙碌的城市生活中结交到有着共同健身目标和兴趣的朋友(friends with common exercise goals and interests)。举例说明。

③ 让步段。(本题有比较对象,所以让步思考角度为承认对立立场也确实存在一定的合理性或好处,但是与你的立场相比,不重要或你的立场也拥有该好处,或对方立场所谓的好处是有弊端的)。诚然,独自锻炼也有好处,比如时间上更自由,不需要考虑组员的时间安排(Admittedly, exercising alone is more convenient since the schedules of other members do not need to be considered, and thus one can go fitness at anytime.) 但是一个group里人不少,总会有人是有时间一起锻炼的,且正如前文所说的,如果一个人因为枯燥而放弃了放弃或懈怠,那么不管多自由,都是达不到锻炼效果的。而且,和其他成员可以共同计划安排出固定的锻炼时间表一起遵守,这也是很方便的,而且规律的锻炼(a regular exercise)更有效。

14. Which one is the most important factor to help you work productively?

- Having an environment which is free of noise and distractions

- Knowing that you will receive a reward

- Doing something you are interested in


① 知道会有报酬或奖励可以在物质上激发人们工的作激情。(Knowing a potential reward can motivate individuals materially.) 因为人们工作的最基本目是满足物质上的需求(material needs)和追求更好的生活条件(living conditions)。且当今社会,人们的生活成本(living cost/expenses)不断提高,经济压力巨大(huge financial pressure),能够有直接的物质奖励毫无疑问地(undoubtedly)会增加工作动力(working impetus)。比如,生活中很常见的例子,当人们在为某个项目去工作时(when working for a project),如果得知该项目完成后会得到丰厚的报酬(if works know that a rich reward can be received after finishing the project ),那么人们肯定会更快地去完成工作。并且当得知完成效果令客户满意时(moreover, when the result highly satisfies the clients),会提高报酬,那么人们不仅会加快速度完成工作,还会同时保证高质量(a high quality)。所以,在物质奖励的作用下,工作效率必然提高。

② 奖励或报酬不仅在物质上,还会在精神上鼓舞人们。(An reward can also stimulate a person psychologically.)因为人们工作事业发展除了满足了物质需求,还能满足人们的精神需求(spiritual needs),实现个人的社会价值(social value/ value to the society)。得到奖励其实也是一种对人们工作成果和表现的肯定(a recognition of work achievements and performance),会让人们有成就感(sense of achievement/accomplishment)。举例,现在很多公司都会根据个人业绩有年终奖金(year-end bonus),这种奖金的数量的多少是你在同等级同职位的员工中对于公司贡献多少的体现,以及你个人的能力的体现(The amount of this bonus is reflected in how much you contribute to the company in the same level of staff.)。因此,为了获得更高的贡献和能力认可,也就是reward,人们会更努力高效的工作。

③ 让步:诚然,拥有一个安静的工作环境可以使人们更加投入工作不受外界因素干扰,或者人们做自己感兴趣地工作会本能地更加投入,从而提高工作效率。但是,社会环境如此喧闹(bustling),工作环境各千变万化,绝对的安静的环境难以实现;事业发展中,能够和个人兴趣有关的工作实在是非常至少,绝大多数情况都是与兴趣无关。因此这两个条件因素都很难做到,不切实际。且目前,基本上所有的公司都是以奖励的形式去推动员工更加积极工作的。

15. Imagine you need to improve your performance in order to get better grades or higher work payment which way would you choose

-doing more extra work or assignments that are required

-participate more actively or contributing your own idea more frequently in the group discussion

立场:participate more actively or contributing your own idea more frequently in the group discussion

① 提升学习效率。因为会更专注,学习效率会更高

② 在参与讨论的过程中,能够改善自己的不足之处。因为可以从他人身上获得启发,从而取得进步

③ 让步:做更多的作业也确实能够提高成绩,因为能够及时检测自己所获取的知识,从而获得更直接的反馈。但是,当遇到问题时,可能需要花费更多时间,从而耽误了学习进度。此外,心理压力也会增大,焦虑的情绪也会影响学生的成绩。

