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讨论pine trees对抗beetles的三种方法。(旧题,重复2012年2月25日)



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For success in school and work, the ability to adapt or adjust to a changing condition or circumstance is more important than having excellent knowledge of a job or in a field of study.(旧题,重复2012年9月23日) 




阅读:提出松树(pine trees)对抗甲壳虫(beetles)的三种方法


2.松树可以在被虫子蛀掉的hole里分泌一种树液sap, flush out the pine tree beetles with sap;

自然火灾会烧掉一些成年树,给小树生长的机会,小树可以得到sunlight, 而虫子一般只吃成年树,所以不会造成太大危害。


听力:人类活动对这三点的削弱,导致pine tree forests现在更加脆弱

1. human activities导致气候变暖,气温上升7-10度,冬天虫子数量比过去大增;

2. pine trees产生树液需要吸收水,而人类用掉了一部分地下水,导致树木用来制造树液的水不足,所以无法产生足够的sap,也就无法冲走虫子;

3. forest management使得人们都在prevent or minimize森林大火,老树烧不掉,新树没有空间生长,森林整体抵御病虫害的能力变差。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For success in school and work, the ability to adapt or adjust to a changing condition or circumstance is more important than having excellent knowledge of a job or in a field of study.题型:利弊分析类题型

以下是笔者给出参考:支持the ability to adapt or adjust


First,适应力能够促进交流沟通的能力。Adjustability fosters the ability of communication and cooperation. 环境的变化通常意味着和新的同时伙伴一起学习工作,而在新环境中,你并不熟悉别人,同样,别人也不熟悉你。A changing environment usually means working or studying with new peers,who are not familiar with each other on aspects of personality, ability and quality.当今社会,越来越多的工作学习任务是需要合作的团队项目。An increasing number of businesses have high demand for people who are not only specialists in their fields, but also skilled in social interaction, since tasks are given the need for collaboration. 所以你要具备良好的适应力,能够谦虚耐心的更别人沟通讨论,以及有较好的方式去表达自己的观点态度,相互合作。只有这样才能更好的完成工作。Thus, owning adaptability is crucial as it allows one to modestly and patiently discuss with others and express opinions and attitudes through a proper way. Only this way, tasks in work or study can be well done.


Second, 适应调整能力能让人有更好的心态去应对学习工作。Well adjusting to a new environment promises a positive mental attitude to face work or study. 新环境有时候也不仅仅是工作学习场所的变化,更甚至是生活环境的变化。In many cases, not only does new circumstance mean change of working or studying places but also means different living conditions.这种情况下,良好的适应力能保证一个人的积极应对新生活环境中的变化和困难,从而更好的投入在学习工作中。At this time, favourable adaptability can ensure a person positively response to changes and difficulties in the new living environment, so as to better devote to working or learning. 举例论证,比如留学生活,要保证生活上对文化环境、语言环境甚至是思念家乡等方面的适应。


让步段,虽然具备一定的专业知识也有其重要性,但是,专业知识只是敲门砖,进入社会工作后,其实仍然可以不断地学习,但是适应能力缺乏的话,不能很好的适应,反而会让你失去一些提升自我的机会,更甚至无法生存下去。我们知道,那些适应力差的人往往在学校生活的不快乐,甚至是颓废沮丧。Admittedly, mastering professional knowledge is indeed of great importance. However, the ability in specific field of study or work is merely a stepping stone for most jobs, and after entering practical work, in fact, one can continue to learn new things. In contrast, if graduates cannot adjust to changes between school and real society, they would be passed over for better opportunities and promotions instead. Worse, these young people even become discouraged. 所以,生活中我们会发现原本学业上优秀的学生中也有一些人反而在真正的事业发展中表现得并不好Some of the academically successful students do not perform well in their real careers。




1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Rather than help their children do school work, parents should encourage their children to do work independently.

2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend more money on art museums and music performance centers than on recreational facilities(like playgrounds, public swimming pool).
