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2019 年4月朗阁新托福口语考题预测



Question 1  Describe one way to improve the education system in your country. Explain

why this way will be important. Include reasons and examples to support

your response.

Question 2  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Gifts that people

make by themselves are more meaningful than those bought in the stores.

Question 3  Reading part  Listening part


The university launches a Clean

Campus program, an

announcement to call students to

participate in and clean the

campus by groups. After the

activity, there will be a social



The man holds a positive idea.

1. The activity can not only make the

campus clean but also draw the

students' environmental awareness.

2. The following dinner is super cool,

which can attract more volunteers, and

they can socialize and enjoy the food

and music.

Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.

Question 4  Reading part  Listening part


emotion display(情绪表达规则):

It  means  the  expression  of

emotion depends on the society in

which we are live in.


The professor uses an example of his

4-year-old daughter. She had a

birthday party. Prior to the party,

parents told her that she should hide

her negative emotion when she did not

like the gift received. Her grandmother

gave her cute clothes as a gift. But the

girl did not like it and felt disappointed.

Before her negative emotion became

too obvious, her mother said the

clothes were very cute. The girl

suddenly realized that she should say

thank you to grandmother and she did


Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5  【学生困难】The girl is attending a play, but she’s busy with her school

work, so she’s afraid that attending the play might influence her academic



The student has two solutions:

The first one is to drop the play. But she’s majoring in theater, and she is not

attending the play just for fun, it’s beneficial for her career.

The second one is to drop some of the required classes and take them next


Question: 女生遇到什么困难,在两种解决方案中,你认为哪种好?

Question 6  【讲课要点】

People like hiking, walking around or viewing scenery in forests and create

paths. However, these actions may affect plants and animals. There are two

ways to protect the natural environment from disturbance while allowing

tourists to visit the nature.

1. Separating human from the environment by building trails; tourists are

only allowed to walk along the trails;

2. Limiting the size of the visiting group and restrict number of tourists per

day. Only small groups with a guide are allowed. For example, assign a tour

guide for a small group of tourists to reduce the impact on the environment.



Question 1  Some universities will ask students to evaluate their professors at the end of

the semester. Talk about the advantages or disadvantages of this policy.

Question 2  Some people prefer to travel by car, while others prefer to travel by public

transportation such as bus. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific

reasons and examples to support your response.

Question 3  Reading part  Listening part


The university will prohibit riding

bicycles on campus next


1. Because there could be


2. Instead, the school would

provide free bus service.


The woman disagrees with the policy.

1. Accidents happen at night.

2. It’ll be inconvenient if students don’t

ride bicycles, plus free buses are not


Question: Explain the woman’s opinion and why she holds that opinion.

Question 4  Reading part  Listening part


Short-term memory: a temporary

storage of information.

1. decay (not being used)

2. interference (new information)


For example, you are out with your

classmate and you want to dial

someone’s cell phone’s number which

you don’t know. So you ask you

classmate and call your friend. But

after two hours when your friend are

not with you, since the number has not

been used after that, you couldn’t

remember and recall the number again

because it has faded away. That’s


The professor uses his own

experience to illustrate interference.

He went to the bookstore and made a

list of the books he wanted, but he

forgot to take it with him and left it in

his car, but he thought he could remind

himself of the books listed. However,

when he ran into his friend in the

bookstore and talked for a while, all he

could remember is the book his friend

mentioned that was quite interesting.

The new information interfered with the

original one. That’s interference.

Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5  【学生困难】

The man lent his mathematic book to his friend Ted, but the book got ruined,

all soaked out when left outside.


The woman suggests two possible solutions.

The first one is to ask Ted to buy a new copy for him. But it’s very expensive.

The second one is to use the copy in the library as the professor put the

material on reserved for them. But he can only read the book in the library.

Question: 男生遇到什么困难,有两种解决方案中,你认为哪种好?

Question 6  【讲课要点】

Two types of animal groups that gather together for the purpose of


The first one is complex group in which there are a lot of social interactions

among group members. For example, a group of elephants, if an elephant

gets injured, other elephants will take care of him, give him food and water,

and nurse him to help him heal and recover.

The second one is simple group in which there tend to be little interactions.

For example, a group of fish, even though they gather together for

protection, they don’t really know each other. One fish even couldn’t

recognize the fish that is next to him. They don’t interact with each other.