16. It is as important for older people study and learn new things as younger people.


① For one thing, staying mentally active can help prevent mental disease in populations of older people. (保持不断学习能够预防老年人的脑部疾病的发生。)When you keep your brain engaged, you can build reinforce the connections between brain cells or perhaps even create new ones. This is possibly why mental disease occurs less in populations with higher levels of education. (学习的过程可以加强脑细胞间的活动,甚至创造出新的脑细胞,从而保证了脑部的正常运作。)

② For another thing, continuing to acquire new knowledge will keep elderly individuals emotionally present and connected to the world. (不断学习同时能够帮助老年人跟上世界的发展。)Changes in society can seem to come swiftly and without warning, thus, if they stop trying to learn to use new technologies or grasp new ways of interacting, they will become out of touch with those around them.(世界改变非常迅速,如果不学新的东西就会很快被淘汰。)

③  让步段: Granted, non-stop learning can be tiring and time consuming.(这是一个让步段,简单说明不停的学习的确是比较花费时间和精力的过程,再进行削弱。)

17. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for a teacher to help students to interested in a subject is to explain that subject will help them outside school.


① 开头段:Being a teacher is not an easy job nowadays as being knowledgeable is not enough for someone to be qualified to impart knowledge and skills to younger generations(如今,老师这个工作并不容易,仅仅是自己具备知识还不足以让一个人能够有能力去传授知识和技能). Making students interested in a subject can be a real challenge(让学生真正对一个科目感兴趣并不容易). Despite the opinion among certain people that explaining the practical applications of a subject can cause interest among students(尽管有些人会认为老师解释一门课的课外实际运用能使学生产生学习兴趣), I believe that in more cases, other contributing methods better stimulate(但我认为在更多情况下,其它方法才能更好的促进学生).

② First,有趣的学习过程至关重要。(First, a learning process full of fun is critical.)实际上,并不是所有科目的内容都具备实际使用功能,甚至有些属于纯理论(purely theoretical)型的,有些老师也明白这一点。所以这样的科目,使课堂氛围(an interesting atmosphere in class)更加有趣才是能真正提高学生系兴趣的方式。第一,可以使用多种素材和资源(sing multiple resources),比如videos, music, slide shows or even bringing a special guest for a talk。此外,老师还可以设计游戏和比赛,学生的求胜欲肯定会促进他们对课堂的参与以及提高兴趣(if more games and competitions are created in class, students’ wish to win can definitely accelerate their participation and consequent increasing interest)。举例说明。

③ Second, 改变上课地点也可以很大程度上提高学生学习兴趣(changing the physical location or environment greatly improves students’ interest in learning)。 长期每天从早到晚坐在教室里,对于任何人都是一种煎熬,尤其是对于精力旺盛的学生们(Sitting in a classroom for a whole day, a whole term, is hardly anyone’s ideal day, especially students are young and full of energy)。设置一些实地调研或参观学习(field work or site visit),把学生带出教室,毫无疑问可以使学生焕然一新(refreshed),并且对学习的内容更感兴趣。举例说明。

④ 让步段:确实,强调所学内容的实际用于确实能够让学生理解该科目的重要性,因此提升兴趣(Admittedly, stressing the practical usage of class content would to some extent make students understand the importance of that subject, thus increasing their interest)。 但是,这并没有长期作用(long-term effect)。一门课的实际应用性可能早期能吸引学生,但如果没有丰富有趣的教学内容和模式,学生的兴趣很快就会急剧降低(drop sharply),何况前文说到并不是所有课程都具备实用性。此外,好的老师绝不是简单的告诉学生自己教的内容很有用(qualified teachers is by no means the ones that simply giving some words to students that “this subject is quite practical, which can benefit your life”)。 而是应该仔细地设计课程,考虑更合适、更有创意、更有趣的方法、步骤和细节,让学生真正感兴趣并吸收他们想要给予的东西(They should design classes carefully by thinking about more appropriate, creative and interesting approaches, steps and details to let students really interested in and absorb what they are trying to give)。

18. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For success in school and work, the ability to adapt or adjust to a changing condition or circumstance is more important than having excellent knowledge of a job or in a field of study.

以下是笔者给出参考:支持the ability to adapt or adjust


① First,适应力能够促进交流沟通的能力。Adjustability fosters the ability of communication and cooperation. 环境的变化通常意味着和新的同时伙伴一起学习工作,而在新环境中,你并不熟悉别人,同样,别人也不熟悉你。A changing environment usually means working or studying with new peers,who are not familiar with each other on aspects of personality, ability and quality.当今社会,越来越多的工作学习任务是需要合作的团队项目。An increasing number of businesses have high demand for people who are not only specialists in their fields, but also skilled in social interaction, since tasks are given the need for collaboration. 所以你要具备良好的适应力,能够谦虚耐心的更别人沟通讨论,以及有较好的方式去表达自己的观点态度,相互合作。只有这样才能更好的完成工作。Thus, owning adaptability is crucial as it allows one to modestly and patiently discuss with others and express opinions and attitudes through a proper way. Only this way, tasks in work or study can be well done.

② Second, 适应调整能力能让人有更好的心态去应对学习工作。Well adjusting to a new environment promises a positive mental attitude to face work or study. 新环境有时候也不仅仅是工作学习场所的变化,更甚至是生活环境的变化。In many cases, not only does new cirscumstance mean change of working or studying places but also means different living conditions.这种情况下,良好的适应力能保证一个人的积极应对新生活环境中的变化和困难,从而更好的投入在学习工作中。At this time, favourable adaptability can ensure a person positively response to changes and difficulties in the new living environment, so as to better devote to working or learning. 举例论证,比如留学生活,要保证生活上对文化环境、语言环境甚至是思念家乡等方面的适应。

③ 让步段,虽然具备一定的专业知识也有其重要性,但是,专业知识只是敲门砖,进入社会工作后,其实仍然可以不断地学习,但是适应能力缺乏的话,不能很好的适应,反而会让你失去一些提升自我的机会,更甚至无法生存下去。我们知道,那些适应力差的人往往在学校生活的不快乐,甚至是颓废沮丧。Admittedly, mastering professional knowledge is indeed of great importance. However, the ability in specific field of study or work is merely a stepping stone for most jobs, and after entering practical work, in fact, one can continue to learn new things. In contrast, if graduates cannot adjust to changes between school and real society, they would be passed over for better opportunities and promotions instead. Worse, these young peopole even become discouraged. 所以,生活中我们会发现原本学业上优秀的学生中也有一些人反而在真正的事业发展中表现得并不好Some of the academically successful students do not perform well in their real careers。

19. High school teachers (teachers of students ages 14-18) spend most of class time lecturing (speaking) while the students listen and take notes. Other high school teachers spend most of class time on discussion and projects that students are highly involved in and exchange their ideas. Which of these two approaches do you think is more effective for student learning and why?

解题思路:spend most of class time on discussion and projects that students are highly involved in and exchange their ideas

有利于培养学生的创造性(cultivate creativity)。因为在小组讨论中,学生只能依靠自己和同学的知识、经验去解决问题,而不是依靠老师给予的建议,可以让孩子提出一些有创造力的解决方案(come up with innovative solutions)。对比论证:然而,如果学生知识一味地听课和记笔记,填压式的教育(force-feed education)会让孩子死记硬背(learn things by rote),扼杀(stifle)她们的想象力和创造力。

‚讨论学习的方式可以让孩子更有动力去获取知识(be motivated to acquire knowledge)。因为和同龄人(peers)一起讨论、合作去解决问题会让学生觉得很轻松愉快,同学之间也可以相互鼓励学习,从而提升了同学们学习的士气(lift morale)举例论证

ƒ让步段 :确实,听老师上课和记笔记能让学生再学习上更专注,也能在短时间内获得准确的知识。但是,长时间的听课和记笔记会让学生失去思考能力,扼杀他们的想象力、创造力;除此之外,长时间的听课和记笔记会让学生感到疲惫,打压学生学习的积极性(sap one’s enthusiasm)

20. Which one is the most important for high school teachers? (students aged 15 to 18)

-The ability to give advice about planning for future.

-The ability to recognize students that need help.

-The ability to encourage students to learn on their own outside the classroom.

解题思路:The ability to give advice about planning for future

① 首先,具备给学生规划未来建议的能力可以让学生和老师之间的关系更加亲密(intimate)。因为这个年龄阶段的学生处于青春期(adolescence),想法会比较偏激、新奇(radical ideas),如果老师具备了这种能力,就意味着老师需要充分地去了解学生,了解他们的想法和喜好,给出一些适合学生的建议,从而可以加强师生关系。举例论证

② 其次,具备给学生规划未来建议的能力可以让老师的思想和行为更加与时俱进(up-to-date ideas)。社会在不停的发展,不同的时期的职业规划也不尽相同,具备给学生做规划未来的这种能力,意味着老师需要了解社会发展的需求,了解更多新的信息,从而让老师的思想和行为保持先进。举例论证

③ 让步段:承认其他两个选项的好处+反驳:其他两个选项固然好,但是有缺陷

21. A/D It is a waste of money for governments to fund the space travel or space explorations.

It recent decades, hundreds of satellites and spaceships have blasted into space. Governments have spend a great deal of money on space research, but people hold diverse perspective on it. Some believe that it is meaningful to invest in space exploration, while others consider it totally unnecessary. As I see it, it is unwise to spend much money on space exploration; rather, governments should devote money to settle the issues that are more related to people’s daily life.

To begin with, governments should invest heavily in infrastructure, conforming to the interests of the majorities. People, in current society, can hardly live without infrastructure. The more developed the infrastructure is, the more benefits each individual could enjoy. For example, governments are supposed to provide citizens with an advanced system of public transportation. However, in most urban areas, the development of cities and the increase of vehicle ownership have led to frequent traffic congestion. If governments could invest more in the optimization of traffic network and the improvement of road-building, traffic problems can be solved efficiently. Similarly, investment in medical facilities also has favorable outcomes. Advanced medical facilities offer patients effective treatment, thus protecting people from fatal diseases and decreasing the death rate. Therefore, the improvement of infrastructure is conducive to every citizen.  

In addition, the social sector also deserves more funds. For any country, an efficient social program improves the living standard of the public and thus contributes to the prosperity of the country’s economy. Take the United States as an example. During the Great Depression, people on the States suffered from poverty and hunger due to the unemployment. In order to improve people’s living conditions, President Franklin Roosevelt, along with his government, focused on providing a reliable social security program for citizens. By offering economic aid to the poor and the old, people were gradually relieved of the extreme poverty. Also, by establishing the Tennessee Valley and the Civilian Conservation Crops, the unemployment rate was significantly decreased. Due to these social programs. The economy of the United States revived. Hence, it is of great significance to emphasize social security development.

It is not to say that we should totally ignore the significance of the space exploration. In fact, the level of the development of the space exploration is the reflection of a country’s international status. However, it is far from life of the majority of people. Residents in the country cannot expect any immediate benefits, due to the fact that space exploration is nothing but long-term and unpredictable. For instance, although the Soviet Union put great efforts in developing space programs in the last century, its economy still stagnated and its residents still faced difficulties in their daily life.

To sum up, given that funding infrastructure and social programs greatly benefit all citizens as well as the nation, it is natural to draw the conclusion that governments should spend money on these sectors instead of space space exploration.

22. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is difficult for teachers to be both popular (students like them) and effective to help students learning.


① At first glance,being popular contradicts with the effectiveness of teaching.因为老师们想要popular among students,往往都不会太严格(strict)。It is understandable that a student tend to keep teachers at arm’s length(跟老师保持距离)if their teacher keeps a poker face all day long and sets strict rules in class.所以反过来说如果老师为了please students at the expense of being serious,那么the boundary between students and the teacher may be  blurred.因此no wonder会有人质疑(suspect)学生一旦跟老师熟悉起来,那么他们上课时可能就不会把老师的要求当回事儿(take… seriously)这自然就会影响老师的正常教学也会影响学生的学习质量。However, when we take a closer look at this issue, 会发现想要同时做到popular和effectively conduct class并不是那么困难。

② 首先,老师们在设计自己的课堂的时候要充分结合学生的兴趣,将看似枯燥的学术知识(academic knowledge)用新颖(novel)有趣的方式表现出来。比如通过视频技术来给学生演示细胞发育成生命体的过程;让学生动手设计实验,自己去验证自己的想法,在讲解比较枯燥的数学公式时,题目的难度要设计的有针对性,不能一下子就难住学生而导致学生太挫败(frustrated),这样能让学生感受到学习的乐趣,老师也自然能在gain popularity的同时有效地进行了教学。

③ 其次,合理的课堂管理规则也可以让老师同时实现这两个目标。让学生多参与就是一种非常好的方法。比如老师在第一次上课时就让学生一起讨论并制定课堂好规则,跟学生确定好惩罚与奖励措施,并且可以给学生权利来自我管理。这样学生一方面能够感受到自己被尊重被重视,所以自然就会对老师更加尊敬,另外老师的课堂目标也能很容易地实现。

23. Which do you prefer? An interesting and challenging job with less vacation or a job with more vacation time but less fun.

1. 个人发展- 天花板高, vacation被浪费

2. 放松形式- challenge带来的满足,放松形式不仅局限于vacation

3. 让步- 看起来轻松,实际工作量大并且疲惫压力大

解题思路: More vacation time can provide people more opportunities to enjoy their mental lives.

① 人们有更多机会体验不同事物(First of all, people can have the chances to experience a lot of different things at their vacation time. An increasing number of people begin to have a distant trip in their vacations. It will be an unforgettable and special experience for me to have a close contact with the nature and learn more about the local culture and history of that region, which can expand my horizons and knowledge.)

② 在工作之前完全的休息好非常重要(In addition, there is a growing aware about how important it is to get full-relaxed before we go back to work. Besides doing sports, listening to music, watching movies or doing some other things are all good forms of relaxation. Those can refresh our mind from long-time brain work so that we can work even more efficiently and actively after the vacations.)

③ 假期时光也能更好地帮助我们经营家庭(Finally, another equally crucial aspect is that more holiday time are needed for us to reunite with our families. The working people really need to have more time to communicate with their families, so a long vacation time is required.)

24. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend more money on art museums and music performance centers than on recreational facilities(like playgrounds, public swimming pool).


① Art museums and music performance centers可以给当地政府带来持续稳定且数目可观的收入(a source of steady and considerable income)。解释:这些场地可以用来举办各类艺术展和明星演唱会, which is attractive to not only local residents but also tourists and fans from other places.

② 比起public recreational facilities, art museums and music performance centers能够带来更多的就业岗位(employment positions)。解释:这些场馆需要长期的管理和工作人员(long-term staffs to manage and maintain)。并且,展览和演唱会等活动的不断举办也会促进相关产业的发展(stimulate the development of relevant industries)。

让步:诚然,constructing recreational facilities is also beneficial to citizens, 比如,确实public swimming pools and playgrounds provide easy access for citizens to participate in sport activities and to relax with a lower price。但是art museum and music centers benefit both the public and the government。并且,人们在看exhibition 和 music performance的时候不仅也可以得到很好的放松,还能acquire more cultural knowledge, improve their aesthetic appreciation。

25. Which do you prefer? Some people would like to upload pictures and other information on social networking websites, while others do not like to create such records.


As Internet technology advances at an accelerating rate, social networking is no longer a fresh word to modern people. Allegedly, net citizens all over the world upload a sea of information onto various social networking websites every day. This phenomenon triggers a heated debate on whether it is proper to create personal information on social media. Personally speaking, there is nothing wrong with this practice. Instead, it brings lots of benefits to both individuals and society. Reasons and examples are given below.

For individuals, uploading personal information on social networking websites is an important way to enhance interpersonal relationship. Inarguably, we will feel it is interesting to learn about what is happening to our friends by browsing information they posted on social media, including texts, pictures, and videos. They must feel the same way when checking out ours. This kind of interaction shortens the distance between friends, even between strangers. Every time I travel to a beautiful place, I will take many pictures and post everything I like about it on Twitter and Facebook. Minutes later, I will receive lots of my friends’ comments, which is indeed an effective social interaction.

For society, positive information posted onto social media encourages more people to take actions to make the world a better place. With the help of social networking, a tiny good idea coming from an individual stands a fair chance to spark up the whole society’s passion. Recently, starting from unknown sources, an activity called “smile challenge” has dominated Chinese Internet environment. The activity demands participants to post the pictures of the challenger’s smile and their own smile online and pass the challenge on. Aiming to arouse the public’s awareness of children suffering from cleft lip and palate, this activity soon gets support from all walks of life.

Granted, uploading personal pictures and other information on social networking websites can have some downsides. For instance, the security of our personal information will be put at risk, since our home address and telephone numbers may be exposed unconsciously. However, as long as we pay extra attention to what we decide to up load and make sure that the information does not involve anything related to our or others’ privacy, there is nothing to be worried about.

In short, it is totally appropriate to upload pictures and other information onto the social networking websites. Facing the advent of the age of social networking, we should learn to embrace it instead of running away from it, even though minor problems do exist.(429w)

26. Students should be encouraged to study fields like science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) rather than what they have interested in.


Education is one of the keywords of this age since it has an overall impact on people’s quality of life, both intellectually and financially. However, people’s view’s differ greatly as to which should be the priority of academic pursuit, to study the STEM subjects or to focus on subjects that interest them. As I see it, choosing to specialize in one’s favorite courses is more commendable.

To begin with, opting for the courses that greatly interest the students will drive them to achieve higher goals. When students’ motivation is stimulated by the subject exerting a special fascination on them, they are likely to spend more time on it and accomplish better academic performance. According to a recent study conducted by the Society of Developmental Psychology, primary-school students would spend approximately three more hours each week on subjects they are interested in than on other subjects, and score about 10% higher correspondingly. This trend is valid when it comes to high-school students. As revealed by a research of Rice University, over 95% of the students who had won award in the state math competition have demonstrated their interest in math at an early age. Therefore, students who are interested in the classes they are taking are more likely to have better academic performance.

Besides, learning subjects that students are interested in can do a better job in helping them secure a decent job. Under such a society full of fierce competition, it is the professional skills people own that make them stand out. Only when people select the field they are passionate about, can they establish a solid foundation of specific knowledge and skills in this field. My cousin Anthony’s experience can well illustrate this point. Fascinated by medicine, he started reading a mass of articles and books about the discipline since an early age. After entering the Ph.D. program of Medicine at Yale, he constantly stood out among his peers in his knowledge about medicine. Because of his preeminence, he was immediately employed by one of the best medical companies after graduation. Till now, he is the reading in the company and earns a high payment. Hence, learning courses catering to students’ interest can better improve their competence, thus increasing their likelihood of securing a decent job.

Granted, courses like science, technology, engineering, and math are technical, most of which can be applied in solving real-world issues. However, technically oriented classes do not serve as an impetus for learning, a stimulus for growth, or a trigger for action. Instead, fields that interest students encourage them to learn more and perform better, thus guaranteeing students a competitive edge to ensure future jobs opportunities.

To sum up, given the discussion above, we can firmly draw the conclusion that it is better to study subjects that interest the students, in term of making them have a better grasp of their knowledge and find a suitable job. (495w)

27. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Honesty is the most important thing to consider in deciding whom to vote for, when you are electing a student leader for a student organization or a club.


Student organization is on longer a fresh word to students, which opens the door to a colorful campus life.when it comes to electing a leader for a student organizing, there are usually many factors to be taken into account. Some people claim that honesty is the most important one. However, in my opinion, that is a biased assertion because some qualities weigh more than honesty. I am going to highlight two qualities in the following paragraphs.

Firstly, the candidate’s coordination ability is vital importance. In order to accomplish the goal of student organization,the leader should be good at taking advantage of all kinds of resources including manpower, materials and funds. For example, my brother is in charge of a popular photography club in his university. His excellent coordination ability helps the club grow stronger. He once led his dream to hold an on-campus photography exhibition, which was very well received. Not only did he manage to mobilize all members to pitch in, but also he raised enough sponsorship fees from some enterprises.

Secondly, leading by example is another necessary quality for a leader. Inarguably, students are nowadays confronted with tremendous pressure from study and other personal issues to take care of. It is indeed difficult for them to sacrifice their personal interests for engagement in tasks of student organizations. If a leader lacks the spirit of sacrifice and cares about himself more them the organizing, on one is willing to do his ore her part. In contrast, if a leader burns the midnight oil to design activity plans, and work harder than anyone else, rather than bosses around in activity site, his dream members’ passion must be ignited. Therefore, it is of vital significance for a leader to develop the quality of leading by example.

Admittedly, I am not denying the importance of being honest. It is true that an honest leader, who always gives people a sense of security, stands a fair chance to be trusted by his team members. However, as a personal virtue, honesty cannot work as a driving force to the development of an organization. In this sense, it is arbitrary and unilateral to conclude that honesty is the most important factor to be consider in electing a leader for a student organization.

In conclusion, when I am helping to elect the future student leader from candidates, I do not agree that honesty should come first. In order to leader the team to a greater achievement, a leader should possess more important qualities, such as coordination ability and spirit of sacrifice. (428w)

28. Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders.


It is commonly acknowledged that the salary one receives represents the value of one’s work. For example, in the modern society, those with advanced degrees, such as scientific researchers and surgeons, are significantly better paid than those exerting themselves physically, such as construction workers. Recently, however, some people argue that teachers are doing very meaningful work and they deserve to be paid as well as doctors, lawyers, and businessmen. Personally, I cannot agree more with this statement.

To start with, a decent paycheck will be conducive to the teachers’ passion towards teaching. Teachers spend weeks reading books, studying materials, and doing research so that they could be well-prepared for the class. Right after the class ends, there will be tons of questions from the students and pieces of homework waiting to be graded. These all require great patience, persistence, and specialized knowledge. However, if teachers begin to feel that they get exhausted for such a small paycheck, they will lose those good qualities while teaching students and thus lead to a reduction in the quality of education our children receive, which, without doubt, is harmful to the country’s future. Hence, when teachers are offered higher salaries, they will be more willing to finish their work with higher quality since they can feel the appreciation and recognition to their jobs through the raise.

Additionally, raising teachers’ salaries can help produce a more educated and competent workforce. When teachers receive a salary as much as lawyers and doctors, it sends a positive message to elites in the universities who are currently choosing their future path. In the past days, they would not hesitate to go for more profitable jobs, but this new policy would offer them an incentive to take a career in education into consideration. With more capable people working at the school, students will receive a better education and contribute to a greater country.

Naturally, some may argue that teachers’ importance could not equal to that of life-saving duties in the emergency room or evidence-siting moments in the courtroom, but upon taking a deeper look into the issue, we will find out that education is just equally, if not even more crucial, than any other field. It is hard to imagine how our children will turn out if they are guided by teachers who do not take pride in what they do. Good teachers not only impart knowledge, but also pass on positive values to the next generation. They help juvenile delinquent get back on the right track, inspire introverts who show promise in painting to pursue arts, and encourage all the students to be valuable to the society. Therefore, if you say doctors and lawyers are working for the present, then teachers are working for a country’s future. Whether the future is bright or not all depends in their efforts.

All in all, teachers deserve equality high salaries as their counterparts in other fields like businessmen and doctors for the benefits of their own self-esteem and for the sake of the whole society’s future. (516w)

29. Students nowadays are more interested in politics than in the past.


Politics has always been a very important aspect of our modern society as it deals with matters related to the general well-being of a nation’s as well as world peace. However, it has been conventionally conceived that, students, especially teenage students, are excluded from anything political, while one could make that argument a few years ago, it would be immediately contradicted in recent years for the following reasons.

First of all, thanks to the accelerating development of communication technologies , students now have easier access to an abundance of political news and information with a few taps on their screen. In the past, it could take several hours for reporters to collect information, conduct interviewers and eventually publish an article in the news paper or play a footage on the television. In recent years, due to the popularization of smart phones and supplementary wireless communication at a reasonable price, it only takes a few minutes to write a short review or comment on a recent event, which could be instantaneously reviewed by the public. Nowadays, anyone can download a CNN or BBC app on their phone within a few minutes and peruse the breaking news and analysis of current political situation in the politics section. Without abundant information, students’ interest in a certain subject can never be piqued, so the convenience of fetching political news has contributed the students’ growing interests in this subject.

Second of all, politics and education are becoming more involved and interconnected. This means that the events and activities in the political world are exerting a stronger influence on the academic aspect of the students’ daily lives, which mandates that students be more concerned with the updates of both local and global politics. In the past, without the correlation between politics and academic activities, instead of paying more focus on politics, students only were inclined to strive for higher grades. For example, the Obama administration recognized that a global tendency towards a spur in demand of employees in professions related to science and technology, and immediately advocated a new focus of education, namely STEM education. Under the general policy coming from the White House, the public and private schools across the United States have devoted more resources into STEM related courses and have organized extracurricular activities accordingly. This change has had a huge impact on students’ daily lives in that they might be wondering why the science courses have become more important and perhaps increased in quantity and intensity. This has reminded the students to pay more attention to the political world.

In a nutshell, I do believe that recent years have seen an increase in students’ interests in the political world, induced by the advancement of communication technology, increased connection between politics and education, and the globalization. (469w)

30. Visiting museums is the best way to learn about a country.


The critical significance of museums has been universally acknowledged, especially for the history and culture embedded in each exhibit. With such consensus, some people believe that if one wants to explore a country, visiting museums is the perfect approach. Nevertheless, to me, claiming a visit to museums as the “best”way to learn about a country seems to be an overstatement, since there are several other ways that are equally helpful to further one’s understanding of a country, such as reading news and arranging a home stay.

Admittedly, what we gain from museums is a better grasp of the historical development and cultural background of the country we are visiting, which are two essential factors that shape the country we see today. A typical example would be the Palace Museum, which is one of the most comprehensive museums in China. Through the collection of treasures of Ming and Qing dynasties, not only do we acquire a deeper understanding of the history of China hundreds of years ago, but we also gain an insight into Chinese cultures and its traditional customs. All of these serve as useful tools in helping us to know more about China from historical and cultural aspects. However, there are also other parts of China waiting for us to discover, and they simply cannot be learned from museums.

When we want to learn about the recent progress of a country, visiting museums can become quite ineffective; rather, it is reading news that provides us with current updates. Any information about current economic, political, business and social affairs of a country can easily be found from any newspaper, which enable us to form a holistic view of a nation. As the Internet becomes increasingly popular, knowing more about a country through online news and news apps is even more convenient and cost-effective, especially compared to the cost and effort required by visiting museums. Just by a click of “region-U.S.” on CNN’s website, I am able to view all the information regarding the United States. Just by a keyword search on the website of BBC, within five seconds I am able to find the specific event of Britain that I desire to know. Just by a glance at the cover page of China Daily, I am able to form a general impression of the recent development of China. Accordingly, reading news is as helpful as visiting museums in terms of learning about a country; the former may even be better due to its apparent convenience.

Furthermore, another way to obtain a detailed understanding of a country is to fully immerse into its environment and become a part of local community, which can be effectively accomplished by arranging a home stay. Staying in locals’ house empowers us to learn about the lives of people there and truly experience their culture and traditions. Unlike passively receiving the overwhelming information from museums, home stay is an excellent opportunity to absorb knowledge actively that tends to last longer in our memories. I have personally visited over ten museums, whereas by the moment I stepped out of the building, all the description I just read faded away. The situation was completely the opposite when I was living in an American’s house for a week, from which I participated in the arrangement of Christmas party, listened to the story of the Grinch and the ancient tales of Christmas, and truly realized the importance of Christmas in details. Therefore, visiting museums obviously cannot be stated as the “best” way to understand a country, since it lacks the features of interaction and involvement that are unique in a home stay.

In conclusion, though visiting museums is a good method to learn about a country, it is never the best approach, as reading news and scheduling a home stay are helping individuals to acquire further understanding of a country at least to the same extent, if not more. (663w)
